Hot chicken sandwiches are a quick and easy weeknight meal. This version is open-faced, with a creamy mushroom gravy over the hot chicken. It’s quick dinner fixins!

I owe every one in the foodie blogging world an apology. Where I have made sure that posts were scheduled and up for the last week, I have been really bad at checking out everyone else’s posts and commenting.

As I type this, it’s Monday night (I know, it’s Wednesday) and I haven’t had a moment to myself in 10 days. I have only been home before 8 PM once.

My dad’s wife has been away on business for the past 10 days and even though my father is young, healthy, and fully capable of taking care of himself, I have still stopped by every night.  The puppies are still working out some kinks and need medication every night and with four dogs it can be hard to wrangle them. They are also being house broken, so there are some things to tidy up with there. Dad’s also not so great with technology, so I like to make sure the coffee pot is ready and set and everything is wiped down like his wife likes. Just cuz she’s away doesn’t mean Dad gets to live like a bachelor.

Tonight, we are going to have hot dogs.

Handsome and I did 6.6 miles yesterday, I worked a shift, and then I went to dads… Again.

Today, I’m tired. I plowed through our garden to get it ready for colder weather and cleaned up the mess that comes with that, baked cookies for the recent fund raiser I helped with, and I made a lasagna. Oh, and I drove to Dad’s house just to make sure he left a fan on for the pups.

It would be the perfect night to call him, bow out and catch up on all of your lovely blogs. Process some photos. Organize some boxes and clean.

But how many nights am I going to get to have hot dogs with my daddy?

Although, I bet he would love these open-faced hot chicken sandwiches.

 Open-Faced Hot Chicken Sandwiches with Creamy Mushroom Gravy \\



Open-Face Hot Chicken Sandwich with Creamy Mushroom Gravy

From Rachael Ray Magazine

Open-Faced Hot Chicken Sandwiches with Creamy Mushroom Gravy \\


  • 4 pieces skinless, boneless chicken breast cutlets
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 teas poultry seasoning
  • 1 tbs extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 tbs butter
  • 1/2 lbs mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 1 large shallot, chopped
  • 2 tbs flour
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 4 stems fresh tarragon, chopped
  • 1 tbs Dijon mustard
  • 4 3/4-inch thick hearty bread, toasted
  • 1 cup watercress leaves, coarsely chopped


Season the chicken with salt, pepper and poultry seasoning. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the chicken and cook, turning once, until golden brown and cooked through, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a plate and tent with aluminum foil.

Add 3 tbs butter to the skillet and lower heat to medium. Add the mushrooms and cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Then add the shallot and cook for 2 minutes; season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle in the flour and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Whisk in the chicken stock and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to low and stir in the cream, tarragon and mustard. Cook until the gravy thickens, 1 to 2 minutes.

Ligtly brush the toast with remaining 1 tbs butter and set the chicken cutlets on top. Cover with gravy and watercress.


Open-Faced Hot Chicken Sandwiches with Creamy Mushroom Gravy \\

So, for a few more days, I am sorry. I will catch up I promise. But for now, I’m rushing off to my parents house again because these are the moments I don’t want to regret missing.


  1. {{hugs!}} Never apologize for living your real life. We have fun with you here in internetland but a gal needs to eat hot dogs with her daddy every chance she can. 🙂

  2. Imwaytoobusy says:

    I agree with Katrina! You are the last blogger on earth who should be allowed to apologize. 😉 You are so consistent with your blog. I envy that! Enjoy every moment with him. You are a great daughter!

  3. I agree with both girls before have to take a time and smell a roses with loved once…:) You dish look amazing, creative and so tasty at the same time!!! Enjoy Kita, and wishing you great time!!!!

  4. The gravy is making my mouth water. Can I have gravy for breakfast? I feel you, Kita. I’ve been so busy lately. I’ve barely even been posting. I’m trying to get caught up too!

  5. you are too cute, I’m glad you can have hots dogs with your daddy and I’m sure he’s even happier to see you! your open faced chicken sandwich looks absolutely delicious, get some rest when you can!

  6. This looks SO delicious Kita, my boyfriend would love this!! 🙂

  7. Awww … what a good daughter you are. This looks pretty gourmet for a tired puppy (pun intended).

  8. That is so sweet of you Kita! I do the same kind of things with my Daddy though. Gotta get that time in with them while you can you know?

    The gravy is what sells this for me. Looks so rich and comforting!

  9. Don’t feel badly at all! Living a long away from my family is one big drawback to living in Hawaii, so when I get time with them, everything else has to fade into the background. The recipe looks amazing by the way!

  10. I am glad that you took time away to spend with your dad, family is the most important!
    This sandwich tells me it is lunchtime-how I would love to have this right now. It looks delicious.

  11. This is an adorable post. And that darn sandwich looks delicious. I love seeing how many other food bloggers love running too. I’m running the half marathon this weekend and I’m so excited about it.

  12. I love that you love your dad so much. Hes got a great daughter. I hope you get some time to yourself soon but indeed it seems you have your hands full.

    hot dogs just have to do sometimes 🙂

  13. You keep going to your dads house! We’ll be here when you get time. My dad died in 2006 and I miss him every day and wish I had more moments like what you describe. Enjoy them!

  14. I can relate for sure! Yesterday seemed like the first time in weeks I was actually able to sit down and read other blogs. Life has just been crazy. I don’t think I will ever get through my foodbuzz inbox 🙁 These look like they might ease my pain a little though, great gravy!

  15. This looks like a great variation on my beloved beef open-face sandwich!

  16. I’d eat anything covered in that creamy mushroom sauce! YUM! And, of course, time with your dad always trumps visiting blogs…you don’t owe any apologies 🙂

  17. Aww you’re such a sweetheart! Your dad is lucky to have you checking up on him, for real. Great recipe, too 🙂

  18. This is quite the gourmet sandwich. I need to remember how unique and delicious sandwiches can be. They are not just a lunch item. Hope things slow down a bit for you soon!

  19. You can certainly never miss a chance to hang out and have hot dogs with your dad!! Family always comes first!! Now, this chicken sandwich looks pretty awesome!

  20. We totally get it. I’d do just about anything to have hot dogs with my daddy! Five more weeks and i’ll get to do just that. Awesome sammich too 🙂 Mushroom gravy is pretty fantastic

    1. I hope you enjoy every moment and that these weeks fly by!

  21. Thank you!!! It meant a lot to me knowing that you were checking in!! Yea – did you notice he forgot how to cook??

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