Eggnog sugar cookies are one of the easiest Christmas cookies to make for the holiday season. They can be cut out into any shape you like, and decorating them is so much fun!

Eggnog sugar cookies are one of the easiest Christmas cookies to make for the holiday season. |

There is a mountain of presents in the middle of being wrapped, all the grocery shopping is done (I hope), and the stockings are all set to be hung. I’m taking a moment to unwind a minute and watch a little bit of The Santa Claus 3. I was expecting to be doing this with an additional 90 pounds of energy running about, but sadly, Gouda won’t be spending the holidays with us.

So let’s have a little holiday run down for everyone who may be interest.

If not, skip ahead to the recipe for the tasty eggnog sugar cookies recipe below.

Eggnog sugar cookies are one of the easiest Christmas cookies to make for the holiday season. |

Pre-Christmas thoughts

  • I still have two presents to buy… Crap
  • Secretly, I want to see that Matt Damon film about owning  a zoo. Not sure why.
  • I have no expectations for Christmas so I am really excited about what Santa may bring me. I know, I’m like 5. No matter what I get though, it’s going to be a surprise.
  • Does all the holiday prep make you lazy when it comes to real food? I totally bought hot links for tomorrow nights supper. Classy, I know.
  • Speaking of food – The menu for Christmas day is
Eggnog sugar cookies are one of the easiest Christmas cookies to make for the holiday season. |



Eggnog Sugar Cookies

discovered on Tracy’s Culinary Adventures, adapted from Kitchen Simplicity

Eggnog sugar cookies are one of the easiest Christmas cookies to make for the holiday season. | PassTheSushi.comIngredients:

  • 3 1/4 cups cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teas baking powder
  • 1/2 teas freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1 teas cinnamon
  • 1/2 teas salt
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tbsp eggnog, cold
  • 1 teas vanilla extract
  • 1 teas dark rum


Preheat oven to 350 F. Line baking sheets with aluminum foil or parchment paper.

Whisk the dry ingredients in a bowl and set aside.

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar about 3 minutes. Add the egg, eggnog, vanilla extract and rum and beat until combined. Scrape the sides, if needed, to make sure everything is incorporated.  Mix in the dry ingredients on low. Once the flour mixture is no longer visible within the dough, beat until combined.

Transfer the dough to a clean work surface and divide in half. Knead the dough to gather any crumbs and shape into a ball.  Grab one of your dough balls and roll it out until it is about 1/8-inch thick. Use a dough scraper to make sure the edges come up. Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes, and place the cookies on the prepared baking sheets.  Place cookie sheet in the fridge for 15 minutes before baking. Form the scraps back into a ball and reroll cutting out more shapes until all the dough is used up.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until light golden brown and set at the edges. These are a pale cookie, so don’t wait too long to pull them out. Transfer the baking sheets to wire racks and cool the cookies for a few minutes before removing them to the racks to cool completely.

Decorate with icing if desired.


For anyone wondering, those are unicorns and gnomes in my batch of eggnog sugar cookies.

If I have flying reindeer, I can have unicorns too.

Eggnog sugar cookies are one of the easiest Christmas cookies to make for the holiday season. |



  1. I want to come to your house for Christmas. Dinner sounds amazing. Totally add the bacon. Oh yes.

    These looks look fabulous 🙂


  2. I secretly want to see the Matt Damon movie too, LOL! You sound like you are pretty much ready for Christmas. I did very little this year, work has me traveling instead. Your cookies sound wonderful, I love the idea of adding the eggnog, YUM! Have a very Merry Christmas:-) Hugs, Terra

  3. Oh, it just isn’t Christmas without iced sugar cookies! Mine may not be so finely decorated as yours, though…LOL…I need more patience 🙂 Your dinner sounds perfect…and I hope you love all your surprises!!! Merry Christmas, Kita!!!!

  4. Yum yours Christmas day menu sounds amazing! And you’re really doing a good job making me want to re-try eggnog with these cookies.

  5. ok…these are eggnog sugar cookies….did I miss it?….no eggnog in the recipe?! I love eggnog, so is this just regular sugar cookie recipe? Thanks… to cook but not much of a baker. The only thing I can think of are the ingredients that go into this is what is in eggnog.

    1. Hi Erin, sorry about that. Weve been switching recipe card plugins and it ate some of our ingredients. we’ve updated it for ya!

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