Grilled everything pizza is your love for grilling, combined with everything you love about pizza. Grilled meats,  rich marinara sauce, fresh herbs, and hot, bubbly mozzarella cheese.

I may have a new obsession this summer and it took me by surprise. Normally I get excited at the smell of smouldering charcoals, anticipating burgers, steaks, chops and other hearty meaty goodness. But this year, I grilled my first pizza and there is no going back.

I may love my pizza stone, but once I clumsily laid that first dough on the grate, my opinion was changed forever. Sure, dinner takes a little planning ahead so that you have time to prep your dough and let it rise, but once that’s done, everything comes together very quickly. You have to move fast, so have all of your toppings prepped and ready. Having a helper on standby is also a great option, as it can be hard to do everything by yourself.
Once you try grilling your first pizza, you may reconsider just calling for delivery through the end of the grilling season.

You have got to try this grilled everything pizza recipe!

This grilled everything pizza recipe pairs your love for grilling and your love for pizza. Grilled meats, marinara sauce, fresh herbs and hot melted cheese.

What are you waiting for? Run out and turn your grills on – even if it is 104 degrees wherever you may be! 😀


Grilled Everything Pizza

from Food Network Magazine July/August 2010

This grilled everything pizza recipe pairs your love for grilling and your love for pizza. Grilled meats, marinara sauce, fresh herbs and hot melted cheese.Ingredients:

  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teas sugar
  • 1 packet active dry yeast
  • 2 tbs extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing and drizzling
  • 3 cups AP-Flour, plus more for dusting
  • 1 teas salt
  • 1/2-3/4 cup marinara sauce
  • 8 ounces fresh mozzarella, sliced
  • 1/2 cup sliced pepperoni
  • 4 thinly sliced hot or sweet capicola, torn
  • 1/2 bunch fresh basil, torn


Prepare the dough: whisk 1 cup warm water (about 105 degrees F) and the sugar in a small bowl and sprinkle the yeast over top. Let stand until foamy, about 10 minutes. Stir in the olive oil

Whisk the flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center, pour in the yeast mixture and stir to make a shaggy dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes, adding just enough flour to prevent from sticking. Form into a ball, put in a large oiled bowl and turn to coat with oil.  Turn seam-side down, cover with plastic wrap and let rise at room temperature until doubled in size (about 1 1/2 hours). Meanwhile, preheat a grill to medium high and grill any toppings you may want to add on (onions, peppers, mushrooms, etc).

Arrange all of your toppings on a tray near your grill.

Reduce the grill heat to medium low. Divide the dough in half and dist the dough and work surfce with flour. Roll each piece into a 7″ x 12″ rectangle, about 1/8″ thick. Brush an inverted baking sheet with olive oil and lay your prepared crusts on it. Carefuly, lift each piece by the corners and lay on the grill, oiled side down. Cook until the dough puffs and the underside is stiff and marked, about 5 minutes.

Flip the dough with tongs, brush with olive oil, spread with the marinara sauce and top with mozzarella and toppings. Cover and cool until the cheese melts, about 5 more minutes. Transfer the pizzas to a cutting board. Top with basil a drizzle of olive oil and salt.


 This grilled everything pizza recipe pairs your love for grilling and your love for pizza. Grilled meats, marinara sauce, fresh herbs and hot melted cheese.



  1. Lovely grill pizza! It feels so fresh and warm 🙂

  2. RavieNomNoms says:

    Oh I just LOVE grilled pizza…my first experience grilling pizza was an absolute disaster haha…I definitely didn’t grill the dough first and it ended up being one big mess! Yours looks so amazing, love the ingredients you have going on here!

  3. Grilled pizza is soooo good. One of my friends has monthly pizza parties during the summer where we all grill our own pizzas. It’s so fun!

  4. I adore my pizza stone as well. And I’ll have to stick to that for the time being because the only grill I have is a George Foreman, and I’m not sure that’ll work with this 🙁 I might be desperate enough to attempt it.

  5. Have you tried grilling the pizza on your pizza stone? It comes out perfect, as you would get from a wood fired oven! I am never going back to cooking pizza any other way!

  6. that is one of the best pizza’s I have layed my eyes on, love it.

  7. Those are just such beauties. The irregular shape is so beautiful, so artistic. I can imagine how the smoke has added to the flavour of that.

  8. I love your pizza! Looks thin and crispy, just how i like them!

  9. I’m with you….there is no better way to have pizza!

  10. Imwaytoobusy says:

    I have never grilled my own pizza – but I have been completely obsessed with wood-fire grilled pizzas this summer. Every new restaurant I have stumbled across has had the best grilled pizza! Needless to say, I just about drooled when I saw this at the top of your blog. I might just be inspired to try my hand at this…

  11. That pizza sounds damn good!! I LOVE grilled pizza! I started grilling my pizza 2 summers ago and now we can’t wait for ‘grilled’ pizza nights. 🙂

  12. I love grilling pizzas! We went a little crazy last time – making odd combos like ‘pork & beans’ and mashed potatoes and gravy – definitely had tons of fun with that one!

  13. Beautiful. I hear such wonderful things about grilled pizza….I really must try it.

  14. I made my first grilled pizza not too long ago, too. It was awkward and messy business trying to get the soft dough on the grill just right, but so worth it! I topped it with goat cheese, asparagus, green onions and potato slices.

  15. I absolutely love grilled pizza. It looks so good and I need to make one 😀

  16. That looks great. And even a fancy non-traditional shape. Which says a lot about the chef!

    That’s one thing I’ve yet to try, but intend to do this year.

  17. I grilled my first pizza this summer, too, and loved it! It blew the pizza stone out of the water.

  18. Grilled pizza thin & crispy, mmmm… you can always throw almost anything: veggies, cheeses, deli meats, herbs… and it is always delicious.

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