Last week I got to be a kid again. And it was awesome. My dad and I spent the day in Philly, going to the zoo eating out and seeing a concert. It was a blast. I didn’t work, worry about emails, or wonder what was happening on twitter. I was walking around a zoo making sure we didn’t miss anything and pouting because the rhino refused to turn around – for hours. Giant rhino booty does not a good picture make. 

(These pics were all taken with my Tameron Lens – seriously, great investment for a walk around lens. The pics are compressed to fit them on here but I couldn’t be happier with the quality for what I spent on the lens). 

There was a mechanical bull at the place my father and I ate dinner – the fish tacos I got to enjoy without worrying about what my boyfriend was having for dinner, were delicious. And for a band that has been around since my father was a kid – Rush puts on one heck of a show! I was a little stressed about spending the day with my dad, as it’s not some thing we do very often, but I had a blast and can’t wait til our next daddy daughter day.

I’m full grown and lived on my own for quite some time, but to those of you with kids – to those of you who are kids – make time to spend with your family. It’s been great for my father and I as we have gotten older and we are closer then we have ever been. It’s a relationship I am blessed to have and I can’t imagine not having these memories. Work will always be there. Bills will always need to be paid. Shit will always be falling apart. Make the time because when nothing else matters – these moments will.


This maple stack cake was another day off moment for me. A close friend of the family invited us all over for a BBQ. We brought the dog and everyone pitched in and brought something. I brought the lopsided cake (a product of Handsome helping out in the kitchen and turning the oven off before the cake was done baking….>.>). But hey, it was yummy!


Maple Stack Cake

from Cooks Country November 2012


  • 1 1/2 cup flour
  • 2 teas pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 teas baking powder
  • 1 teas baking soda
  • 1 teas salt
  • 1 3/4 cups sugar
  • 8 tbs unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 15 oz can pumpkin puree
  • 1 1/2 cup heavy cream, chilled
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup walnut or pecans, toasted and chopped


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 2 8″ round cake pans, line with parchment paper, and grease the parchment paper. Flour the pans and knock out any extra flour.

Whisk flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, soda, and salt together in a medium bowl.

Using a stand mixer, with the paddle attachment, beat the brown sugar, butter, and eggs on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Reduce the speed to low, add pumpkin and mix until combined. Carefully add the flour mixture until just incorporated.

Spread 1/4 of the batter (about 1 cup) in an even layer in both prepared pans. Bale until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 12 – 14 minutes. Let cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Turn out cake and peel of parchment. Cool completely.

Re-prep pans and repeat with remaining batter.

Whip the cream and maple sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer on medium speed until stiff peeks form, about 3 minutes.

Place 2 cake layer on a cake plate, spread 1/4 of the whipped cream over the top. Place another layer on top and repeat until complete.



(sorry for the bad image quality – no fancy cameras allowed inside so this was taken with my cell phone)


  1. Doesn’t matter how old we get – always fun to have dad around at the zoo! Beautiful cake….

  2. What a nice day you had! The pictures are beautiful. I like that the cake is a bit lopsided. It makes it rustic looking.

  3. I recently had my parents over for brunch; I agree that as kids, it’s always important to remember our parents miss us and like to hear from us from time to time. It was an excellent afternoon!

    Also, this cake looks faaaabuloooous. I love that your cake is a little crooked- it makes me feel like there’s still hope for me yet! 😀 Flavors aside, the look of it reminds me of the Chocolate Peanut Butter “Ugly Cake” I made this summer. Delicious, but a little wonky. ^_^

  4. So fun! Never too old for the zoo. And good to know about the lens…I need a new ‘play’ lens. And stunning cake, Kita!

  5. I love going to the zoo! Great animal pics. And I love your cake and how simple it is. No fancy schmancy frosting, I should totally do more cakes like this. Then give them away so I don’t eat it all…

  6. This stack! Oh the layers! I love pumpkin cake AND i love frosting and love the abundance of it here. Tons to go around! And what a great concert pic! I havent been to a big concert like that in….ages!

  7. Loving all the pumpkin recipes lately! This looks wicked good, and an awesome cream-to-cake ratio 🙂

  8. I love spending time with my Daddy. I am lucky that he and I have such a close and good relationship. He loves Rush, so I probably shouldn’t tell him that you went to that he would be jealous without even knowing you haha. The pics of the zoo are great, I have to be honest that I didn’t enjoy the Philly zoo when I went about 10 years ago. The cages were so small for the bigger animals it was sad. Hopefully it is better now.

    Your cake stack looks pumpkiny and delicious!

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