Cheese danish are easy to make when you start with refrigerated crescent roll dough!

Refrigerated crescent roll dough is the base of this easy cheese danish recipe. Filled with cream cheese and topped with vanilla glaze. // PassTheSushi.comSure, once in a great while I may be selfish and cook something I know Handsome won’t touch with a ten foot pole, but sometimes I see a recipe that’s all for him and I rush to the kitchen to make it. He works all day (usually outside on the hottest days or up on a roof in the coldest) and doesn’t always stop to eat anything nutritious, so dinners at night aren’t about the blog, they are about feeding him well to make up for the long day.

In the morning, neither of us often stop for breakfast, but he has been guilty of falling for the buy one get one free Entenmann’s cheese danish from time to time. Ever wanted to know why you don’t let your other half go to the market alone when your the one that does the cooking? Yeah, that’s why.

So here’s a much more cost efficient semi-home made version of cheese danish that you can whip up in a few minutes and have ready and fresh every day. Hopefully this will prevent drive-by snacking at your local Quickie Mart.


Easy Cheese Danish

from the Country Cook

Refrigerated crescent roll dough is the base of this easy cheese danish recipe. Filled with cream cheese and topped with vanilla glaze. // PassTheSushi.comIngredients:
For the cheese danishes:

  • 2 tubes Crescent Rolls
  • 1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese (softened)
  • ¼ cup granulated white sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp. butter (melted)
  • 8 tbsp. light brown sugar

For the Glaze: (Optional)

  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 4 tsp. milk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F)

In a medium bowl, combine softened cream cheese with white sugar and vanilla extract until smooth and creamy.

Separate dough into eight rectangles (keeping two opposite facing cutouts facing one another) sealing up the perforations between the two.

Spread melted butter all over crescent rolls. Sprinkle each rectangle with about 1 tbsp. of brown sugar.

Starting with the long side, roll each rectangle up being sure to pinch the edges and wrap into a loose circle.

In the center of each, create a well where the cream cheese will go by punching down a hole with the tips of your fingers.
Place on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and top each danish with 2 tablespoons of cream cheese filling (more or less to your liking).

Bake at 350(F) for 15-18 minutes, or until golden brown. Let cool.

For Glaze: Combine powdered sugar, vanilla and milk until sugar is dissolved and drizzle over each danish a few minutes before serving.


Refrigerated crescent roll dough is the base of this easy cheese danish recipe. Filled with cream cheese and topped with vanilla glaze. //

These quick and simple cheese danish were perfect. I was able to use up some Pillsbury crescent dough that I knew I bought for some reason. They are fairly easy to adapt to any taste, by adding berries, lemon or apples on the inside or on top while cooking. I only used one tube of dough, making four danishes, knowing we wouldn’t eat them quickly. But if you are in a pinch and need to wow those unexpected guests, these would go a long way with minimum effort.


  1. I love these, what a good use of the cresent rolls too! Also love the new options to print the recipe very convenient!

  2. These look really good. I know my wife would love them.

  3. Wow they looks so delicious 🙂 Beautiful pictures, too 🙂

  4. I’ve been meaning to bake up some cheese danishes. I found a similar recipe a little bit ago that I keep putting off. Now I may need to make them after seeing these.

  5. Oh, yum. When I was younger I didn’t like cheese danish because the concept of cheese being in it grossed me out. How silly. Everyone knows that cheese danish are delicious!

  6. I’m just learning how to bake, so dough and I arent too close yet….however, THIS I know I can do! Maybe add a little lemon zest somewhere? On top? Mmm…..

  7. Wow, I haven’t had one of those Entenmann’s danishes in years!! I loved them as a kid. How cool that you figured out how to make it yourself! What a lucky husband you have. 🙂

  8. i’ve never used the store bought Crescent Rolls but your danishes look pretty darn good. I love a good cheese danish. I should make some soon, just bought some vegan cream cheese yesterday …

  9. So glad that these are made from cresent rolls! That means I can make them anytime I want!! And I want them all the time 🙂

  10. Crescent rolls are the bomb, aren’t they? I love what you’ve done with these. I do the exact same thing as you; sometimes make something just for me and other times bend in many directions to make sure Hubby gets a special treat I know he’ll love. I can’t wait to try these!

  11. RavieNomNoms says:

    That is really interesting…would never think to use crescent rolls, but it looks like it was a winning idea for sure. I can’t resist cream cheese…it’s kinda bad haha

  12. Nothing wrong with a little something/something semi-homemade. Excellent pictures too.

  13. you are so sweet to make your guy something special! My wife did try cooking for me a night a week, it was just too painful to bear…sigh
    I love cheese danish and what an easy way to make something so delicious! Thanks so much for the recipe!

  14. I love quick and easy especially when it comes to treats! It’s nice to see some down to earth semi-homemade cookin!

  15. Those danishes look delicious. What a treat for Handsome to come home to!

  16. LOVE that this is semi-homemade! My kinda danish! 😀

  17. For as much as I love cheese danish the plastic wrapped ones from the store don’t seem too stimulating lol. These look awesome!

  18. This is super! My hubby and I LOVE cheese danishes….BRAVO

  19. Wow! Easy peasey and so sweet and yummy! Love homemade over store-bought any day! Handsome’s a lucky guy!

  20. I saw these and was ready to hop on a plane to come visit. Great recipe. Hubs would love these.

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