There’s never enough time. We’ve all had this feeling. There’s always one more thing that needs to get done, one more chore, a little more work, dinner to be made, wash, rinse, repeat. Things seem to be exponentially speeding up and at times it can all be overwhelming. It feels like the list keeps growing and I can’t seem to scratch enough items off. I wonder if this feeling is something that woman feel more pressure to keep working, keep doing, keep going. It seems like men are more able to relax and unwind, no matter how many dishes are piling up in the sink.

One thing I have learned in my recent love affair with mountain biking is that there will never be enough time until you make it. Unless you demand that this time be for you, the few moments you need to breathe and relax, no ones going to give it to you. I could work every night long into the night and never have time to stop and enjoy a nice glass of wine and trashy television with my man. I could sit and code all afternoon and simply not wiggle in the 2 hours for a great ride. But that’s not a way to live. There will always be more work. No matter how many things you scratch off that list, new things will always be added to it. So if you need to stop, sit, and flip through that magazine, take a line from Nike and just do it.

This is something I am learning the hard way. But something I feel is very important for all of us. I am not one to sit and watch hours of TV every week, get manicured or massaged. But every now and then, even a few moments for myself are something I have to stop and enjoy.

There’s an extra bonus if I can sneak in a cookie in that moment.


Jumbo Pretzel M&M Cookies

from Cookie Cravings


  • 3 3/4 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 teas baking soda
  • 3/4 teas salt
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs, room temperature
  • 1 1/2 tbs vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
  • 1 cup pretzel M&M’s (I used mini M&M’s cuz it’s what I had on hand and was met with no complaints.)
  • 1 cup chopped pretzels


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt.

In the bowl of your stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars until smooth. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, scraping down the sides as needed. Mix in the vanilla. Slowly pour in the flour mixture until just combined. Fold in the chocolate chips, M&M’s, and pretzels.

Using an ice cream scoop, scoop out large portions of the cookie dough on to the prepared baking sheet. Press down with the palm of your hand to flatten. I was able to get about 6 cookies per sheet.

Bake about 10-12 minutes, or until edges are just starting to show a golden brown color. Let cool on cookie sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to wire rack to cool completely.





  1. This would make me kick back and relax…a tall glass of milk and about a half dozen….

  2. Those cookies look so lovely 🙂

  3. You know, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed as of late. AND I HAVE THE MONTH OF AUGUST OFF. But when you’ve got time off, you make lists. All of the things you need do. Lists of things you SHOULD do. And the lists keep growing. And so does the fretting about the lists. So you make more lists (to manage the lists), and you freak out a little more. And then you feel like time is running out. So you make prioritized lists: lists of important things, lists of not-so-important things… sigh.

    It is raining. I am going to craft and eat cookies. Because I feel you have encouraged me to do so. Thanks for the sigh inducing post… xox

  4. I love the pictures of these cookies, by far some of my favorites that you have taken!

  5. For as much rushing as I do, I never rush through delicious food. It’s not worth the calories unless I can savor it. I want those cookies!

  6. I just went out this morning to buy milk, I knew I might need it to enjoy some deliciousness like your cookies!
    Hubby would do a happy dance if I make them, he loves M&M cookies

  7. The cookies look so good! I feel like I never have enought time. I recently purchased a book about learning to make more time. If I could find it under all my piles of stuff I would read it! Time just seems to be going way too fast anymore!

  8. The mini M&Ms looks great but I would love to try these with the pretzel M&Ms! As for having no time, I definitely no the feeling. Great post.

  9. You’re thinking about life just perfectly! There is always more work, it’s hard to set time aside for fun and for yourself. Makes me want to go for a bike ride whn I get home tonight!

  10. I am horrible about relaxing. My husband always gives me a hard time and says I don’t know how to sit still and just relax. Must be partly a sex thing, because the house can be a total disaster and he is fine with just sitting, and I can’t relax if there is crap all around me 🙂

    LOVE these cookies – and I love the picture with the mirror!

  11. There really is not enough time in the day. And even if we had more time, it still wouldn’t be enough! But at least we have these awesome cookies that can help us unwind a little bit!

  12. Such a sound and wise advise. Very inspiring. Your cookies look fabulous I think my grown up almost 20 year old son will still at this age would devour them! 🙂

  13. These look so thick and chewy, just the way I love my cookies!

  14. It’s like you were writing about me in this post. I kind of feel bad for my hubs. He just waits patiently by while I’m typing away at my computer or whisking batter in the kitchen. You just inspired me to take some time to myself. Thanks, girl!

    These cookies sound amazing. Like, AMAZING!

  15. These cookies look incredibly delicious! i would love to make them for the Ronald McDonald House luncheon at the end of the month. A group of us get together and cook lunch for the families of the hospitalized children once a month so we like to include some kid friendly foods for the sibs. It is great to lift the spirits of the families that are so worried about their special children. And a good cookie always brings a smile! One thing though – How many cookies does one recipe make? Thanks for the great idea…….

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