Brownie cupcakes with fluffy peanut butter frosting on top. That’s the kind of dessert that a hero deserves. A hero like this one…

Brownie Cupcakes with Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting \\ Recipe from
The other day a letter arrived addressed to my BF from:

Big D

101 You’re Welcome Dr

DoSomething, Nice 15500

The letter inside was

“Dearest (Insert Handsome’s name),

I saw this on the ground at (insert location here) and thought you may need it. Have a great day.


Big D.”

Enclosed was his driver’s license that he had lost several days before.


Now, I thought this was rather awesome of “Big D.” Most people wouldn’t even bother picking something up let alone spending the $0.44 to mail it – and include an awesome letter and great return address. How cool is that? Made my day. I left the letter from Big D hanging on the fridge because it made me smile. It also makes me smile that this person may go by the nickname Big D (trying to tell us something 😉 ). Either way, kudos to Big D for saving my BF a trip to the DMV. Thank you.

You totally deserve brownie cupcakes … with extra fluffy peanut butter frosting on the top.


Brownie Cupcakes with Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting



  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup sugar, sifted
  • 1 cup brown sugar, sifted
  • 8 ounces melted butter
  • 1 1/4 cups cocoa, sifted
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup flour, sifted
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt



Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F.

In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat the eggs at medium speed until fluffy and light yellow. Add both sugars. Add remaining ingredients, and mix to combine.

Pour the brownie cupcakes batter into foil cupcake tins till 3/4ths full in a cupcake pan and bake for 17 minutes (my oven took 17 minutes, but ovens can run very differently so make sure and keep an eye on them). Check for doneness with the tried-and-true toothpick method: a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake should come out clean. When they are done, remove to a rack to cool. Resist the temptation to stuff your face until they are mostly cool.


Brownie Cupcakes with Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting \\ Recipe from


Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting


  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 3 tablespoons milk, or as needed
  • 2 cups confectioners’ sugar


Place the butter and peanut butter into a medium bowl, and beat with an electric mixer. Gradually mix in the sugar, and when it starts to get thick, incorporate milk one tablespoon at a time until all of the sugar is mixed in and the frosting is thick and spreadable. Beat for at least 3 minutes for it to get good and fluffy. Then pipe onto cooled cupcakes.



Brownie Cupcakes with Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting \\ Recipe from

I put dark chocolate mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on top of some of these brownie cupcakes and left some with just icing. I used Bake It Pretty’s Giant French Tip for the icing. I’m still getting the hang of icing tip and how to make them look good. “Patience” is my mantra while trying to ice the cupcakes; something I’m not very good at.

 If for some strange reason, you’re not into these brownie cupcakes and you’d rather have your brownies in their traditional form, check out these recipes!

Raspberry Cream Cheese Brownies

Salted Caramel Brownies

Dulce de Leche Fluff Brownies


  1. Sounds like we both struggle with piping, but these look amazing, I think you’ve got the hang of it. Brownies & Peanut Butter frosting, yum!

  2. Your icing job and the photo’s are awesome! So nice to know there are still good people around to do something nice for someone!

  3. Momma Cupcake says:

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM…you know I am all about cupcakes…looks fab!

  4. It’s so great when someone goes out of their way to be nice like that!
    Came over from SITS to say hi.

  5. OMG! Yummy says:

    Hi Kita – saying hi from your SITS Tribe! Love the good samaritan story. Isn’t it refreshing to know that most human beings are good. So how can I get a taste of those yummy looking cupcakes (short of baking them myself). They look delicious and from my novice decorating perspective, the piping looks pretty darn good.

  6. I love chocolate and peanut butter combo, this looks awesome!

  7. Lora @cakeduchess says:

    That frosting! Those cupcakes! Yum!Big D believes in karma I think. What a nice gesture. Enjoy your weekend;)

  8. heidi @ wonder woman wannabe says:

    these look and sound just divine!

  9. Young Wife says:

    Aw, what a good Samaritan! The cupcakes look divine. Happy SITS Day!

  10. Cute story! I always say that it’s the little things that make this world a happy place to live in. As far as the “brownie cupcakes with peanut butter frosting,” these sound absolutely amazing! If only you had Big D’s home address perhaps you could send him a batch as a “Thank You” for returning your boyfriend’s license!

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