A few weeks ago, from four rooms away – while blow drying my hair – I heard what sounded like an semi truck parked in front of our house. I went to investigate finding that the over sized truck was actually my refrigerator… Not good. Being female, I couldn’t find a way to express this to my boyfriend without him believing I was exaggerating so the other day I redeemed some points when I got a phone call saying the fridge sounded like it was preparing for taking off and that we were in need of a new one. Ha!

So, making lemonade out of the situation, we plotted and schemed to get our hands on the best one we could. After a day on google and tweeting for reviews and help, we picked out Doris, a French door Samsung 23 cubic feet behemoth with tiny fancy LED lights that won’t blind you at 2AM.

Meet Doris:


  • It’s HUGE. Seriously. Huge.
  • The sliding shelf and fold up half shelf are just too cool.
  • Did I mention tiny little glowing awesome LED lights?
  • The deli pull out drawer is really growing on me. At first I thought it was stupid, but after I started storing things in it (butter, yogurt, cheeses) it’s kind of awesome. You can move the dividers and rearrange the space. That’s rather spiftacular.
  • 5 days in, the freezer is really growing on me. Specially when I realized we had more ice cream then ever before (most of it being victory ice cream from the race, but still freakin sweet!).


  • The shelves on the doors themselves could be a wee bit cooler if two weren’t odd shaped and if you could put the butter compartment somewhere else (it does slide out after all – but really it only fits in one slot). Two are particularly odd shaped door drawers that would not hold anything but collect crud like champs.
  • The ‘standard’ set up doesn’t leave much room for anything taller than 5 inches. BUT you can move the shelves so really, no biggie.
  • I find the ice maker and water dispenser is a waste of space if you aren’t using it. And a lot of space. It seemed like most of the ones we were looking at had this built in and it wasn’t an option not to. 🙁 boo. hiss.

Then we had the moment of adulthood when we realized our fridge was the most expensive thing we owned (you know, besides the mortgage)


Grilled Miso-Ginger Salmon

from foodnetwork.com


  • 1/4 cup white miso
  • 1/4 cup mirin
  • 2  tbs unseasoned rice vinegar
  • 2 to 3 tbs soy sauce
  • 2 tbs minced green onions
  • 1 1/2 tbs minced fresh ginger
  • 2 teas toasted sesame oil
  • 4 salmon fillets, 8ozs each
  • Salt and pepper
  • Yuzu juice, for drizzling, optional


In a small bowl, whisk together miso, mirin, vinegar, soy, green onions, ginger, and sesame oil.

Place salmon in a shallow baking dish and pour the miso mix over top. Turn the salmon to coat. Cover and marinate for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, heat grill to high, clean and oil well.

Remove the salmon from marinade and season both sides with salt and pepper. Grill salmon, skin side down, with the cover closed, until golden brown and crust has formed, about 3 to 4 minutes. Flip the salmon and grill 3-4 minutes more for medium. Check with a fork for doneness.
Serve with yuzu juice for drizzling, if desired.


I served this over steamed edamame with brown rice. Great weeknight meal.


  1. Well, helloooooo Doris. Aren’t you a beauty? How exciting to have such a refrigerator!!! Oh, the endless possibilities. This looks like dinner to me!

  2. 1) I love that you named your fridge 2) new refrigerators are so exciting, I can’t wait until I have the opportunity to buy one (is that weird?) 3) this salmon looks delicious!

  3. Oh, Doris is beautiful! I am so, so jealous. Though, I do love our fridge even though we haven’t named it.

    I’ve not done much with salmon. Never had it growing up so I’ve not gotten in the habit. You’re making me think that’s a big mistake. That hunk-o-fish looks delicious.

  4. Yay for new fridges! I have a feeling Patrick and I will be looking around verrry soon because of the closing on the house coming up. I like that you listed our your pros and cons! I wish all appliances had that from consumers.

    Your salmon looks amazing! So delicious! I actually haven’t eaten salmon in a while, I think I need to change that.

  5. Before I started blogging, I remember orderins something similar at the Cheesecake Factory, however, I’d eat this over the dog food served there. Looks delicious and congratulations on making the foodbuzz Top 9!

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