Barbecue chicken burgers are a quick, easy weeknight dinner, and sure to be a family favorite recipe. Made with healthy ground chicken.

With all the new recipes I post on PtS, it rarely leaves time for any repeat meals. Sure we have our favorites, (Mr. Ortega, will you please marry me so I may inherit your wonderful taco empire?) but it’s pretty much a new surprise every time I call out that dinner’s ready.

“What do you mean you don’t know what were having? Have you tasted it?”


“Then how do you know if it’s good?”

“It just is.”

“But how do you knnoooooow?”

This is not a dramatization, wish I could say it was, but it ain’t.  It’s a normal conversation in our house when dinner is set in front and I’ve thrown together new ingredients that were alien in our household until the morning of. And I’m pretty darn happy about this too. We have learned about so many things that we would have never known we even liked because of it – like this one, for example, chicken burgers can be pretty damned tasty. I know, blows your mind doesn’t it?

But the barbecue chicken burgers were so tasty, I’ve managed to make them twice!

Barbecue chicken burgers are a quick, easy weeknight dinner, and sure to be a family favorite recipe. Made with healthy ground chicken. // Recipe on




Barbecue Chicken Burgers

Discovered on Annie’s Eats, adapted from from Pink Parsley Catering, and sauce from Cook’s Illustrated

Barbecue chicken burgers are a quick, easy weeknight dinner, and sure to be a family favorite recipe. Made with healthy ground chicken. // Recipe on PassTheSushi.comIngredients:
For the sauce:

  • ½ cup ketchup
  • ¼ cup molasses
  • 2 tbs minced onion
  • 2 tbs Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tbs Dijon mustard
  • 2 tbs cider vinegar
  • 1 tbs brown sugar
  • Hot sauce, to taste

For the burgers:

  • 1 lb ground chicken
  • 1/4 cup cornmeal
  • 1 scallion, minced
  • 1 tbs minced fresh cilantro (oh, not in my kitchen)
  • 2 teas brown sugar
  • 1 teas dry mustard
  • ½ teas kosher salt
  • ½ teas paprika
  • ¼ teas garlic powder
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 5 tbsp. barbecue sauce, divided

Heat a grill to medium-high heat.

For the barbecue sauce, combine all the sauce ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens and is reduced to about 1 cup.  Remove from the heat.  Set aside to chill until ready to use.

To make the burgers, combine the ground chicken, cornmeal, scallion, cilantro, brown sugar, spices, and 2 tablespoons of the barbecue sauce in a medium bowl and mix gently until well combined.  Divide the ground chicken mixture into burger size patties.

Place the burger patties on a cleaned and well oiled grill grate, brush with barbeque sauce and cook about 8-11 minutes. Flip once halfway through cook time and brush with 2 to 3 tablespoons more sauce.

Top with cheese slices, if using.  Cover and allow cheese to melt, 1 minute longer.  Place the burgers on toasted buns and top with additional barbecue sauce as desired and any other desired toppings.


 Barbecue chicken burgers are a quick, easy weeknight dinner, and sure to be a family favorite recipe. Made with healthy ground chicken. // Recipe on

Had I dared to serve this a year ago, dinner would have been met with a sigh of discontent. Chicken…. burger…. Now a days, Handsome happily huffs it down and goes back for seconds. Either he just stopped complaining or I really have introduced him to some new foods he enjoys.

I like to hope its the latter.

 Barbecue chicken burgers are a quick, easy weeknight dinner, and sure to be a family favorite recipe. Made with healthy ground chicken. // Recipe on


  1. Oh, MY, that sounds so good. But ground chicken is so expensive where I live…. Less than a pound for more than four dollars…. :'( Way too expensive. At least, when ground beef’s on sale, I can get a pound and a half for four dollars….

  2. These look delish!! I think the hubby might even approve if I make these. and he doesn’t like ANYTHING! 🙂

  3. RavieNomNoms says:

    Looks SO good! I should make chicken burgers this weekend since it is supposed to be so nice out. Perfect weather to get my flame on! 🙂

  4. What an incredible burger! And I, too, know it tastes fabulous without even a bite 🙂

  5. What a beautiful burger! I must try this on the weekend 🙂

  6. Wow, this looks beautiful and yummy! Great blog!! I think I should keep this BBQ recipe saved for my next party menu!

  7. looks delish Kita 🙂 making me hungry and I haven’t even eaten breakfast.

  8. Too funny!! I hardly ever have time for repeats either…always wanting to make something new 🙂 These look super yummy!!

  9. I can see why you made them twice-they look fantastic. I have saved this recipe-thanks for sharing-yum!

  10. I don’t doubt that these burgers are delicious! I mean it’s barbecue chicken!! 🙂 Looks irresistible!

  11. Often we would have the same conversations in my house too:)))
    I think your burgers looks and sound sooo good! Mouthwatering and perfect!!!

  12. Omg I too just discovered this on Annie’s Eats last night, it looks amazing!! I have some ground turkey in the fridge I wonder if it would be as good? Anyway thanks for reading my mind 🙂

  13. Mmm i don’t have to taste it i just know it’s delicious!

  14. The BBQ sauce sounds delish and I can’t wait to try the burgers with the pulled pork added, yum. Thanks for sharing.

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