Let’s take a moment to discuss the art of the U-turn. U-turns should be a fundamental part of driver’s education in which it is explained and practiced, that on occasion, if one has missed theirĀ destinationĀ or proper road, that they can, at a safer point further down the road for themselves and other vehicles around them, make a 180 degree turn to then head back to that which is was they missed.

I think America has forgotten the art of the U-turn. Instead, people will now dart across 4 lanes of on coming traffic just to be in the turn lane they missed and could have safely moved passed and corrected at a later moment with a proper u-turn. Today, for example, I watched a vehicle throw itself into reverse on a stretch of heavily traveled interstate and travel in reverse over 500 feet to the previous intersection. Had they preformed a proper u-turn, the option to head back that way they needed to be was only 200 feet in front of them when they first decided to drive backwards, at an intersection withĀ protectiveĀ lights to dictate who should be traveling through the intersection when. A much safer alternative then the steps taken to correct their error.

U-turns are a basic option, and yet daily I see the most outĀ outrageousĀ alternatives. Really, what I’m trying to say, is that I see some craziness every day on my way to work. Lots of craziness. And that if people just thought things through, instead of checking their text messages, they would realize that u-turns are a possibility.




Italian Hoagie Salad

from Food Network Magazine Jan/Feb 2012


  • 3 cups bread cubes
  • 2 tbs extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 1/3 cups giardiniera (Italian pickled vegetables), drained and chopped, plus 2 tablespoonsĀ brineĀ from the jar
  • 3/4 cup fresh basil leaves, torn
  • 1/2 cup sliced pitted olives (black and green)
  • 1/2 cup chopped jarred Peppadew peppers
  • 1 large headĀ romaine lettuce, shredded
  • 2 oz slicedĀ mortadella, cut into thin strips
  • 2 oz slicedĀ prosciutto, cut into thin strips
  • 1 oz slicedĀ capicola, cut into thin strips
  • 1 oz sliced Genoa salami or hot soppressata, cut into thin strips
  • 1 2-oz piece agedĀ provolone, shaved with aĀ vegetable peeler


Line a baking sheet with aluminium foil and preheat an oven to 400 degrees F. Toss the bread crumbs with 1 tbs olive oil and spread evenly on prepared sheet. Bake, 8-10 minutes tossing occasionally. Set aside.

In a large bowl, toss the giardiniera with the basil, olives, peppers, romaine, meats and cheese. Sprinkle with remaining 1 tbs oil and let sit about 20 minutes to let the flavors mingle.

When ready to serve, add the croutons and toss.

*Use what meats are available at your local deli. You can substitute the selection in this salad for just about anything.


Clearly I am mentally wiped if u-turns are the best rant I can come up with. šŸ˜‰


  1. U-turns, especially illegal ones, remain an art form! Love this deconstructed sandwich!

  2. Crazy!! There are some idiot drivers out there. I think we should need to pass a driving test every 10 years. It would suck, but maybe people would remember the stupid things we learned in Drivers Ed!

    Salad is amazing. Can’t believe you made a sandwich into an amazing sandwich!

  3. So, my husband has been on a health kick (read: salad kick) lately but the man loves hoagies. This is calling his name!

  4. Looks delicious to me! I love salads a la sandwich! I’ve never heard of mortadella before… this needs more research!

  5. Some drivers are morons! I still remember the cretin last summer who cut across 4 lanes of traffic to turn right only to realize there was traffic there. That caused the idiot to stop short and it’s a good thing that Brian was paying attention and that everyone in our car was wearing a seat belt – including the dog. I wanted to drag that guy out of his car by his….
    Anyway, yummy looking salad! šŸ™‚

  6. delicious looking salad, and funny commentary on the u turn. If you live in New Jersey there is no such thing as a U turn since they have all these stupid Jug handles, got lost there and was just miserable and used twice the gas…hmmm maybe that’s why they made those Jug handles.

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