Fluffy homemade cinnamon bread is something that a weekend brunch is made for. The yeast risen dough is filled with swirls of cinnamon. It begs to be toasted and slathered with butter!

Bread recipes, like this fluffy homemade cinnamon bread, are my favorite to work with. Not because I eat a lot of bread, but because when I roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty, I learn.

Baking bread teaches patience. Waiting all day for yeast to rise, to finally see that golden brown treasure pulled from the oven. It teaches us humility, especially on the days when it just doesn’t work, like when the bread doesn’t rise, or it deflates at the last second.

It teaches us to keep practicing when that pizza dough doesn’t taste exactly like your grandmother’s classic recipe. But most of all bread teaches to be proud of our work. After working all day, kneading and waiting, for the finish product to fill the house with that warm and comforting smell, you can only look at the crumbs left behind and be proud of what you have accomplished.

This fluffy homemade cinnamon bread recipe comes from a friend of mine, whose website I adore.

My friend hit a bit of a rough spot, and it’s recipes like this cinnamon bread that I would make for someone when they need to know that others care for them. These are the type of recipes that I love to find on sites like hers, because they can help me to show her how important she is.

Fluffy Homemade Cinnamon Bread Recipe \\ PassTheSushi.com


Fluffy Homemade Cinnamon Bread

from Cake Duchess

Fluffy Homemade Cinnamon Bread Recipe \\ PassTheSushi.comIngredients:

For the Dough:

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 cups bread flour
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon highly active yeast
  • 1/3 cup sugar

For the Filling:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup cinnamon
  • softened stick of butter

In the bowl of a mixer, combine yeast and sugar.

In a saucepan, heat milk, water, butter and salt over low heat just until butter melts and temperature is between 120 and 130 F. Slowly pour liquid into yeast and sugar. Stir and allow to rest for 30 seconds, allowing the yeast to wake up.

With the mixer on low and begin adding flour 1/2 cup at a time.

Midway through the addition of the flour, stop the mixer, scrape down bowl and add an egg. Incorporate egg thoroughly before adding more flour. Add the second egg  and incorporate well. Finish adding the flour and continue beating dough until soft and elastic, about 3-4 minutes in the mixer. Raise speed to medium-low, and continue to mix until the dough is completely smooth and pulls away from the sides of the bowl, about 3-4 minutes more. The dough should be a little bit sticky. Handle dough with oiled hands to pull from the hook. Knead and stretch dough on a floured board for about 6-8 minutes.

Form dough into a ball by rolling under, tucking and pinching. Place dough ball into an oiled bowl, pinched side down. Cover, first with plastic wrap, then with a towel. Allow to rise until doubled in size (approximately 1-2 hours).

Punch the dough down, knead and form into a rectangle. Cut the dough in half. Take one half and form into a rectangle about the width of your loaf pan. Roll out the rectangle to about 18-22 inches long.

When stretched and formed to the desired size, rub dough with some room temperature butter. Sprinkle generously with cinnamon sugar mixture. Starting at the end closest to you, roll together tightly. Tuck and stretch the dough into a spiral loaf. Tuck and pinch the ends to seal.

Place into buttered loaf pans, seam side down. Spread some more room temperature butter on the top of loaves. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to raise for about another 45 minutes.
Brush the top of the loaf with butter and sprinkle with a little more cinnamon sugar. Bake on the middle or lower oven rack in a preheated 325(F) oven for 25-30 minutes and golden brown on top.



Fluffy Homemade Cinnamon Bread Recipe \\ PassTheSushi.com

If you have any left over the next morning, this fluffy homemade cinnamon bread creates a killer French Toast!

Fluffy Homemade Cinnamon Bread Recipe \\ PassTheSushi.com


  1. Wow! This looks exactly like the bread I used to get at the bakery near my house. I’ve since moved, but I still miss that bread. I’d love to try making this and see how it compares. Looks just as delicious, that’s for sure.

  2. This really looks wonderful. Glad to see it’s Lora’s recipe, too!

  3. I can just taste the French Toast! Cinnamon swirl breads always get my attention. It’s like cinnamon rolls without the guilt.

  4. This is a wonderful loaf and the french toast idea makes it even better. The texture shown in the bread picture is enticing and as far as the cinnamon, lets just say it reminds me that I need to work on my rolling skills for cakes as well as breads. Glad I got your email of this post.

  5. You have the most perfect cinnamon swirl. I have been debating between cinnamon or whole wheat for my bread this weekend. I think you just made up my mind. Beautiful!

  6. RavieNomNoms says:

    That is so gorgeous Kita! You did such a nice job. I am so afraid to make bread, I keep telling myself that I will, but I am afraid I will screw it up haha. Your write up on bread making has inspired me! I think I am gonna try it…

  7. Love the swirl! How perfect is that?! Mmmmm… cinnamon….

  8. Oh my, this looks more perfect than you would buy in the store! So yummy! I am impressed, I do not usually have the patience required to make things with yeast 🙂 Your words are so true though – nice shout out to your friend!

  9. You know I really need to get in there and use my bread machine.. no one believes that someone like me, a practicing pastry chef is intimidated by bread making.. but I am… I have had.. countless times my whole wheat bread…no rise,etc.. I’m considering the roux method..

    This really looks great!

  10. What a gorgeous loaf of bread! And I have everything to make it, too…

  11. Lovely post… What a gorgeous loaf of bread. I can just imagine a thick slice of French toast made with this… Mmmmmm… Thanks for sharing!

  12. Oh, gosh, what a beautiful loaf! I need to make this for my family…they’d be thrilled 🙂

  13. Beautiful loaf. Cinnamon bread is one of my favorites to turn into french toast.

  14. That is one good-looking loaf of bread. Like some of the other posters I immediately though French Toast.

  15. Perfect swirls!! This looks like great bread!

  16. Lora @cakeduchess says:

    Awww…Kita…you made my day with your sweet words. You’re a sweetheart. Your bread turned out gorgeous! My husband just reminded me I haven’t made it in a while. Have a wonderful weekend. Love you!

  17. I see you like bread too…I’ve been looking for a cinnamon bread without raisins. Thanks for the foodbuzz add.

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