Because the weather outside is supposed to be frightful for the next few days.

Because some days you just need to be fat.

Because nothing hits the spot quite like macaroni and cheese.

And because nothing says easy dinner like the crock pot.

This is what’s for dinner. And there’s probably going to be leftovers.

…that is, unless you accidentally leave the slow cooker on high for an extra four hours after supper causing your pasta to over cook and turn to mush. Then, it might just be pizza tomorrow night.




Slow Cooker Barbecue Mac and Cheese

Slow-cooker-barbecue-mac-0505adapted from Slow Cooker Revolution 

This makes a lot of food! Make it to feed a hungry crowd at your next football party or if you have a house full of hungry kids. 


  •  2 12 oz cans fat free evaporated milk
  • 2 11 oz cans condensed cheddar soup
  • 2 1/2 cups water, plus additional if needed
  • 1 teas dry mustard
  • 1/2 teas cayenne
  • 4 cups shredded cheese (I used a heavy handed combo of gruyere, sharp cheddar, and Longhorn)
  • 1 lbs small pasta
  • 2 teas Tabasco
  • 1 14 oz can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
  • 3 cups shredded barbecue pork, heated through
  • salt and pepper


Grease the inside of your slow cooker with cooking spray.

In a large pot, heat the evaporated milk, soup, water, mustard, and cayenne to a simmer. Add the cheese and stir until melted. Pour in the macaroni and stir to coat. Transfer to slow cooker.

Cover the slow cooker and cook for 1 1/2 hours on high. Stir in the Tabasco, pork, and beans. Cook for another 30 minutes until the pasta is tender. Season with salt and pepper. Serve.





  1. Oh god yes, this sounds amazing!! I so wish I hadn’t already done my meal plan for the week.

  2. This looks delicious! You never really can make just a little bit of pasta! Or I never can. I’ve never made it in the crock pot before but it sounds perfect.

  3. OMG this looks incredible! Mac and cheese PLUS bbq pork?! Brilliant!

  4. Seriously?! Who thinks of incredible things like this?

  5. Oh my goodness, yes, yes and yes! Jason and I sometimes cook dinner for his whole family (a total of 7 adults and 3 kids) and I think this will make every single person a happy camper!

  6. Do I have to cook an whole thing of BBQ pork before? I want to make this tonight but don’t have time to slow cook the pork. Thoughts?!

    1. You could pick up some of the pre-made barbecue pork normally found near the meat department, shred some chicken with bbq sauce, or use a can of chili.

  7. This came out amazing. Your choices of cheese was perfect for this recipe. Gosh, I love this site. This is the second recipe I used from here. And I will use it again and again. Thank you!

  8. I’m making this tonight!!

  9. Do I use uncooked pasta or do I cook it before adding to the mix?

    1. Uncooked. Hope you enjoy this one!

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