It’s been an awesome year writing for Pass the Sushi. I have owned the domain for several years but this is the first year that I put any real effort into blogging. It has been nifty to watch the comments grow and readership grow as well as my own skills in the kitchen. I hope 2011 brings much more growth (one can always dream of owning a ranch, competing against Bobby Flay and publishing their own cookbook right – vicarious living much?) with my blog, my blogging skills (ha), photography and my online friendships.

I once read that comments are crack to bloggers, and who ever wrote that wasn’t lying. So, thanks for the comments! Thanks for coming to Pass the Sushi and checking things out. In today’s world where there are a bazillion blogs (and that’s a fact people, a bazillion) it’s hard to keep up with all of the ones I’d like to, so I really appreciate you stopping by.

For 2011, I’d like to try to host some giveaways – but I don’t even know how to break into that (help?!) – feature more drink recipes (seriously, making martinis at 2 in the afternoon for a ‘blog post’ = awesome), more savory dishes and of corse more cupcakes! I would also like to sneak in some of my non cooking photographs and things like that, but once again, how does that really fit in? I’m also always open to suggestions. If there is anything you’d like to see on PtS, please let me know. Sometimes it’s hard finding content to write about as 99% of the time I really don’t want to bore anyone with day to day randomness.

Thanks for all the support in 2010! I can’t wait to see what 2011 brings us. And here, in the order that the mighty google deemed appropriate, my top 10 of 2010.

Thank you and have a safe and happy new year!


  1. Blog is the New Black says:

    So glad I’ve started following your blog- can’t wait for your 2011 recipes!

  2. Best wishes for a great 2011. Keep doing what you enjoy and writing about it here, it will all come together. As for the non-food pictures, just thrw in a post with them every now and then. It gives all of us a different look at you and your talents!

    Have a great one.

  3. You have some great food to share! I’m glad you finally started to put this domain to work :). Have a healthy and a very happy new year – see you in 2011!

  4. Christina says:

    What a tasty looking top 10! Happy New Year!

  5. Love your recipes! Found I had the same problem, there were things I wanted to blog about that really didn’t belong on my solar cooking blog. So I created a different one that Blogger won’t let me combine on my profile page because of the email addresses and won’t let me change the email address! So, I have to remind people to click on the My Other Blog pix for Rockin’ Chair Reflections. I do change it for the latest posting and that seems to have helped.

    Maybe you could just add a page for Other Topics, here? Happy New Year. Come visit when you’re not concoctin’ cocktails! And, don’t forget to check out my other blog!

  6. Imwaytoobusy says:

    This was a great post Kita! I will have to try to whip up some of the recipes in your top 10! Everything you bake always looks so delicious. One way to creep into adding other images is to post restaurant reviews or even just slip a fun picture in at the end of a post. I am sure whatever you do will be just as fabulous. One thing I know for sure though…you need to keep those cupcakes coming 🙂 Thanks for always delivering wonderful content. Happy New Years! Andrea

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