Melon Granita | Kita Roberts
This last week was amazing. Fast. A blur. But amazing. A huge thank you to all the bakers, bloggers, and bidders who helped us raise $2812 in the Muffins for Muffin Bake SaleĀ for Response-A-Bull Rescue!! Every item we had up for auction went, bids started coming in before the auction even went live and continued to fill my inbox all day long. My wonderful clients and friends at Captain Blue Hen picked out cupcakes and muffins and donated as well – and showed a ton of patience as I managed the bake sale while trying to ring them up. There were moments when I would refresh my page and have dozens of new emails. On top of bidding for the baked goods, cookbooks, and gift certificates, others donated directly to Muffin. Bids came in from all over the States. We even had a couple bidding on things without one another knowing it!

I was blown away by everyone’s kindness and am so happy to know that Muffin and pets everywhere have so many people in their corner and rooting them on when they need it!

Response-A-Bull is a fully functioning rescue and even long after Muffin is healed, they will have plenty of pups that need loving. If you are still interested in donating, please check this linkĀĀ 

I have drawn a winner for the Le Creuset French Oven and contacted the winner via email.

Now – I owe you a icy cold treat from last week for our summer sizzler menu. Which means I have two coming at you soon to make up for the one I missed. Can you handle that? Don’t go getting brain freeze on me.

Melon Granita | Kita Roberts


Melon Granita

from The Perfect ScoopĀ 

Ingredients:Melon Granita | Kita Roberts

  • 1 medium melon (2 pounds – honeydew or cantaloupe)
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 teas lemon or lime juice
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Pinch of salt


Split the melon and use a spoon to remove the seeds. Cut into chunks and toss into a food processor with remaining ingredients. Pulse until smooth.

Arrange a space in your freezer for an 8×8 pan. Pour the melon mixture into an 8×8 pan (if possible, one with a lid), cover and freeze for one hour. Remove from freezer, and using a fork, scrape the edges towards the center. Cover and place back in freezer. Repeat scraping crystals every 30 minutes until frozen solid.

Serve with basil, mint, and/or whipped cream.


Melon Granita | Kita Roberts


  1. Awwww yay, I’m SO glad the bake sale did so well! That’s awesome šŸ™‚ Um and can we talk about what a gorgeous color that granita is? Stunning!

  2. YAY!! So happy the bake sale was a huge hit!! That is awesome, congrats!!
    Now this granita? Gorgeous!! What a delicious and cold summer treat!

  3. I am SOOO happy for you! I couldn’t be happier how well the bake sale went for you. What a great cause and such an amazing event.

    (Patrick spilled the beans about the winnings ;-), YAY!)

  4. I’m so happy to hear that the auction was a success. Yay for puppies! This granita looks so refreshing. I could sure use some. This humidity is killing me!

  5. So glad the sale was a huge success!! Thanks for making that happen šŸ™‚ PS: Love the granita and the pictures even more!

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