Sometimes I get the notion that I could be an adorable 50’s housewife. That fleeting thought last all of 30 seconds before I realize I could not possibly be one of those women that waited on my husband hand over foot while tending to matronly things all day every day. Oh heck no. But when I do get that notion, pictures of well tailored dresses, keds and block parties come to mind.

Oh, and these oh-so-cute-make-your-nosy-neighbor-envious-with-your-mad-hostess-skills-salads come to mind. And a few more dresses, but what can a girl do? Off to find pearl necklaces and all.

Who doesn’t love a little chicken salad? Stuffed into sweet little tomatoes and served over fresh greens. Talk about spring time perfection.



Pesto-Chicken Salad Stuffed Tomatoes

From BHG Special Interest Publication Chicken


  • 4 large ripe tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup pesto
  • 1 tbs mayo
  • 3 cups chopped cooked chicken
  • 1/4 cup chopped roasted sweet red peppers
  • 1/4 cup slivered pitted kalamata olives
  • 3 cups torn mixed greens
  • 2 tbs toasted pine nuts


Cut 1/4 inch top from each of the tomatoes. Using a melon baller or a sharp spoon, remove seeds and cores of tomatoes. Place tomatoes, cut side down, on a paper towel-lined plate and chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve, up to 4 hours.

Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, toss shopped chicken with pesto, mayo, red peppers, and olives. Cover and chill until ready to serve.

When ready to impress your guests with your awesome salad skills, divide greens among four plates. Fill tomatoes with chicken salad and place on greens. Toss on the pine nuts like sprinkles and watch your guests ooh and ahh.




  1. You’re right…except for those cute dresses! What a gorgeous way to present a delicious meal!

  2. I have been on this pesto-in-everything kick and a few weekends ago I threw some into chicken salad and it was amazing. Adding it to fresh tomatoes is too perfect. Well done, Kita!

  3. Lovely recipe and a perfect dish in this weather!

  4. What a fun way to serve chicken salad! And I am totally with you, there’s no way I am living my life purely to serve the man. But the dresses almost make it worth it.

  5. Oooh, these look like a dream come true. I love stuffed tomatoes, and this sounds like a wonderful way to fill them.

  6. I have a recipe for stuffed cherry tomatoes that I had totally forgotten about! However, the flavors here look even better than what I had in mind. Sold!
    My mom would really like these and I think I just might add them to my Mother’s Day Menu!

  7. The tomatoes looks so juicy and the filling so flavorful! I really like this recipe 🙂

  8. Seriously, how do you take such awesome photos?

    I made a pesto-salad stuffed tomato recently too, I blame this kooky maybe-its-summer-maybe-not weather!

  9. *Wow*. I gotta say – this looks *fabulous*. I’m always looking for flavors and recipes to spice up a dull and boring salad, and this looks like it absolutely fills that void. I’m going to be all over this like someone pretending to be healthy!

  10. Oooh, these are beautiful…and so light and summery! I love the idea of adding pesto to chicken salad….mmmmmmm.

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