One of my favorite movie lines is when McLintock, after anĀ outrageousĀ demand from his daughter to protect her good name, points a gun at young Devlin Warren and tells his daughter in a rather matter-of-factly kind of way, “Well, I’m your father, and I love you” while pulling the trigger. If you’ve never seen McLintock, this sounds like a rather heartless scene, but it was a blank, Devlin was fine, and it resulted in a spanking for the mouthy daughter.

I can’t help but think of my own father every time Ā hear that line. I’m not sure I could ever convince him to fire a blank at someone, for dramatic effect or other wise, but the statement rings true.

What does all this nonsense have to do with turnovers? As I was thinking of how to describe these to you, all I could think was that they were a must make for your loved ones (which put that line in my head as I was rolling out the pastry and preparing these). See, it all comes together.

So, if you love your family, make them these. Then watch McLintock. Seriously, it maybe my favorite movie ever.



Turnover_0064Chocolate Walnut Turnovers

from BHG Special Interest Publication: Chocolate


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup part-skim ricotta cheese
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teas vanilla
  • 1 tbs flour
  • 1 tbs cocoa powder
  • 2/3 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
  • 2 oz semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1 tbs water
  • 2 sheets of puff pastry
  • 1 tbs sugar in the raw
  • powdered sugar, for dusting


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

In a medium bowl, combine one of the eggs, ricotta, sugar, and vanilla. Stir in the flour and cocoa powder until well combined. Add the walnuts and chocolate.

Whisk the remaining egg and water in a small bowl and set aside.

On a clean lightly floured work surface, roll out one sheet of puff pastry to a 12″ square. Using a pastry scraper, cut the puff pastry into 9 4″ squares. (I love my pastry scraper. It has a ruler printed on the side so cutting things is a breeze).

Spoon 2 teaspoons of filling into the center of each square. Eyeball it – if it looks like too much or not enough – add or remove some filling. You will be sealing the edges, but you don’t want too much spilling out or they won’t stick. Brush the edge of the squares with the egg and water mixture and fold in half diagonally. Press the edges to seal with a fork or your finger tips.

Arrange the turnovers on baking sheet and brush with egg watch. Ā Sprinkle with the sugar in the raw and bake for about 14 minutes or until golden brown.

Repeat steps with remaining puff pastry.

Serve with a fresh dusting of powdered sugar.


Ā Turnover_0093



  1. I think I also have some puff pastry in my freezer! Definitely have walnuts and chocolate ;-). As for the movie I don’t think I’ve ever seen it, so I will have to add it to my list!

  2. This is making me seriously regret my new year’s resolution to bring healthy breakfasts to work, because what I really really really want is a half-dozen of these babies just ever so slightly warm from the oven. Sigh.

  3. Great movie!!! Everyone should watch it!!! The hat trick is one of my favorites!! The turnovers look amazing!! Yea – I can hear you Dad saying that line!!!

  4. I’ve never heard of that movie. I’ll have to check it out. I know my family would love these turnovers.

  5. Oh my goodness! These sound very similar to the Nutella turnovers I made a couple years ago. They are soooo good with chocolate in the middle. šŸ™‚

  6. Wow! Just when I think I’m the last John Wayne fan left! The pastries look delicious…a must try! (and thanks for reminding me how my dad and I would watch this movie together every time it came on.)

  7. These turnovers are so very CUTE! And tempt me with chocolate and walnuts? You know just what to say to make me come a’runnin’! I have a thing for nuts lately. (Ok maybe that came out wrong…)

    Sending you some Friday love my friend! xo

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