Teriyaki flame grilled salmon is fresh, wild caught salmon, marinated and flame grilled for a healthy, delicious grilled fish dinner.

I’m a slacker. Or at least that’s how I feel compared to my blogigaty friends who are running marathons and hiking across the Appalachians while juggling jobs and busy lives. It’s not that I don’t like a hike, a great game of wiffle ball, or a big wheel race through the park, it’s just that everything else always seems to take priority.

Handsome started the last two years saying he would run again, we would go to the gym and we we’re going to make efforts to be more healthy. But we’re those people that just take up space the first few weeks of the new year and trickle away slowly as life took charge, classes were back in session and work picked back up again.

But last week we took a serious step in the right direction. We fixed up my mountain bike (the brakes are still iffy) and got him one of his own. That’s right! We’re going to hop on those babies and peddle our way to a healthier lifestyle.

When’s the last time you’ve been on a bike though? A few miles in our butts were kicked and after our all our race to the front door, we were winded! Not to mention I’d forgotten how to take sharp turns and hop over sidewalks. We’ll kick this learning curve though, besides, you know what they say about riding a bike!

As far as learning curves go, I’d never grilled salmon (or any other type of fish) before, so I wanted to keep it simple.

Teriyaki flame grilled salmon is fresh, wild caught salmon, marinated and flame grilled for a healthy, delicious grilled fish dinner. Get the recipe on PassTheSushi.com


Teriyaki Flame Grilled Salmon


  • 2 to 4 6oz portion salmon filets
  • 1/2 to 1 cup teriyaki (or in my case Trader Joe’s  Soyaki)


Marinate salmon in teriyaki for 1 to 2 hours.

Heat a grill over medium high heat and scrape clean. Using a cloth dipped in oil held by tongs, oil grill grates – starting further away from you and pulling towards you to help keep flair ups away from you. Lay salmon skin side down, baste with teriyaki and cook with lid closed 3 to 4 minutes.

Gently flip the salmon, basting again and grill 5 minutes longer.


I served the salmon with coconut rice and Asian slaw that I tossed some fresh steamed broccoli into.

Our teriyaki flame grilled salmon cooked a little too long, and was slightly more done that I prefer. Other than that, the grill marks were perfect and the salmon had a great texture and flavor. I will be grilling fish every chance I get from now on!

Teriyaki flame grilled salmon is fresh, wild caught salmon, marinated and flame grilled for a healthy, delicious grilled fish dinner. Get the recipe on PassTheSushi.com

Wish us luck with those bikes! We’re off for a few miles this morning! 😀



  1. Loooove grilled salmon; it’s one of my favorites – also with Trader Joe’s Soyaki (omg nom)! Glad you guys liked it and will continue consuming it..because it is delicious. 😀

    Also, good luck with your mountain biking! It’s been yeaaaars since I’ve been on a bike; I think I’ll stick to the Appalachian Trail, myself. 😀

  2. Good for you, and your healthy life style! I run, and hike (when I can, I life in Iowa), but I also eat like there is no tomorrow – and I wasn’t gifted with a good metabolism 🙁 I should take a queue from your grilled salmon!

  3. Those photos look amazing. Love fish. And yours look so good.

  4. It’s all about baby steps! You don’t have to run a marathon to feel accomplished!! But, if you want a running partner I’ll gladly lend my services if you come cook me this dinner 🙂

  5. I am usually scared to grill fish .. always worried that it might tear apart. Love the char line on the salmon. 🙂

  6. I recently hurt my knee and the doc said I can start working out by riding a bike, and it’s been a while…..so I feel your pain, literally! This salmon looks so good, and I love the TJ’s soyaki, will try this for sure!

  7. mmm. Grilled salmon is always a fantastic choice. I recently made a maple-soy grilled salmon and loved it!

  8. Gorgeous, Kita…especially for your first shot at grilling fish! My favorite marinade for salmon is anything Asian…so this sounds fabulous~

  9. Looks good with that colorful salad! I don’t think my butt can handle biking these days … love the outdoors but in our weather … I’m getting soft. 🙁

  10. This looks so appetizing. It looks perfectly cooked and I’ve never had TJ’s Soyaki but it sounds delicious…must try soon!

  11. We are HUGE Soyaki fans! Haven’t used it on salmon yet but it’s delicious with pork and chicken, too. We’ll have to give this a try!

  12. I love salmon and your teriyaki (or soyaki) sounds great. I could never hope to keep up with my husband. He is a triathlete who competes in Ironman and Half Ironman events. I have a bike too, but we live on a main road so I am gradually getting more experienced at riding.

  13. Oh, I have to make this. It looks tasty and so healthy.

  14. I was just saying to my husband that we need to get back to the gym… this walking around the neighborhood thing is not working for me.

    The salmon looks so good… I haven’t grilled salmon, yet, this season… I hope to get on that over the weekend.

  15. Kita, what perfect grill marks. I was going to poach salmon for this evening’s meal with friends but grilled looks so much tastier!

  16. It’s always great to see salmon featured … and I feel it’s my duty as an Alaskan to remind people to support wild, sustainable fisheries.

    I also like to remind people to do two things when preparing salmon:

    1) Use tweezers to remove the pin-bones, as most fishmongers no longer bother taking that step — and you don’t want your guests choking on a bone.

    2) Do not — I repeat do NOT — over-cook the salmon. A majority of cooks blow that step, and it’s probably the main reason many folks think they don’t care for salmon. All they’ve tasted was sawdust, not the succulent rich fish we know as salmon.

  17. Gorgeously simple. I love salmon and simple ingredients and grilling is one of my favorite ways. I’m so glad I found your blog! Love it!

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