Kitchen sink cookies are chewy oatmeal cookies, loaded with peanut butter, coconut, chocolate candies, pretzels, and raisins. You know, everything but the kitchen sink!

I wish I had some divine words of epiphany for you today. I don’t. I’m still recovering from my weekend, haven’t sat down for more than five minutes, am writing this far later than I would like to admit and have a mountain of laundry to move before I can begin to find my pj’s or pillow. Handsome and I over booked ourselves all weekend long and even into tonight, had company over, without realized that he starts school again tomorrow. So much for cuddle time. 😉

But hey, kitchen sink cookies fix all troubles!

Kitchen sink cookies are chewy oatmeal cookies, loaded with peanut butter, coconut, chocolate candies, pretzels, and raisins. You know, everything but the kitchen sink! \\



Kitchen Sink Cookies

Discovered on Smells like Home adapted from Blue-Eyed Bakers via Annie’s Eats

Kitchen sink cookies are chewy oatmeal cookies, loaded with peanut butter, coconut, chocolate candies, pretzels, and raisins. You know, everything but the kitchen sink! \\ PassTheSushi.comIngredients:

  • 1 cup sweetened coconut
  • 1 1/4 cups light brown sugar, packed
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 1/3 cups creamy peanut butter
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 teas baking soda
  • 1 teas pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teas salt
  • 4 1/2 cups oats, quick-cooking or old fashioned
  • 1 1/4 cups pretzel M&Ms
  • 3/4 cup chocolate chunks
  • 1/2 cup raisins


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.  Line baking sheets with parchment paper and sprinkle coconut evenly across. Bake for 8 minutes, flip coconut over with a spatula and bake for another 3-5 minutes. Be careful not to burn the coconut, which can happen in moments if you walk away at this point.  Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, or with a hand held mixer and some muscles, combine the sugars, peanut butter and butter.  Beat on medium-high speed until well blended.  Mix in the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as needed.  Add the baking soda, vanilla, and salt, mix to combine.  Adjust the speed to low and add the oats, mixing until just incorporated. Remove the bowl from the stand mixer and with a rubber spatula fold in the pretzel M&Ms, chocolate chunks, raisins,  and cooled toasted coconut.

Drop heaping tablespoons of dough onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving a couple of inches between each dough ball.  Bake 8-11 minutes, until light golden and just set, being careful not to overbake.  Let cool on the baking sheets 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.



Kitchen sink cookies are chewy oatmeal cookies, loaded with peanut butter, coconut, chocolate candies, pretzels, and raisins. You know, everything but the kitchen sink! \\

I know its bad to not bring your A game to every post. I know there are a slew of real bloggers that would put their noses high in the air over this one, but sometimes, kitchen sink cookies are just going to have to do.


  1. If it’s got coconut, I’ll eat it. Scratch that and make it hoover it up.
    What makes kitchen sink cookies kitchen sink cookies? *asks the non-American*

    1. Its the fact that you can really throw anything in these to suit what you may have in your pantry. “Everything but the kitchen sink.”

  2. Hey sometimes life happens, at least you got a post up! And a yummy one at that. I have piles of clean laundry still lying around my room from doing laundry yesterday. I’ll put it away eventually.

  3. I have a feeling these cookies might help with some of the stress you’re feeling 🙂 They look delicious!

  4. This is my kind of cookie! What’s better than stuffing them with all things delicious? It’s hard keeping up a blog when life gets busy. Classes start again Thursday for me and I’m barely gonna have time to breathe. But we keep on posting anyway!

  5. I hear ya! I am having a ridiculously busy week too! I hope you get to slow down a bit soon to enjoy these amazing cookies!

  6. I like what’s in your kitchen sink! Those sounds like gobsnocious cookies. So yum!!!

  7. You are a real blogger and epiphany or not I have your back. (It’s better than not posting at all 🙁 which does happen.)

    These are my fave cookies I love being able to toss anything in there that fits my current mood or craving!

  8. These cookies look so good. I love everything you put in them. YUM

  9. hey any blogger that put’s their nose up in the air over your post, isn’t a blogger worth following! What a great cookie, and the fact that you thought to post at all says a lot! I have been trying to be good, but now you have me craving those cookies….sigh

  10. No such thing as “just a cookie” kita!! And blog snobs are not cool so bah humbug to them! Isn’t it crazy how some weekends are so busy you are *almost* looking forward to the working week for things to get back in to routine. Almost being the operative word there. Hope your next weekend is more cruisy x

  11. Don’t tell my hubby….but sometimes I’d take cookies over cuddling 😉 Especially when they have EVERYTHING in them!!

  12. Haha I totally have those moments too… you must have spent all your brain power thinking of what else to put in these delicious-looking cookies!

  13. Stephanie says:

    Just one question: how do you ass oats? 😉

    1. lol, great question 😀

  14. I love cookies, and yours look so good, with “everything, but the kitchen sink.” I haven’t made these in ages. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging.

    Congrats on the Top 9 today!

  15. I’ve really, really been trying to slow down on the sweets after the holidays, but one does need a good cookie now and then. And this baby has everything in it that I love! Very Top 9ish…. nicely done!!!

  16. I love cookies like this. they remind me of my trail mix cookies. I love them since they seem to satisfy any craving

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