Brownie cupcakes are delicious and fudgy in their own right. Top them with a sweet, fluffy peanut butter frosting and you’ve got the perfect chocolate peanut butter dessert!

Brownie Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting \\ Recipe is on

There are some people do good deeds just because they can, but I can pretty much understand why many people have given up doing them.

A while back, I parked my car at the market and pushed a cart back to the store front on my way there. I didn’t need a cart, as I was only going in for one item, but I figured why not? I even pushed it passed a Boy Scout collecting donations.

At which point his mother, in disgust, told the child that sometimes they just had to clean up after lazy people.
Lazy? I pushed the darned thing back to the store and out of their way.

On the way out of the market, after I passed her, she yelled after me, calling me a slob.
Really? I just looked back and thought of all the things I could say, but her wide-eyed children were there. I replied with, “From where I’m standing, I’m looking a lot better than you.”

Next time I’m shoving the cart in a random direction, hoping to take out a few car mirrors, I may as well go for an elderly woman crossing the street and a tightrope acrobatic troop while I’m at it. How dare I return the cart to the store it belonged to!

I learned my lesson. No brownie cupcakes for her.

Brownie Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting \\ Recipe is on



Brownie Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting

Cupcakes from Martha Stewart Cupcakes, frosting from The Novice Chef Blog

Brownie Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting \\ Recipe is on PassTheSushi.comIngredients:

  • 3 cups AP Flour
  • 1 1/2 teas baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teas coarse salt
  • 1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, room temperature
  • 12 ounces unsweetened chocolate,  coarsely chopped
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 6 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 tbs pure vanilla extract
  • Peanut Butter Frosting


Preheat the oven to 350F. Line 36 cups of standard muffin tins with paper liners.

In a mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt.

Heat butter and chocolate in a heatproof mixing bowl set over (not in) a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally, until melted. Remove from heat, and add sugar. With an electric mixer on medium-high speed, whisk until mixture is smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, beating until each is incorporated, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Add vanilla, and beat 3 minutes more. Reduce speed to low. Gradually add two thirds of the flour mixture; beat until just combined. Remove bowl from mixer. Add remaining flour mixture, and fold in by hand, just to combine.

Divide batter evenly among lined cups, filling each two-thirds full. Bake, rotating tins halfway through, until just set (but still feels soft), and top is shiny, about 18 minutes. Transfer to wire racks and let cool completely before removing cupcakes.



Brownie Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting \\ Recipe is on



  1. I’m guessing momma didn’t want to be doing donation duty with the kids but that’s what the Scouts do — make mommies and daddies go through it, all over again. Since the kids were there, I think I would have taken the time to explain that I wasn’t being lazy, I was returning a cart some other shopper left in the lot and that, even though it wasn’t my job and I had no need for it, I had returned it to the right location. And, that deserved a good duty badge (or, whatever they give out for it). It was lesson time for both mommy and the kiddies, and they needed to hear the other side of the story.

    Unfortunately, some people can’t wait to let you know how little thinking actually goes into what they say. You did good. {{{HUGS}}}

  2. I guess I’m confused – how are you a slob for putting a cart back in its place? I must be missing something. Or yeah, maybe mom was just peeved that it was her turn to chaperone donation day. Good example to set for a child: rancor for your fellow man (that’s what the Boy Scouts teach, right?) Anyhoo, don’t give up! Even if others don’t understand, you can sit happy knowing that you took a small action to make things a little better. Also, the cupcakes look tasty. ^_^

  3. RavieNomNoms says:

    Those are gorgeous! YUMMM

  4. Duh. What’s the lady talking about? She must have just got a big bite out of the crabby apple tree that morning. From where I stand, you were superb … I would’ve blown my top! (Hehe … hotheaded). These cupcakes are superb too! Take a huge bite, it’ll definitely make your day!

  5. A little bit of everything says:

    I’m high or the world’s going crazy : how can someone be called names for doing a great job?

    The cupcakes, Oh my, I love everything about them.
    For the last couple of days I’m trying to talk hubby into making a PB – chocolate cake for his b-day, I guess i’ll make a batch of these for me

  6. Boy that woman set a terrible example for her children…oiy.

    Mmmm….brownies in cupcake form….wonderful idea. The peanut butter frosting calls to me.

  7. That’s so sad. I try to believe in the good of people and I can’t stand it when people act like that – and in front of her kid! How awful. You were looking a LOT better than her!

    And these cupcakes look amazing! Take that, rude lady!

  8. Oh yes…I’ve made these before and they’re delicious. I love the crust on top — that’s one of the things that makes brownies my fav.

  9. Lovely cupcakes. I love love love peanut butter and chocolate!

  10. Some people are just down right rude! Don’t let it get ya down, because these little yummy look fabulous!! I would totally eat all of the peanut butter frosting by itself!

  11. Christina says:

    I kind of feel sorry for miserable people like that. And for her to say things like that in front of her kids. I’ll be they didn’t get many donations that day with her scaring everyone away! I still do good deeds because that is how I was raised…I’m not going to let any bad apples ruin my Karma! Your brownie cupcakes look like they’d make the grumpiest person sweeter. Maybe she needed a cupcake? *shrugs*

  12. fooddreamer says:

    Ugh, sorry for the obnoxious, ignorant people. But your cupcakes look wonderful!

  13. you really can never tell when people just have a bad day. it’s too bad they had to take it out on you.

    these cupcakes are really beautiful just the way to put some sunshine back in a world of bitter people.

  14. Both cupcakes and that PB frosting sound so good.. Of course I dont even have to say that they look great too 🙂

  15. What a wonderful combination. Peanut butter loves chocolate.

  16. Wow, that woman was really rude. I can’t believe she said that in front of her children. I feel sorry for them the most. Well, at least these cupcakes look awesome!

  17. Sorry you had to deal with that… I can never understand how people can be so rude to others…

    But on a more delicious note, I love your cupcakes!!! Your photos are amazing, as always.

    1. Loving the link! Thanks a bunch for introducing me to a new blog 🙂

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