Eggnog pancakes can be enjoyed as part of your Christmas breakfast, or really, any time at all. Even after the holidays are over!

Eggnog pancakes can be enjoyed as part of your Christmas breakfast, or really, any time at all. Even after the holidays are over! |

It’s hard to find a balance between what to post on Pass the Sushi and what not to. I don’t photograph everything I eat (trust me, you would be appalled) but I do try to photograph the good ones. There are a few that have never even made it to a ‘photo shoot’ because I simply can’t be bothered with making them look pretty before devouring them. I am trying to strike a harmony between my tummy and my food blogging self that maybe will someday share with you some of my favorite fall back meals.

As for December, there just weren’t enough days. I wanted to post more, but finally burnt myself out. My guests at Christmas dinner were shocked to find no dessert. That’s right. Nothing. I simply couldn’t pull it off. I know next year to post my Thanksgiving recipes in October and my holiday recipes from then on if I want to sneak in everything that I have for you guys without having to post two or three times a day. I’m sure that would burn even you out!

So, these post Christmas Eggnog pancakes will just have to do, better late than never.

Sure, I could have tucked them into a folder for next year but, let’s be real, I have the memory of a goldfish and they would have been long forgotten. I hope you all have better organizational skills so that you can whip these up for next Christmas, or maybe just splurge of New Years day. Resolutions don’t start til the 2nd right? 😉

Eggnog pancakes can be enjoyed as part of your Christmas breakfast, or really, any time at all. Even after the holidays are over! |


Eggnog Pancakes

Eggnog pancakes can be enjoyed as part of your Christmas breakfast, or really, any time at all. Even after the holidays are over! | PassTheSushi.comfrom


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 4 teas baking powder
  • 1/2 teas salt
  • 1/4 teas ground nutmeg
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups eggnog, plus 2 tbs eggnog
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
  • 1/2 cup syrup


Preheat a griddle to medium-high heat, or get a skillet start getting warm over medium-high heat.
In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Set aside.
In another bowl, beat eggs, 1 1/2 cups eggnog and butter. Fold in the dry ingredients just until moistened and no large lumps remain. Don’t over-mix the batter.
Place butter on the griddle surface, or spray with cooking spray.
Pour batter by 1/4 cupfuls onto griddle. Turn when bubbles form on top and around the edges and bottom is light golden brown. Flip once and cook until the other side is golden brown, 3-4 minutes.
Whisk syrup and 2 tbs eggnog together and pour over hot pancakes with butter.
Eggnog pancakes can be enjoyed as part of your Christmas breakfast, or really, any time at all. Even after the holidays are over! |
Speaking of resolutions, got any?


  1. Great idea. Eggnog flavored pancakes. I just might have to run buy some more eggnog!

  2. Eggnog is a nice winter treat – not just Christmas. These would be perfect for New Years (all day!) 🙂 BTW I’m so with you on the need to post recipes earlier. I always say I will but I don’t. There’s always next year.

  3. Aww! Bless you. No fretting. I think these are a perfect post for right where they are 🙂 I certainly know I have some left-over nog that needs pancaking!

  4. Kita I had the same problem. We had no dessert on Christmas. And some of the dinner was lackluster as I was so tired and worn out. These pancakes look amazing. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  5. Well, I, for one – am glad you didn’t tuck them into a folder – they look too delicious for words!

  6. Ok seriously, I hope there is eggnog still at the grocery store because I think I am going to buy a bunch today. These pancakes have to be good!

  7. These pancakes look perfectly light and fluffy! This year, my mother-in-law and I just bought some pies from a local bakery. The thought of making desserts on top of everything else was just too much!

  8. This recipe is very very interesting, I never make pancakes with liquor, but I think it’s a great idea.

  9. I for one am just thrilled to see these posted because, well, that half a container of egg nog in the fridge will now be put to use! Just in the nick of time too because tomorrow is recycle day and I surely would’ve put the container in.

    Seriously – these look sensational and I might just have these for breakfast tomorrow. 🙂

  10. I love anything eggnog. Love it. These pancakes therefore look to die for! Mmmm. I may turn into a pancake thief 😉

  11. Story of my life! Instead I ended up cooking more for gatherings and for parties and for people I love, and not for my blog. I’m ok with it though! These are gorgeous and sound so seriously delicious! Every winter my friends and I travel to a cabin for a weekend getaway… these might have to make an appearance if I am assigned a breakfast cooking slot! YUM!

  12. I know it isn’t christmas anymore but I would definetly love to give them a try

  13. mmm I found these on Pinterest I will definitely have to try them, I made some eggnog french toast recently that was amazing!

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