Blueberry sour cream waffles are light, fluffy, and moist, and loaded with fresh berries, as any good blueberry waffle should be. They’re perfect for breakfast or brunch.

I’m sure I had an awesome post that was on topic and related to today’s blueberry sour cream waffles recipe planned. But then I looked up at the boob tube and Daniel Craig was on the screen.

Now there’s something worth writing about.

At my place of work, we have a list called our “Free Five” and it’s exactly what it sounds like – given the right conditions these are the five people you would like to… snuggle with and have no horrible consequences.

Daniel Craig, Ewan McGregor, Gerard Butler, Christian Bale, Clive Owen… (I may have a thing for accents?). Yeah, that’s my 5 – hands down. All fun actors that have a soft spot somewhere in there – and I’m 99% sure they’ve all made at least one bad movie (gotta love a little humility).

For those of you thinking this is a horrible thing to write about, don’t worry, Handsome knows my list and the rules. And let’s be realistic, the chances of Gerard Butler tripping and falling into my kitchen is slim to none.

Although, if he did, I would serve him blueberry sour cream waffles for breakfast.

Blueberry Sour Cream Waffles Recipe, as seen on


Blueberry Sour Cream Waffles

Blueberry Sour Cream Waffles Recipe, as seen on PassTheSushi.comDiscovered on, Adapted from The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters)


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 8 tablespoons butter melted and cooled
  • 1 cup blueberries (I used frozen blueberries for my personal tastes)


Preheat your waffle iron on medium-high heat.

In a large bowl, combine the flours, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the milk and sour cream, and then whisk in the eggs. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry, and stir just until combined. Fold in the butter, and then the blueberries, stirring minimally.

Pour 1/4 cup of batter per waffle onto the iron and cook until the waffles are a light golden brown. Keep cooked waffles warm on a platter in the oven.

Serve waffles with maple syrup and a dollop of sour cream, or a dusting of powdered sugar.


Blueberry Sour Cream Waffles Recipe, as seen on

Now what about you? Who would you want to find in your kitchen and what would you serve them?

Evelyn R. is the winner of last weeks Kelapo coconut oil giveaway! Congratulations!!


  1. What a delish list of men, some of my favorites too! I would have to add Julian McMahon, yummy! Waffles look good too! : )

  2. Yummy! … I meant the waffles…hehe. Unfortunately my list doesn’t stop at 5 😀

  3. I feel like this recipe would be fit for the favorite men in my life—the nephews. They are coming for the Fourth so I will try this out on them. (By no means think that I don’t have “another” list as well!) 🙂

  4. I would love to have that for Breakfast too!

  5. Perfect for breakfast! I want a waffle machine sooo bad…

  6. This is too funny! Love the healthy waffles, title and blueberries…. not just for breakfast but for dessert, too. You know, I’ve never even thought about someone so cool tripping into my kitchen. This is when I’m supposed to say, but I have hubby 😉

  7. Too funny! But I love your choice for breakfast if one of these hunks shows up at your door…delicious selection!

  8. Kita, you know I love your blog and I like you a lot. Well, tonight that’s about to change. I can not consider you my friend anymore. I’m trying hard to improve my cooking skills to impress both Ewan McGregor and Gerard Butler, and here you are already cooking for them. My heart is broken 🙁

    The waffles look great. i really need a waffle press. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  9. I have a real thing for blueberries at the moment, so these will probably be on the menu this weekend. As for your list, well I don’t have an official one, but I would add Hugh Jackman to it, and possibly Pierce Brosnan.

  10. Haha, l love this! What a great recipe – sour cream in the batter? Yes, please. I don’t have a waffle iron but may have to try these as pancakes. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog – it allowed me to find yours, which is just amazing! I’m hooked 🙂

  11. Breakfast? An…overnight visit? 😉 Scandalous! And delicious-looking; sour cream makes everything better…

  12. This post is hilarious. I’m now sitting here thinking who my free five would be…kinda hard since I’m busy perving all over these awesome waffles. Buzzed!

  13. I didnt have time to check this post before and now I am just amazed how good your waffles look! Yummy from beginning to the end:)) Kita, Congrats on today’s top 9!!!

  14. These waffles look amazing! I just found your site via the top 9 and the post is hilarious.Hugh Jackman, definitely, dancing and singing while tripping into my kitchen!
    I am going to try it with canned blueberries so I can make blueberry syrup with the juice ! You can never have too much blueberry.

  15. Congratulations on making FoodBuzz Top 9!

  16. I think my family is having this for Saturday branch tomorrow. I will ask my personal pastry chef( my husband) to make sure he understand. I love the plate too, very pretty.

  17. We use our waffle iron almost every weekend and I can’t wait to try these!!!

    Stopping by from foodbuzz! Thanks for sharing!!!

  18. My wife love blueberries and loves waffles. I am going to pass this on to her, hopefully she does not put together a long list of invites.

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