It’s a recap of 2012 by the numbers and my hard working and underpaid legion of analytically super-minds were able to wrangle data from the interwebs and piece together the top 10 most visited posts of 2012. So, according to the data:


Thin Mint Trifles
Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake
Banana Bread in a Mug
Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos
Big Batch Chili

5_1 Lasagna Soup
Banana Bread with Nutella Swirl
S’mores Bars
Tollhouse Pie
Chicken Marsala

And now for my top ten. Looking back over the year, these are the recipes that I most loved – not because they were necessarily the tastiest, but some because they required effort. Some Because they made me explore new boundaries. And maybe one or two because they made my inner carnivore grin. 😉


Smorrebrod – This one is was just plain pretty. An open faced fish sandwich I would have never tried if it weren’t for SRC.

Sticky Toffee Pudding – I had never heard of Sticky Toffee Pudding until a friend of ours shared her recipe from England. And we were hooked. This may be my favorite ‘cake like’ recipe from here n out.

Cramberry-Cherry Pie – Pie – I would have NEVER made pie. First, I don’t like fruit. Second, pie just seems scary. But after taking on a month long challenge of pie making, I see now that I blew it way out of proportion. Making pie is well… easy as pie. 😉 (super cheesy, I know).

Corned Beef and Cabbage – this is one of those recipes I would have never tried if it weren’t for the blog, but omg was it good.

 Caramel Apple Brandy Gelato – Did you see that above comment where I mention that I don’t like fruit. Or pie. Yeah. Well, this breaks all of those rules. Just make it. Trust me.

Chorizo Tacos – oh snap. These were freakin delicious.

Best Ever Barbecue Ribs – No lie.

Eclairs – Eclairs were one of those baking challenges I had on my list for the year. I started early in they day and was so happy with the results. I think every aspiring baker should conquer eclairs from scratch.

Tortas Ahogada – Oh sweet Baby Jesus… I love me some Mexican food. This was a full day in the kitchen worth of food. And I fat kid-ed out with way too many taste tests.

Pulled Pork Cornbread Waffles –  Easily my favorite creation of 2012. I mean seriously, pork, barbecue, corn bread waffles. Damn. After a long bike ride, this was the fuel I needed to get my game face back on. And get it on I did.

So, that was 2012…. Exciting, I know. Now lets kick off one hell of a year in 2013. I have some major surprises in store for you. Promise.




  1. So many yummy recipes, I want to try them all! Especially those pulled pork cornbread waffles – wow! I can see why they came out as number 1. Being English I find it kinda weird you’d never heard of sticky toffee pudding though! Glad that’s been rectified 🙂 Happy New Year!

  2. What a delicious looking year! Here’s to a great 2013, looking forward to the surprises!

  3. Beautiful photos, gorgeous food, my what a year! I’ve got to try those cornbread waffles with pulled pork, that has to be amazing! Happy New Year!

  4. Lots of good in this round-up, but where’s the bad and the ugly? 🙂 Seriously, though, these recipes all look totally amazing… can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for 2013. Happy New Year!

    PS – I’m now seriously craving sticky toffee pudding, which is kind of a problem, since I’m supposed to be eating healthy for the next few weeks to make up for all the junk I ate during the holidays. Dang.

  5. Love your top recipes visited and your own picks!! You are quite the awesome cook and blogger 🙂

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