Herbed Roast Beef is a comfort food dinner recipe that’s perfect for a special occasion or Sunday dinner, but easy enough to make any day of the week.

I have been sleeping horridly for the past few weeks. It may have some correlation with the attempted robbery, or that perhaps, I am solar powered and the snow and extra winter weather is kicking my butt. I was dog tired (what is ‘dog tired’ anyway) and the last thing I wanted to do was crawl out of bed. The neighbor hood dogs weren’t tired though. They barked all morning and realizing sleep just wasn’t an option I got up. I worked on PasstheSushi.com’s code a bit, some code for another site I designed and worked on getting in a better mood. It wasn’t until I was at Hallmark that I got in a good mood. Sometimes over priced crap just makes you happy. Today it was a box of Hello Kitty candy I had to have.

Hello Kitty Lucky Stars Candy

I came hope and played with my new toy, my Nikon D3000. I will have a session of reading the manual and figuring out everything this baby is capable of. Until then, I’ll just point and shoot. Then my BF called with some amazing news (Fingers crossed) and went about making dinner. A juicy, herbed roast beef.

Herbed Roast Beef

recipe adapted from MyRecipes.com

The carnivore in me is so happy.

  • 2  teaspoons  minced garlic
  • 2  teaspoons  chopped fresh rosemary
  • 2  teaspoons  kosher salt
  • 1  teaspoon  chopped fresh thyme
  • 1  teaspoon  pepper
  • 1/8  teaspoon  onion powder
  • 1  (2-lb.) boneless beef rump roast, trimmed
  • 1. Preheat oven to 325°. Line a 13- x 9-inch pan with heavy-duty aluminum foil, and coat with cooking spray.2. Combine minced garlic and next 5 ingredients in a small bowl. Rub garlic mixture over rump roast. Place roast in prepared pan.3. Bake at 325° for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted in thickest portion registers 145° (medium rare). Let stand 10 minutes.

Let me just tell you, delicious. Even without the potatoes, salad, and biscuits I wanted to serve with it because someone has to get to class… >.>


  1. Unknown Mami says:

    Attempted robbery? That does not sound good. I’m sorry.

  2. I love your layout! I can’t wait for my Photoshop to come in so I can design a layout (once I figure out how to work it of course lol!). I’m not too good with CSS code, I can play around with it if I have a copy of someone’s code…it’s just getting someone to give you a copy of their code that’s hard! I’ll get it somehow though! ;0} Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m a new follower!

  3. @ Mami – Yeah, it was a long night. All I can say is, don’t try to break into a house with two cars out front and a dog bowl thats a foot off the ground and 9″ in diameter.
    @ Blondie – You ever need help, lemme know 🙂 Enjoy photoshop!

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