Meatloaf burgers are made with a mixture of spicy and sweet ground sausages and ground beef, then topped with tomato sauce and melted Parmigiano cheese. This is comfort food the way it was intended to be. Satisfying!

Great news… I have a new PtS original recipe for you! I’m bringing you this amazing recipe so that you can have spicy sausage meatloaf burgers for dinner!

Oh, you wanted something healthy? Well, I’m pretty sure this isn’t it. This is down home comfort food. I was trying to hold off until fall to make this but the taste buds were calling.

Spicy Sausage Meatloaf Burgers - made with a mixture of spicy and sweet ground sausages and ground beef, then topped with tomato sauce and melted Parmigiano cheese. This is comfort food the way it was intended to be. Satisfying! | Recipe from

Spicy Sausage Meatloaf Burgers

adapted from


  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus some for drizzling
  • 1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1 large onion, chopped and divided
  • Salt and pepper, for seasoning
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 pound bulk hot sausage
  • 1 pound ground sweet sausage
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup bread crumbs, 3 generous handfuls, Italian or plain
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmigiano or Romano, a couple of handfuls
  • Burger Rolls
  • Provolone cheese slices
  • Tomato Sauce



Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Heat a small skillet over medium heat with 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil. When the oil is hot, saute the red pepper and onions, 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper then remove to a plate to cool.

Mix ground beef and sausages with egg, bread crumbs, cheese, and cooled vegetables. Form large oval shaped patties no more than 1 1/4 inches thick then drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil. Form into as many patties as you can and freeze the rest in portion sized containers, separating patties with wax paper. Place the ones you are going to prepare in the oven on a cookie sheet and bake 17 to 18 minutes, until cooked through.

Place patty on a roll top with tomato sauce and cheese. Place under broiler until cheese is melted and bun is toasted.


A horse named War PaintWe went horseback riding again this weekend. You know what’s interesting – and I’ll admit – not fun your second time on a horse? Galloping. Without knowing what I am doing, or how to ride at a gallop, it pretty much scared the crap out of me. My glasses felt like they were going to fly off of my face, my boots wouldn’t grip in the foot thingies ( I know they are stirrups, I just don’t like that word and am trying to replace it), and, did I mention, second time on a horse? Horses don’t gradually get to a speed, like a car. They go, all at once, 0 to 60. That is a very interesting experience. I want to learn how to ride when the horse is galloping – with contacts on, in grippy shoes, after instructions.


<—- War Paint. The horse I rode. He has personality…



  1. These burgers look awesome, and now I am craving some perogies! I miss horseback riding, maybe one day I will have a horse to ride again.

    1. I’m still just getting used to it. The horses don’t scare me as much as my inexperience around them and while riding them does. >.<

  2. Yum! This looks like a delish indulgence. I haven’t been horseback riding since I was a kid… now I want to try again!

  3. Cheryl D. says:

    Hi! Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! I like the way you combined a yummy recipe with a funny little story! Very cute!

  4. Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17 says:

    Kita, oh sweet mother o’ pearl! What’s not to love? This recipe sounds phenomenal! Thank you so much for sharing it on the SITS Blog Frog forum! Your newest follower, Jenn

  5. Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17 says:

    Tee hee, that’s right, I was already following you 😉

  6. These look soo yummy! I have a recipe for meatloaf cupcakes that I think you’ll enjoy. Check it out here:

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