Brown butter walnut brownies may be the best brownie you’ll ever eat. Dark cocoa brownies with a rich, fudgy center and crunchy walnuts. Amazing!

Brown Butter Walnut Brownies Recipe \\ PassTheSushi.comI have seen this brown butter walnut brownie recipe pop up on several other blogs lately and it’s no surprise why, with how delicious the cover of February’s Bon Appetit magazine looked.

Cupcakes may be king with pies trying to stage a coup, but nothing will top the nostalgia of a great simple brownie in my book. The basic Nestle Chocolate Chip cookie and Hershey’s brownie are two recipes that are my father’s tried and true favorites (and for good reason, as they are great every single time he makes them). But watch out Dad, because this brown butter walnut brownie just may give yours a run for the money.


Brown Butter Walnut Brownies

original recipe, “Cocoa Brownies with Browned Butter and Walnuts

From: Bon Appetit: February 2011


  • Brown Butter Walnut Brownies Recipe \\ PassTheSushi.comNonstick vegetable oil spray
  • 10 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 3/4 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder (spooned into cup to measure, then leveled)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs, chilled
  • 1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon unbleached all purpose flour
  • 1 cup walnut pieces

Position rack in bottom third of oven; preheat to 325°F. Line 8x8x2-inch metal baking pan with foil, pressing foil firmly against pan sides and leaving 2-inch overhang. Coat foil with nonstick spray.

Melt butter in medium saucepan over medium heat. Continue cooking until butter stops foaming and browned bits form at bottom of pan, stirring often, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat; immediately add sugar, cocoa, 2 teaspoons water, vanilla, and 1/4 teaspoon (generous) salt. Stir to blend. Let cool 5 minutes (mixture will still be hot). Add eggs to hot mixture 1 at a time, beating vigorously to blend after each addition. When mixture looks thick and shiny, add flour and stir until blended. Beat vigorously 60 strokes. Stir in nuts. Transfer batter to prepared pan.

Bake brownies until toothpick inserted into center comes out almost clean (with a few moist crumbs attached), about 25 minutes. Cool in pan on rack. Using foil overhang, lift brownies from pan. Cut into 4 strips. Cut each strip crosswise into 4 brownies.

DO AHEAD Can be made 2 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.

Brown Butter Walnut Brownies Recipe \\

Here’s what the people at Bon Appetit had to say about these brownies, “These are some of the best brownies we’ve ever had—fudgy in the middle and chewy on the outside with a shiny, crackly top. The browned butter adds a rich, nutty flavor.” Yeah. They weren’t lying. 😉

It’s all about the brown butter.


  1. Whoa! Those are seriously good looking. I can just imagine how fudgy and delicious they were!!

  2. Now how in the heck did I miss that Bon Appetit? I love me some soft, fudgey brownies, but I still haven’t yet found a recipe that gives me the right chewy, gooey texture I crave… so I’d surely have bought it on the spot with brownies that luscious on the cover!
    I’m going to have to give this a shot later this week (sans walnuts, that is… nuts are great, except in brownies). Fingers crossed, this might actually turn out to be the brownie recipe I’ve been hunting for!

    1. If not, you’ll just have to come over and try my dads. They are perfect every time! It’s like some freakishly savant talent he has.

  3. RavieNomNoms says:

    Drool worthy is right! WOW those look so yummy and gooey and delicious!

  4. Wow, those look astounding. I’m not a big fan of nuts in my brownies (call me a purist), but those are simply stunning. I love the dark coloring…in fact with how dark they are, I’m surprised they’re not made with Dutch process powder. Isn’t Dutch process typically darker? Or am I wrong? Regardless, I may have to go home and bake up a batch of these tonight! Thanks for sharing! ^_^

  5. Oh my goodness. These seriously look like the gooeiest brownies I’ve ever seen. I wish I could reach through my computer screen and grab one. What kind of cocoa powder did you use???

  6. Kita! These brownies look SO HEAVENLY. I love dense fudgey brownies. I’ve never had brownies with browned butter before but I can see how it would just add to the richness of them. I must try these.

  7. fooddreamer says:

    They certainly do look drool-worthy!

  8. I need one of these right now and maybe one more to keep the other one company. These are amazing, aren’t they?

  9. the texture and color has me going wild and I am no even a brownie fan

  10. Those look so rich and fudgy that I’m having a serious chocolate craving right now! Have to make those STAT!

  11. I love how this recipe has taken off in blogosphere – just goes to show that when something is indeed marvelous – people take note. Your photos are as luscious as ever.

  12. That is one decadent brownie. Looks so very good….and rich. 😉

  13. Tim in Tennessee says:

    I made these today after seeing it on your site. I read at the recipe in B.A. and worried with so little flour they would be too gooey. Though the texture is a bit fudgey, it’s not dense. The walnuts were not very good in the recipe, toasting first might help, or leave out all together IMHO. They are definitely addictive.

  14. Wow, that is really drool worthy! I just love how rich they look!

  15. I made these too…how could anyone resist? Your photos are lovely! Thanks so much for sharing your blog on the My Baking Addiction Facebook page!


  16. Ooey Gooey for goodness sakes! I think I’ve gained a couple of pounds just looking at them.

  17. imwaytoobusy says:

    These look so rich and chewy! I’ll take a plate of these, please 😉

  18. oh lordy…wow! When I saw these earlier on one of those food porn sites I started to drool….seriously… they are amazing…as are all your creations! Beautiful job, Kita!

  19. Perfectly done! Have to taste this myself.

  20. Stunning! Have been wanting to make these since I got the issue. Gorgeous photos—wish I had one of those now! Beautifully done.

  21. The Mom Chef ~ Taking on Magazines One Recipe at a Time says:

    I saw these. I have to say that yours look darker and more fudgy than any any of the others I’ve seen. Gorgeous.

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