Chunky Twix cookies are a sweet treat that you’ll soon be dreaming about! Chewy cookies are stuffed with pieces of Twix candy bars. Everyone loves these cookies!
Chunky Twix Cookies Recipe \\

I am not bubbly. I’m happy and upbeat but it’s usually jeans and a t-shirt, rock music and a ‘she walks mean’ kind of tone about me (no, that is not self proclaimed – promise). I have never been a matchy happy pony tail crimper seven layers of makeup kind of girl.
I did once have the pleasure of sitting next to one every day in a design class in college once.
Every day.

She was so sweet and refreshing it hurt. Her hair bows matched her sunglasses that matched her shirt and so on down to her socks. I found her perpetual peachiness naive, but I never wanted to pop her perky bubble intentionally.
She did have the tendency to say really ignorant things all of the time (and I don’t mean that as rude, I mean that as ignorant).
The icing on the cake was the day she stood all perky and bouncy and asked the professor, “If you’re an Eskimo, does that make you Eskimonian?”

I laughed my ass off and explained it most likely made you Inuit or Yupik.  I really, really wish I could record the question and play it for you because right now, you are thinking I am so mean, but her delivery really made it funny. Promise. You would have laughed, too.
I often think of that happy, bouncy girl and hope that she is still exactly that way. There was something blissful about her that I almost wish I could have.

Here’s to her perkiness, her unrelenting upbeat personality, and a chunky Twix cookie recipe that will make you smile.

Chunky Twix Cookies Recipe \\


Chunky Twix Cookies

from Sprinkled with Flour, adapted from Baking Illustrated

Ingredients: Chunky Twix Cookies Recipe \\

  • 2 cups plus 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • ½ tsp. baking soda
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 12 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted and cooled until warm
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg plus 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 cups coarsely chopped Twix bars


Preheat oven 325°. Coarsely chop the Twix bars (about 1/4-inch chunks).  In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, mix butter and sugars until thoroughly combined. Beat in egg, yolk, and vanilla until combined. Add dry ingredients to the sugar mixture and beat at low-speed just until combined. Gently stir in the Twix chunks.

Roll a scant half-cup of dough into a ball. Holding dough ball in fingertips of both hands, pull apart into two equal halves. Rotate halves 90 degrees and, with jagged surfaces facing up, place formed dough onto cookie sheet, leaving ample room between each ball. Bake, reversing position of cookie sheets halfway through baking, until cookies are light golden brown and outer edges start to harden yet centers are still soft and puffy (approximately 15-18 minutes). Do not overbake. Allow the cookies to cool completely on the baking sheet.


These chunky Twix cookies were so good that I made them twice in one week.

See, I can be perky too. 😉


  1. Wonderful cookies. I never thought to add in twix. Craving now. 😉

    Eskimonian…..awesome story…ehehehe.

  2. I will take a couple dozen please and a cold glass of milk.

  3. hi Kita

    how could you not love those cookies!! Twixt has always been a favorite candy bar, adding it cookies is a perfect way to get the best of both worlds!


  4. RavieNomNoms says:

    Hi Kita!! Those look SOOOO amazing! I love this post too, really funny haha. Eskimonian…classic lol. My favorite candy is twix so I have a feeling all these cookies would be gone before the hit the cooling rack 😉

  5. Lol Kita!
    Careful. We all risk being hooked on your lovely Twix cookies. Does that make us Twixonians? 😉

  6. fooddreamer says:

    Chopped up Twix in cookies? Oooooohhhhhh yyyyyeeaaaaah!
    Too much perkiness from a class mate? I might need 8 of these cookies to drown her out.

  7. Oh my I think I just drooled – seriously. They sound so delicious. They are definitely going to my Sunday Menu – that’s my cheat day. 🙂

  8. I pictured you saying your last sentence in the same way she probably asked that question. Presentation is everything. I would have laughed so hard I may not have answered at all.

    I need these cookies.

  9. These look quite scrumptious! The candy is definitely a step up from plain chocolate chips. I must make these soon. Thanks!

  10. Sprinkled with Flour says:

    I’m glad you tried these and liked them:) My husband starts drooling every time I make them:)

  11. Who can ever be that perky every day. It sounds exhausting! Love your idea of using Twix in a cookie. Sounds wonderful!

    1. Oh I wish I could claim this idea, but it originally came from Sprinkled with Flour. Thank you though 🙂

  12. I know someone just like the girl you sat next too!
    And yes, these cookies do make me smile! Yummy!

  13. I just had Snicker’s muffins, and this would be nice thing to try – Twix cookies 🙂

  14. These look FABULOUS! Oh, yeah…I need to pick up some Twix!

  15. Twix are one of my favorite candy bars. What a great idea of putting them in a cookie! They look amazing! Mmmmmmm.

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