Early sunsets are not good for a darned thing. With the sun setting at like noon, I’ve been acting like an old woman. Just feed me, give me my pills, and put me to bed to the tune of Jeopardy. Ok, maybe not that bad, but it certainly feels like it. I never knew I was a summer person until this year. I don’t want to cook as much, go out as much, certainly can’t take as many pictures, or drive after dark. (See, little. old. lady.)

The one thing cold dark nights are good for? Carbohydrates. Tons and tons of carbs. Just slather some butter on them and call it a day. So while I enjoy my cold weather low light carb binge, feel free to defend early sun sets and winter weather. :p



Fettuccine with Sausage & Kale

from Rachael Ray Magazine Oct 2012


  • 1 lbs fettuccine pasta
  • 1 lbs spicy italian sausage, removed from casing
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 large bunch kale, trimmed and chopped
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup shaved or grated parmesan


Bring a large pot of salted water to boiling and cook pasta according to directions on package for al dente. Drain pasta and set aside.

Meanwhile, pre-heat a large skillet to medium and cook sausage through. Reduce heat to medium low and add water and cream. Simmer until liquid is reduced by half, about 7 minutes.

Add the kale (don’t worry, it will wilt away to nothing). Toss to cover with sauce and mix with sausage. Add the pasta to the skillet and toss until evenly coated. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve with shaved parmesan cheese over top.




  1. I do not like how it gets so dark easily these days – there is no time
    For anything but eat and sleep and during these times carbs are
    My best friend too. Love the idea of kale in this- yum

  2. Seriously, I am definitely a person who goes to bed within a couple hours of the sun setting on normal weekdays, so this whole dark at 5pm thing is killing me. I want to go to bed by 830!

  3. I’m not into the dark nights either. I want to sleep at like 7PM every day!

    ANyway, as for this pasta – uh yes please! I’m all about carbs. And I still need to jump on the kale bandwagon! 🙂

  4. I like the whole “getting dark early” thing until after the holidays. Up until Christmas I love the cozy, holiday feeling of dark evenings lit up with warm fires and cozy nights watching movies. Once January hits I hate it. I’d be so much happier if Daylight Savings started up again in January. The sausage and kale pasta looks great– I did a similar thing using arugula a while back that was really good, too. A perfect wintry supper.

  5. Love this recipe! Will be linking back to this in my upcoming post 🙂

  6. I never ate kale until last week, and yet I bought it all the time but for the rabbits. I need to get back into quick week night dinners like this since eating trader joe’s pasta salad (like last night) just isn’t gonna cut it all the time.

    1. Love me some kale! I use it all winter long in everything I can.

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