Warm Summer Potato Herb Salad  | Kita Roberts PassTheSushi
Why hello Summer. You blasted in with out warning. It’s cool, I wasn’t ready for you yet. Hadn’t swept the back deck or gotten out the lawn chairs. The plants went from frost warning to brown stumps of dried out hat. But it’s ok. Come on down, we’ll make room at the table for you.

Ignore my passive aggressive attitude towards Mrs. Nature again. It’s been like 9 billion degrees all week and I just wasn’t ready for that. I love the summer, and everything that comes along with it. But we were getting a great dose of spring in my neck of the woods and I’m just not sure summer heat and humidity over night set too well with my garden. (Plus, I’m lazy and don’t want to stand out there watering everything).

But yeah! It’s summer! My grill was in use every night last week. I pulled a ‘typical girl’ move and changed out all the scented thingamabobs in the house and threw an extra Caribbean Escape plug in at my car. Tank tops have replaced hoodies and the we are full on flip flops. Thems the rules. Once the open toed shoes come out there’s no turning back til fridged temps again. Plus, there was the seasonal trip to Bath and Body Works (every time I tell myself I’m going in for just one thing….)

Racing, riding, running, and grilling… that’s about how my hot sunny days are getting along all summer long. Got any summer vacations planned? I could go for a little camping trip or two if you have extra space in the back seat. 😉

Warm Summer Potato Herb Salad  | Kita Roberts PassTheSushi


Warm Summer Potato Herb Salad

Yeah, its a mouthful – but once you bite into this warm potato salad you will totally appreciate it.Warm Summer Potato Herb Salad  | Kita Roberts PassTheSushi


  • 7 – 10 small red potatoes, diced into 1/2″ cubes
  • 5-7 radishes, cut in half
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 1/2 yellow pepper, diced
  • 1/4 red onion, diced
  • 1 celery stalk, diced
  • 1/3 cup light mayo
  • salt and pepper
  • dash of lemon juice
  • dash of balsamic vinegar
  • hand full of each fresh dill, thyme, and chives from your garden – or whatever looks perky that day, minced
  • 1/4 cup cooked bacon, crumbled


Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with foil and arrange diced potatoes and radishes in an even layer. Sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden. Set aside.

In a large bowl combine the may, lemon juice, vinegar, and herbs. Add the diced pepper, onion, celery, and bacon. Toss in the roasted potatoes and radishes and gently combine.





  1. That Summertime S’mores candles look awesome! I need to go and get that!! So does this salad! I love the salad is warm, I not really a fan of cold potato salad. This look delicious to me!

  2. I hear ya on the blast of a heatwave, we’re going through the same thing, with no relief in sight! Maybe if I make this salad I’ll feel more in the mood for the summer heat!

  3. I’ve been avoiding B&BW ever since I made the vow to now buy any more candles until I use the ones I already own. But seeing all those smells makes me wanna go! Also, I love a good warm potato salad, I gotta try this.

  4. I also tell myself I am only going for 1 thing to b&bw! Never works out that way, though 🙂 Our weather went from spring to fall! No summer yet!

  5. Mmmm, warm potato salad is SO the best! Yum!

  6. Your warm summer potato herb salad sounds wonderful. I have to be honest, I used to dislike potato salad. I know…who do that right? But somehow, things changed when I tasted the real potato salad with wonderful and fresh ingredients. I’m no a potato salad lover! 🙂 I love herbs in almost anything. So, I can’t wait to give this a try.

  7. I LOVE potato salad (I’m a potato lover after all..)!!! Never tried adding balsamic vinegar or bacon in it. This is something I can look forward to next time I make potato salad, hopefully very soon!

  8. THIS is a potato salad I can get behind. Looks great!

  9. Ooo, I want all those b&b products, right now. And a grill so I can grill sausages and potato salad. And a deck so I can grill outside! I’d better get on that.

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