Timing is everything, and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to score myself  a ticket to the third annual Big Summer Potluck. BSP3 is the kind of foodie event that is a little more grounded from the usual food events and you aren’t going to find forums on how to code your site with the best SEO over, or how to snap a photo to be approved on a food site every time. Instead there were several small discussions on things of a more personal nature. How to make it all work for yourself, how exactly does a recipe become your own. The food was amazing (and I loved that lots of people got to bring dishes of their own), the location was beautiful, lush and rustic, and the hosts were amazingly kind. It was really nice to see all of the food bloggers I have spoken too, and some I hadn’t met yet and to get to know them. Everyone was friendly and I feel a lot of people let their guard down for the day and took home as much inspiration as they could.

I also happened to be in the right place at the right time to rip the only dress I had with me for the day, you know, the one I was wearing, right across my panty line and down my leg and possibly flash everyone. Cuz, that’s how I roll. (You know those moments when you are super happy you chose proper lady undergarments, that was one of them). Luckily, someone had a spare safety-pin and I secured it and tried not to worry too terribly much about it for the rest of the day.

If the timing is right next year, I am not sure I would even pack a camera. I think I would focus on being a little more extroverted and trying to make it a point to speak to everyone at least once. The pictures are nice, but really, it’s the people who make this event.


Toasted Marshmallow Squares

From Joy the Baker @BSP3 & Joy the Baker Cookbook 


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teas vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 1 cup plus 2 tbs flour, plus more for pressing dough into pan
  • 1/4 teas salt
  • 1/2 cup Nutella
  • 16 regular size marshmallows


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line an 8×8 square baking dish with parchment paper. Grease pan, then lightly flour, knocking out any excess, and set aside.

In the bowl of your mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Scrape down the sides, add the egg yolk and vanilla. Mix until incorporated. Gently add in the flour in two batches. Mix on low until completely incorporated. Dough may be a little crumbly, its ok.

Pour batter into prepared baking dish and sprinkle with a tiny bit of flour. Flour your fingertips to prevent sticking and press the dough evenly into the pan.

Bake for 20-24 minutes until golden brown. Leave the oven on. This is the only bake for the crust so make sure its done. Cool for 20 minutes on a wire rack before proceeding.

After the crust has cooled and is safe to handle, remove from pan and discard parchment paper. Place crust on a clean baking tray. With a butter knife or offset spatula, smooth the Nutalla over the crust. Top with the marshmallows. Place in the oven for about 4 minutes, or until marshmallows have just softened. Using the back of a spoon, press gently on each marshmallow to flatten it a bit.

Set the oven to broil and put the marshmallows into the oven leaving the door cracked. Watch carefully for the marshmallows to toast. Remove once they are toasted, being careful not to let them burn or catch on fire. Campfire memories much?

Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes before cutting up and serving.



  1. Nice to hear you had fun – wardrobe malfunction and all. I guess I need to go to this thing next year.

    And these squares look freakin awesome.

  2. It was wonderful to meet you this weekend and I totally agree about not bringing a camera next year. I uploaded my pictures yesterday and realized that halfway through Saturday I stopped taking pictures and started talking to more and more people (and generally just enjoying myself). I was thinking of you this week as I was peddling up a big hill and how you kicked ass in your first race by dropping down to a lower gear and eventually owning the hill. I’m not sure I’m as fearless as you when it comes to speed/biking/eating it, but you’ve definitely given me a little more courage when it comes to riding 🙂

  3. It was great meeting you this weekend and talking about biking (at least for a little bit)- you are seriously kick ass! Once I set the camera down on Saturday, the more relaxed and talkative I became. It was nice to see others doing the same. And honestly, you flashed no one 🙂 And I am happy I am not the only one still thinking about Joy’s bars!

  4. What a fun recipe! And that really sounds like a great even 🙂

  5. Hehe you poor thing! Sounds like something that would happen to me. Always seems that way anyways.

    These toasted marshmallows look so delicious!

  6. It really was fantastic meeting you! The coolest comic book store owner evah! I told my hubs your story and we just might have to come visit your store one of these days! So glad you came and experienced the quiet magic that is BSP!
    PS That was a great pin-job! No one even could tell about your dress 🙂

  7. Hey Kita! So glad you enjoyed the weekend 🙂 Totally agree about putting your camera down and just soaking it all in. I actually have about 6 camera photos – that’s it! Haha. Thank you again for joining us. And yes, sorry about the wardrobe malfunction and the totally useless tape I found. Haha! XO

  8. I’m sad to say that I missed the flash too…sigh I’m also very sad to say that I didn’t have any of Joy’s toasted marshmallow squares….. that’s what happens when you stand in the back of the room!

    I had a great time at BSP3 and glad we had time to talk.

  9. Sounds like such a great relaxing weekend to meet and get to know other bloggers. Plus learn from them. Those squares should be sitting in front of me right now.

  10. Omggg. I need these in my life. And I can’t believe you ripped your dress like that! Sounds like something that would happen to me! 🙁

  11. What a great post! So heartwarming, as was your talk that Sat. afternoon under the trees. Thanks for sharing your experiences and personal thoughts. It was lovely! And these toasted marshmallow squares? I’m digging in right now!

  12. This sounds like such a pleasant getogether … rather than some where people are all hoity-toity and snooty and all about “I have better pics than you therefore you are not in my league and I don’t wanna talk with you”. Huh.
    So sorry *giggle* (really, I am sorry) to hear you ripped your skirt. That’s a great idea for an ice breaker …. you’re so smart!
    Toasted marshmallows allows brings back good ol’ memories. Now you’ve made it even better with an added cookie!

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