Spiced pumpkin cupcakes are moist pumpkin cake, spiced with the flavors of Fall, then topped with a sweet caramel cream cheese frosting. They’re a perfect Thanksgiving dessert.


Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes \\ Recipe on PassTheSushi.comHowdy Cupcakes!


Today is my SiTs day and just in case you don’t know what that means, you can check out their site – a site dedicated to over 6,000 female bloggers linking up to build up and make each other’s site better.


Welcome to Pass the Sushi!  I am a 20-something food blogger who rocks an apron like no tomorrow. Get to know me better my checking out my about page or get to know my pets, Marble the broken puppy and the counter cruising kittens, or a moment that sucked and then made me laugh out loud, or how I love to leave the Food Network on to set the mood – and as always, all of these posts are packed with yummy recipes!


Now lets get back to the food!




Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes

from the Happy Baker


  • Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes \\ Recipe on PassTheSushi.com1 cup butter, softened
  • ¾ cup brown sugar, packed
  • ¾ cup white sugar
  • 1 ¼ cups fresh roasted pumpkin, pureed
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 ½ cups flour
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp. cloves
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • ½ cup warm milk
Preheat oven to 350*
Line 2 cupcake tins with cupcake liners. Makes 24 cupcakes.
In a large bowl mix together the sugars and butter; mix until light and fluffy. Mix in pumpkin puree until thoroughly combined.
Add the eggs one at a time on low speed of hand mixer; mix until combined.
In a medium sized bowl sift or whisk together the remaining dry ingredients.
Add dry ingredients to the wet mixture. Stir until just combined. Gradually stir in the warm milk.
Spoon into prepared cupcake tins. Bake for 20-22 minutes.
Let cool.

Caramel Cream Cheese Icing & Filling

  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 1 8oz. package cream cheese, softened
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 3 tbsp. caramel liqueur
Using a hand mixer; mix the cream cheese and butter together until light & fluffy. Add ½ cup of icing sugar; mix. Add 1 Tbsp. Caramel liqueur; mix. Alternate until you get a smooth and creamy icing.

Fill an icing decorating bag. Using a long round decorating tip insert into the middle of the cupcake and squeeze in icing. Continue filling all the cupcakes. Then ice cupcakes with remaining icing.

Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes \\ Recipe on PassTheSushi.com


Hope to see some new faces back to check out more food and random ravings from Pass the Sushi!
Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes \\ Recipe on PassTheSushi.com

This pumpkin cupcakes post made the Foodbuzz Top 9!

spiced pumpkin cupcakes as seen on Foodbuzz Top 9


  1. Great recipe – definitely one to try. Happy SITS Day!

  2. Oh my gosh, these look AMAZING. I would LOVE to try making them if I can get ahold of the ingredients (namely pumpkin) over here in the UK. 🙂 And that frosting looks awesome!

  3. Mmmm. I adore pumpkin spice ANYTHING! And that cream cheese icing I could eat by itself.

    Congrats on your yummy SITS Day!

  4. These sound and look delicious! I love pumpkin so I will definitely have to get these a shot.

  5. Those look delicious! I can’t wait to check out more of your site!!!

    Happy SITS day!

  6. So great to meet you Kita! I always love finding new and delicious food bloggers. These cupcakes look amazing and that frosting looks almost sinful!

    Congrats on your SITS day, enjoy!


  7. karen@strictlysimplestyle says:

    I knew for sure that you were a genuine foodie when I saw the fresh pumpkin in the recipe. They sound delicious. Pumpkin anything is on my list of food splurges.

    Enjoy your SITS day!

  8. I could smell those just looking at them! I am excited to try the recipe. Happy SITS Day!

  9. Congratulations on your special day. I hope it is everything you ever dreamed of.

    And those cupcakes look absolutely delicious!

  10. Holyoke Home says:

    Caramel cream cheese?! Oh my goodness that sounds good. Enjoy your SITS day!

  11. YUM! Those look so good!

  12. heidi @ wonder woman wannabe says:

    Congrats on your SITS feature!
    Looks like you’ve got a wonderful selection of goodness to peruse here! I’m always up for finding more inspiration in my kitchen!

  13. Mrs.Mayhem says:

    The cupcakes look DIVINE!

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  14. Congrats on your SITS Day!! Those cupcakes sure do look yummy. My son loves pumpkin and they look like they are an orange color. That means he will eat it. LOL.. I will have to try to make these. Thanks a lot.

  15. Cute blog page! I love how you show your archived recipes with the photos on your main page..

    Stopping by from SITS.. have a great day!

  16. Shileen @ The Wonder Woman Challenge says:

    Mmmm … yummy! Beautiful website! Happy SITS Day! =)

  17. Jami (Sensical Musings) says:

    Yum, I love pumpkin treats and your photos really make these look as good as I am sure they taste. Have a super day!!

  18. Cheryl D. says:

    I am exceedingly hungry now. Gee thanks!

    Oh, and enjoy your SITS Day!

  19. Life with Kaishon says:

    Congratulations on your SITS day. These cupcakes look SO delicious! YUM! : ) I could totally go for one right this instant!

  20. Happy SITS day! Those cupcakes look scrumptious!!

  21. Congrats on your SiTs day! The cupcakes look awesome! Promise to get a card out to you very soon for the books for the kids! It is so sweet of you to do that for them!

  22. Congrats on your SITS day! The pumpkin spice cupcakes sound fantastic. Cloves are awful expensive though around here, wonder if I cold make it without them?

    We’ll see. Love your site design too!

    1. You can just omit the cloves if you want. Last batch of these I made I just threw some ran­dom sea­sonal spices in. They still turned out great 🙂

  23. Holy moly! These look awesome 🙂 Yay for foodie blogs!!

  24. I’m drooling here! But, fresh roasted pumpkin? Can I just adopt you or something and then you can come make these for me? Pretty please?

  25. These are a must copy, fellow SITSta! Can I include it in my Book II cookbook? Perfect for solar cooking. Let me know. And, congratulations! Come visit when you can…

  26. These cupcakes look wonderful! Awesome job with the piping… I always seem to have a problem with that.

  27. Christy, Home-Mom.com says:

    congrats, love your recipe and site!

    I’m not sure of the difference between cupcakes and muffins but we love some blueberry muffins around here. I’ll be searching your recipe archives!

  28. Happy SITS Day! These cupcakes look divine! I am somewhat of a disaster in the kitchen and with all things culinary. Can you please tell me where one might find fresh pumpin puree?

  29. I’m gonna have to try these! I happen to have some fresh pumpkin puree I recently made so this will be perfect 😉

  30. Kita, congratulations on your SITS day. Always a great treat to meet another creative food blogger in the SITStahood! Your pumpkin spice cupcakes sound phenomenal! And that icing? Indeed the “icing on the cake”! Cheers! Warmest wishes, Jenn/Rook No. 17

  31. Young Wife says:

    Congratulations on your SITS Day! These look great, and the frosting sounds delicious!

  32. Love the blog! Happy SITS day! I’m so excited to try your recipe! I’ve started a cupcake blog/project and have had two failed pumpkin recipes already!

  33. Wow! These look amazing, I will have to make them for the family for the Holidays. Happy SITS day 🙂

  34. Wow! They look so delicious!!
    Great recipe and great pictures too!

    Happy SITS DAY! Congrats!!
    Enjoy your special day!

    Betty x

  35. PatriciaD says:

    Congrats on your SITS day!! How exciting.

    YUM, that recipe looks so delicious. I love pumpkin pie but sometimes just want something a little different and this looks like it fits the bill. Can’t wait to try it.

    Haven’t read a whole lot yet but your site looks absolutely wonderful.

  36. Jumped over here from the SITS blog. Way to go! The cupcakes look great!!

    Children’s Ministry: Are you up to Speed?

  37. Happy SITSday!! You have an adorable blog. LOVE the retro-ness of it. Those pumpkin spice muffins look divine but I am heading down to that post featuring the bolognese! I’ve never found a recipe I’m in love with but have often had it in restaurants that was amazing. So I’ll try yours and keep up the hunt!

  38. I’m luvin’ pumpkin spice this season. Beautiful cupcakes…cute papers used too! The Caramel Cream Cheese Icing sounds wonderful…I’ve gotta try it. 🙂

  39. Congrats on your SITS day, your blog is great. Going to spend sometime going through all of your recipes now…

  40. wow what can i say, looks perfect! i’d like a slice with gray tea please! i love it when ppl share recipes that they love and have made many times before! coz that means, i must bookmark this!

  41. Happy SITS day! Your blog is very cute and I’m digging the recipes. Glad to have found you.

  42. I could not be happier to meet you with a post like this. OMG. Delicious looking. I’m in heaven. Can you send me some? YUM!

  43. these cupcakes are almost too much for the tastebuds to bear…bravo! happy SITS sweet bella

  44. I LOVE baking too and the filling recipe is something I definitely will give a try! HAPPY SITS and Holidays to you!

  45. pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting….sigh…..I’ll take a plateful please!!

  46. Oh yummy, those cupcakes have me craving pumpkin so bad right now! The icing just makes the craving that much worse… I must make these! And congrats on your SiTS day!

  47. Jane without an E says:

    Cream cheese is love.

    I found you via SITS, and I will be back. I cannot wait to try many of your recipes. Note to self: Dust off treadmill.

  48. I love how you have included recipes with each post. I can’t wait to try your cream cheese caramel frosting. Looks delicious. And, I agree with you about the Food Network. Happy SITS Day.

  49. Stopping by from the SITS site. Congrats on your feature! Your blog is great. I love baking, and I’ll have to give this pumpkin spice cupcake a try. Following you! 🙂

  50. Serious Yum! I can not wait to make these. Pumpkin is my favorite and these look amazing!

    Happy SITS Day! 🙂

  51. Yummy! I think my favorite part is the caramel cream cheese icing– gotta try that!

    Happy SITS day!

  52. Oh my, that frosting looks so delicious. I appreciate that your recipe is mostly ingredients that I regularly have in my house. One stupid question though, caramel liqueur, would you buy that at a liquor store or find it in the baking aisle? Embarassed to ask!

  53. Those cupcakes are pretty welcoming, even a day later. Happy SITS day. Your kitten looks a lot like mine. Is he crazy as well?


  54. Christina says:

    Oh no, I missed your SITS day yesterday! I was so busy I didn’t get a chance to check in. Those muffins look amazing!

  55. oooh they look great. I would just take one swift bite out of that icing 🙂

  56. Oh yummy!
    I love pumpkin and I really want to try some new pumpkin recipes, they’re not really a widely used ingredient in Scotland. I’m really hoping that next year we can grow some of our own pumpkins, so hopefully I’ll get the chance to try out lots of recipes.

    Have a lovely day,

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