Honeydew popsicles are a fresh fruit, frozen summer treat. With just 3 ingredients, you can make these pops in no time flat, leaving you time to be lazy in the sun!

Some days it’s all about kicking back and enjoying things at a slower pace. Looking at the clouds, letting the birds sing and just taking in some sunshine.

I have a problem doing that, feeling like there’s something else that needs to be done. Cooking, work that needs to be done, photos to be processed, a house that needs to be cleaned, or a dishes that need to be done. I’m very very guilty of the dishes one. It’s hard to make myself sit still and unwind, but I’m quickly realizing it needs to be a mandatory part of the day.

The other day, I found a grey hair. The next day, I found its friend… and on the third day, I found out that they scrump like bunnies and make babies. Not cool.

I’m not sure what my 12 step program to de-stressing is going to be, or how I’m going to get there. So while I ponder that, take a look at the clouds today and tell me what you see up there.

And don’t forget to help yourself to one of these honeydew popsicles, because my freezer’s getting a little crowded. 😉

Honeydew Popsicles - a refreshing summer frozen treat recipe, on PassTheSushi.com


Honeydew Pops

Honeydew Popsicles - a refreshing summer frozen treat recipe, on PassTheSushi.combecause one honeydew is far too much for just one martini


  • 1/4 – 1/2 of a fresh honey dew
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • juice of one lime


Dice the honey dew and combine all ingredients in a blender. Pulse until all large chunks are gone. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 4 hours before enjoying.


Honeydew Popsicles - a refreshing summer frozen treat recipe, on PassTheSushi.com

Simple, I know. What can I say, sometimes it happens…

If honeydew popsicles aren’t your thing, try one of my other frozen summer snacks:

Chocolate Dipped Boozy Pina Colada Popsicles

Root Beer Float Popsicles

Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles


  1. My kids love popcicles, and this is a perfect way to use the honeydew melons I buy, but no one seems to eat!

  2. It’s like you read my mind. This is exactly what I want for lunch right now! Sooo hot! And another excuse not do those dishes, yay!! 😀

  3. Oh, my. Melon-flavored anything is one of my favorite summer treats, especially in frozen form. I love these!

    And your second paragraph describes me exactly, too. I can’t ever sit still anymore. These days, any spare time feels like time I should spending on things blog-related, cooking, photographing, writing. The gray hairs have started to pop up, too. At least enjoying one of these popsicles would provide momentary bliss. 🙂

  4. Mmm, a delicious way to eat Summer fruit. I definitely need to pick up a popsicle mold.

  5. RavieNomNoms says:

    What a unique flavor for a popsicle! I know what you mean about not taking the time to slow down enough. We all need to do that move often

  6. Your photos are so fresh I almost feel like I can grab one of these guys off the screen! While we are still waiting for summer – we are in the midst of the annual “June Gloom”, grey and drizzly – I’m saving these for future reference!! Excellent!

  7. These look so refreshing. My daughter had one of those slushy honeydew drinks a few days ago and I thought it would be great as a Popsicle. You have just proven this to me.

  8. Perfect timing!! I have been wanting to make popsicles so badly and I haven’t decided on which to make. I have a whole honey dew sitting on my counter untouched..i think this was meant to be!

  9. yum, so re-freshing, I have been eating Popsicles like crazy this summer because I don’t feel guilty since I’ve been making them with fruit too. Great recipe 🙂

  10. I, too, have a problem with just relaxing… I don’t know how to do that. I always feel that something needs to be done…so I’m always doing something. But, I could definitely sit on my porch and relax while eating a few of these popsicles … they sound YUMMO!

  11. OH – they look so good!!!

  12. These look fab. I’ve seen a lot of awesome popsicle recipes out there recently — need to get me some molds! Love the color of these, too.

  13. Love that color…I am enjoying all of these popsicle recipes that are floating around. Yours are so creative, honeydew melon is wonderfully refreshing!

  14. What pretty popsicles! I make popsicles all the time, but never work up the nerve to try photographing them! I am always scared I would be left with a puddle. You’ve done a great job!

  15. Love these pops! I have some sliced honeydew sitting in my fridge, and it will soon find its way to the freezer. Thanks for the inspiration! And what lovely photos. 🙂

  16. Oh wow! I didn’t know popsicles are so easy to make. I just bought an ice cream maker and I love it. Now I need to buy popsicle molds. My kids will love this. Thanks for the recipe – I bookmarked. 🙂

  17. Well…. I could suggest puppies. Yes, they do rather create lots more work, but I find I have to go and sit on the grass and play with them several times a day. Thankfully, the neighbors can’t see me ;-)) Housework can wait!

  18. These look like they should be in the freezer section of a gourmet grocery store. Very nice!

  19. this is exactly why i love sorbet. simple. fresh cold. I love honeydew. I know I’ll make these

  20. Anneliese says:

    What brand are your Popsicle molds? I’ve been looking everywhere for a good quality brand…..any suggestions. I can’t wait for summer to come around so I can make these. =)

    1. I found mine on Amazon over a year or so ago. I just typed in popsicle molds and a few really cute ones were available.

  21. Oh wow. This sounds and looks delicious!!
    Where can I get those molds? I haven’t been able to find them 🙁

    1. I found mine on Amazon.com

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