Post-it is a company built for people like me. They thrive on freaks like me that can’t leave the house without at least one small tablet and a slew of writing implements or tiny little OCD cells start to fire away in the brain. The big honcho’s over there sticking their colorful tablets into perfectly stacked cubes know that cell phones, tablets or even space age technology will never replace my need to jot things down. They own me.

On any given laundry day, you can find three of 4 tiny scraps of paper shoved in my pockets holding the keys to the secrets of the universe, maps to exotic treasures, and the all important grocery list. And yet, with all these notes laying around, I still sit down to write posts and stare at the screen and forget key ingredients every time I stop by the market.

So I got smart. Now I back up my note taking with pictures of my notes! Ha! Foil my plans now… Oh wait, I never bring my phone to the market either. Well, crap.

So, please, tell me I am not alone. That my desk is not the only one with an ever growing array of multicolored sticktastic little memos. That you too need an organized list of daily tasks so that none get ignored or skipped. That the idea of yet another Hello Kitty tablet with magnetic back to stick on the fridge always ends up in the cart when at Target. Please, tell me I’m not alone.


S’mores Bars

from The Happy Baker


  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, plus 1 1/2 tbs, divided and softened
  • 1/2 teas vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 2 1/3 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 1/2 teas salt
  • 4 1/2 cups mini marshmallows, divided
  • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish and set aside.

In the bowl of your stand mixer, combine the sugar and 1/2 cup butter until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the vanilla and egg, scraping down the side as needed. Mix in the graham cracker crumbs, flour, and salt.

Set aside 1 1/2 cups of the graham cracker mixture for later.  Using your hands or the bottom of a glass, press the rest of the graham cracker mixture into the bottom of the prepared dish.

In a small nonreactive saucepan, melt 3 cups of the marshmallows with the remaining 1 1/2 tbs butter. Quickly spread the melted marshmallows over the graham cracker layer. Sprinkle the chocolate chips evenly over the layers and toss the remaining 1 1/2 cups marshmallows on top. Press bits of the remaining graham cracker mixture in the palms of your hands and scatter them over top of the marshmallows and chocolate chips, pressing lightly.

Bake for 17-22 minutes or until marshmallows have puffed up and turned lightly brown. Allow to cool before serving.


S’mores seem to be everywhere this season in the food blog world. From new bars to ice cream to new spins on the classic graham cracker molten marshmallow chocolaty sandwich. You can spot them popping up all over FoodGawker, Tastespotting, and the like.  Sadly, I was never a huge fan of S’mores. Fire roasted marshmallows, yes. Chocolate, yes. But graham crackers? Not so much. Now that I’m an adult and can crush those graham crackers up and add butter (well, ok, a 5 year old could have done that) S’mores are a whole new world to me.

These were a little gooey for my taste, and honestly, if I were to make them again, I would omit the first layer of melted marshmallows all together and just use the whole ones.  I kept them in the fridge until about 20 minutes before serving to cut down on the gooeyness factor.


  1. You are not the only one, I constantly write notes in my notebooks, post-it notes, etc. They are stuck all over my desk, planner, wallet, checkbook and books. Then when I get to the store if I remembered to bring it I somehow forget to read the note and I alwasy miss something. It drives me crazy!

  2. You are not alone at all! I have SO many post it notes all over the effin place. At home at my desk haha. It is pretty bad. I even have them in my planner that is like my bible. If I didn’t have that, I think I might lose it.

    Anyways, these bars look fantastic! I just got something similar in my foodie pen pal package for this past month. I am definitely trying this recipe!

  3. You are not alone with the list making- I have post-it notes all over and even a list app ( which I use all the time – more than I thought I would) on my phone!

  4. Sungoddess says:

    1722 minutes? charcoal

  5. Like yourself, I’ve never been a huge fan of S’mores but I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to grab one of these off the plate and eat it! I’ll make a note on a post-it so I don’t forget where to find this recipe ; )

  6. Unfortunately, I am not part of the Post-It crowd. I live life on “the edge.” Either that, or I’m just plain sloppy and lazy. I prefer the latter – it’s more adventurous. Just like these s’mores bars. As always, you’re making me hungry =)

  7. You’re not alone, I have post-its everywhere!

    These bars look sooo good!

  8. I email my grocery list to my phone via text message (I have a dumb phone that can’t access the internet) Could that help?

    Also, congratulations on making the foodbuzz Top 9!

  9. How delicious:) I love this recipe. I am going to make them for our next cookout. Thanks so much for the great post:)

  10. the recipe doesn’t mention flour after the ingredients lists it, just sayin’! i’m assuming it’s after the butter, sugar and vanilla are mixed in? either way i’m a dumby and totally forgot to add the flour since it’s not in the instructions and i just have mushy graham cracker mix now, which is still delicious! but it might help future absent-minded people like myself to add that in there somewhere.

    i read that over and realized it sounded mean. it’s not supposed to be haha.

  11. I love anything s’mores and your bars look SO good!

    I used to be more into post-its and lists too, but now I use a notepad app…which is basically virtual post-its I just realized! It works great because I can have a shopping list for each store, a to-do list, etc. all in one spot.

  12. OMG!! Just made these for a party tonight….. of course I had to try 1. So Yummy, even when warm. : ) would def make these again, the kids will love them, so googy and chocolately.

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