Strawberry shortcake starts with light, fluffy cake and ends with a topping of fresh strawberries and a white chocolate liquor cream. Valentine’s day was made for desserts like this!



It’s Valentine’s Day. A food blogger’s dream. For food bloggers celebrating with someone or the ones throwing down just for their own awesomeness – it’s a day for food. Desserts being on the top of that list.

I would like to say I made an amazing prime rib that is a perfect medium rare and with a great crust but in reality, I just got home from Texas. My inbox is overflowing and I am filled with inspiration for my store, my blog and my other projects. And in reality – I spent the better half of my afternoon snuggling with my kittens, puppy and man. Gotta keep my priorities straight.

So today, I bring you a quick and classic, strawberry shortcake dessert recipe, in case you are also crunched for time.

Strawberry Shortcake Dessert with White Chocolate Liquor Cream \\

Strawberry Shortcake

Cake recipe adapted from Cupcakes, Cupcakes, and more Cupcakes

Strawberry Shortcake Dessert with White Chocolate Liquor Cream \\ PassTheSushi.comIngredients:

For the cakes:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tbs baking powder
  • 1/4 teas salt
  • 1/4 teas baking soda
  • 1/2 (one stick) butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tbs vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups buttermilk
  • 1 teas white chocolate liquor

For the strawberries:

  • 10 oz fresh strawberries, topped and sliced
  • 2 tbs honey
  • 1/2 teas lemon zest

For the cream:

  • 2 tbs confectioners sugar
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 teas white chocolate liquor


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Grease a dessert shell pan (or muffin pan).

In a bowl, sift flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda.

In a separate bowl, place butter and sugar, whip with an electric mixer at medium speed. Add the vanilla extract (scraping sides of bowl) until batter is light and airy.

Gradually add the dry ingredients and buttermilk, mixing well until batter is smooth.

Fill the dessert shells two-thirds full.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until cakes are springy to the touch and a toothpick into the cupcake’s center comes out clean.

Slice the domed tops off of the cakes and brush tops with liquor.

For the Strawberries:

In a bowl stir together the strawberries, honey and zest. Mash a few of the strawberries. Let mingle in refridgerator for 2 hours.

For the Cream:

Whip the cream on high until it becomes light and fluffy. Fold in the sugar and liquor.

Place strawberries in the dessert shell and top with a dollop of whipped cream. Serve and enjoy.


On a side note:

I just got back from Texas for business. This is what happens when my BF wants to host my blog for a few days:

My Man’s Macaroni and Cheese:


  • Too much Velveeta
  • An entire box of elbow macaroni

Special Tools Needed:

  • Power Drill

velveeta mac and cheese

Prepare noodles as directed. Melt Velveeta. My man's macaroni and cheese

Use power drill with mixing paddle attached to combine ingredients.

homemade macaroni and cheeseAdd a quality vintage wine or beverage and good to go.

PS. He also told me that he will be using his fine carpentry skills to build me a nice new mirror for Valentine’s day. I have one of those cheap plastic ones that I have to move out from behind a door if I need to make sure my shoes match my outfit. So, it’s your job as my awesome readers to make sure that he doesn’t take a year to make this one 😉



  1. Hilarious!!! Love your man’s cooking techniques 🙂 And your shortcut shortcake is gorgeous!

  2. That shortcake looks beautiful! You really are a gifted photographer. (Love the plates too!!) Strawberry shortcake is one of my favorites.

    As for that mac n cheese, I hope he cleaned up the aftermath! I can’t wait to see your new mirror! Hopefully before 2012…

  3. I love the post that your boyfriend wrote, that’s so cute! I love that he used a power tool. But I think my favorite part is that he made mac and cheese – my favorite.

  4. oh my I just realized the photo of the power tool your BF used how funny but cute! All that velveeta I bet he was feeling a little over processed LOL!

  5. LOL @ the mac ‘n cheese – thank you for the laughs! One of the many reasons I love your blog!

    Can you teach me how to take such gorgeous photos? I mean that shortcake looks like I could just pick it off the screen… beautiful job, Kita!

  6. Well I’m no speed dater, not in that big of a rush…but I am an internet dater. I found my Fiance through eHarmony 🙂

    These little shorties look so delish! Love a dessert that’s so yummy with not too much effort

  7. i know i’m not supposed to say this, but i really love velveeta mac n cheese. it’s the epitome of comfort food!

  8. I laughed so hard at the power drill being used as a mixer. I emailed this post to myself for two reasons: 1) I LOVE strawberry shortcake 2) I have to show the power drill mixer to my husband, it’s hilarious.

  9. Ha! That power drill thing is hilarious.

    Beautiful dessert, and also one of my favorites. I could go for one of those right now, that’s for sure.

  10. This is fantastic cake and a hilarious post! I can see my husband and your bf getting along famously. Guys get so technical even in the kitchen. And fyi, it took my husband 7 years to get going on my kitchen, and another 4 years for my music room. I’m hoping you won’t have to wait that long for a mirror 😀

  11. Amazing pictures, again I can say the same thing, cause that’s what amazes me every time I visit your blog 🙂

  12. Hahah… first off that macaroni post is hilarious! Second, I’m so glad I came across your post about those strawberry cakes! My mom used to make something like that all the time when I was little because it was fast, easy, and a lot better than handing a bunch of kids chocolate! (she would go heavy on the strawberries) Mmmm, nostalgia!

  13. Oh my goodness! I am laughing so hard at the fact that you use the power drill to mix it up. Amazing.

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