100 Grand cupcakes are dessert heaven. 100 Grand candy bars, stuffed inside and on top of moist chocolate cupcakes. With a caramel drizzle and fluffy buttercream frosting.

I don’t like to write about things that I am greatly opinionated on (well, other than food) because I don’t think this is the place for it, but you’re just going to have to excuse my turn at the pulpit for this. Or, just skip ahead to the 100 Grand cupcakes recipe.

What is with everyone on the road lately? Have we all forgotten that 17 million people are out there with us and that our actions do indeed effect everyone else around us? I don’t consider myself an excessive driver. I have had my car for 4 years and haven’t hit 30k miles yet, but when I drive, I am amazed at everyone around me.

  • First, put down the damn phone. Texting while driving is just not cool. I ride on the back of a motorcycle and watch you watching your phone swerving towards me. Whatever it was that was so important it wasn’t worth picking up the phone to actually interact with the other individual receiving the letters on the screen can wait. I know some EMT’s. I’ve seen pictures of the accidents. Trust me, it can wait.
  • When did yield signs mean speed the heck up and assume any on coming traffic you didn’t bother to check for will slam on their brakes to avoid hitting you? Seriously, slow down and look. I don’t want to end up back in court because you were in a rush to get to church.
  • Turn from turn lanes. Not the straight lane two lanes over because you missed it causing everyone else to freak out. You missed it, its America, like 99% of this country has been robbed of its scenery and paved, you can turn around at the next intersections. Ones coming I promise.
  • Don’t cruise at 7 miles below the speed limit. That train of traffic acting like your the pace car at the Daytona 500 is just getting pissy. And late.
  • Riding my ass with your bass thumping will only make me drive 7 miles below the speed limit. It is not going to make me speed up.
  • If I watch you weaving in and out of traffic, I can become the most patient driver in the world never needing to go faster or slower than the person in front of me for a very very long time.
  • If your not handicapped, get out the damn spot. I know you’re only running in and out, but you probably could use the extra few feet from the spot next to it.
  • Riding with your flashers on does not mean you are allowed to drive however you want to. It means your flashers are on and you are drawing more attention to yourself. If you don’t feel like finding a spot like everyone else in this tiny crowded college town, those blinkly lights do not mean you get to stop in the road just to grab your sushi order.
  • That thing after the solid white line, yeah, that’s the shoulder, not your own personal lane.

Now calm down and take a bite of 100 Grand cupcakes.

100 Grand cupcakes are dessert heaven. 100 Grand candy bars, stuffed inside and on top of moist chocolate cupcakes. With a caramel drizzle and fluffy buttercream frosting. \\ PassTheSushi.com


100 Grand Cupcakes

100 Grand cupcakes are dessert heaven. 100 Grand candy bars, stuffed inside and on top of moist chocolate cupcakes. With a caramel drizzle and fluffy buttercream frosting. \\ PassTheSushi.comDiscovered on The Novice Chef, Chocolate Cupcakes adapted from Hershey’s, Salted Caramel Buttercream adapted from My Baking Addiction


Chocolate Cupcakes:

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup HERSHEY’S Cocoa
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 8 frozen 100 Grand snack size candy bars, cut into thirds

Salted Caramel Frosting:

  • 2 sticks unsalted butter; room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 3 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar
  • 1/3 cup caramel topping; plus more for drizzling
  • 1 teaspoon salt

100 Grand cupcakes are dessert heaven. 100 Grand candy bars, stuffed inside and on top of moist chocolate cupcakes. With a caramel drizzle and fluffy buttercream frosting. \\ PassTheSushi.comPreparation:

For the Chocolate Cupcakes:

Freeze your 100 Grand Bars before starting this process.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Line 2 cupcake pans with liners.

In a large bowl, stir together sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add eggs, milk, oil and vanilla; beat on medium speed of mixer 2 minutes. Stir in boiling water.

Fill cups 2/3 full with batter. Add in one piece of frozen 100 Grand bar. Add an additional tablespoon batter on top to ensure the candy bar is covered. Bake 22 to 25 minutes.

For the Salted Caramel Frosting:

Cream the butter in the bowl of an electric or stand mixer. Add the vanilla extract, salt and caramel syrup and combine well.

Begin adding in the powdered sugar a little at a time and mixing thoroughly after each addition. After all of the sugar has been added and mixed thoroughly, give it a taste and decide if you want to add in more caramel syrup. For thicker frosting you can gradually add in a little more sugar.

Garnish with chopped 100 Grand bars and a drizzle of caramel of caramel syrup.


100 Grand cupcakes are dessert heaven. 100 Grand candy bars, stuffed inside and on top of moist chocolate cupcakes. With a caramel drizzle and fluffy buttercream frosting. \\ PassTheSushi.com

Be sure to freeze those 100 Grand candy bars! Otherwise they just melt to the bottom of your cupcake. Not talking from experience or anything…


  1. This cracked me up because all of those bullet points go through my head every day on the way to work and the way home from work. This cupcake could definitely help me relax when I get home!

  2. Love the post! I agree 100%, every day I witness too many stupid people driving. I love the ones that decide they want to pass you, but didn’t take into account the oncoming cars or didn’t care. Those are fun, then I have to worry is the crash going to take us out too because they are an impatient idiot. I usually keep my language clean around the kids, but when we are in the car, they do hear some colorful rants!

  3. You tell ’em, sister!

    It’s funny. When I moved to the mountains from the big city, I too was one of the get behind and push drivers. I couldn’t understand how anyone could drive 35 mph to get “anywhere”. I’d fume, my BP would rise and I’d be a wreck by the time I got to my destination. 2 years later.. I’m now the one driving 35 to the store. The scenery is beautimus here and I don’t want to miss a leaf. Everyone needs to just slow down, take a pill…..oh, and a cupcake… one of those caramel-y things, preferably.

  4. This look AMAZING my fellow Leo! 😉

    I am the worst driver EVER… I am just dumb on the road… so it’s me you’re referring to up there! 😉

  5. Cupcakes look great, but I enjoyed your rant much more. I couldn’t agree with you more!

  6. RavieNomNoms says:

    haha you are too funny Kita! New England drivers are some of the WORST drivers I have ever seen. Moving here 3 years so I was so confused on what the road laws were because none of them seem to abide by them…terrible…just terrible.

    However, your cupcakes are not terrible they are fantastic!! First off, I love 100 grands. They have always been one of my favorite candies that I hardly seem to see anymore. It is depressing. Second off, how creative are you to put them in a cupcake! That is so fantastical I cannot even express. Thirdly, may I please have one? or three? 😛

  7. I love these candy bars and nothing like finding this little gem inside your cupcake. Very good and delicious idea and your pictures are stunning. Yum!

  8. I’ve never had a 100 Grand bar but a friend up in Vancouver always asks me to bring them when I visit because they don’t have them in Canada. But these cupcakes look wicked good!
    And for the record, no one is as bad driving as people in Massachusetts. They is crazy up here! 😉

  9. Cupcakes looks awesome. I totally agree with you I hardly drive I walk if I can, but when I do drive it makes me crazy because I could swear people seriously don’t know how to drive.

  10. MMMM – I would like to try those!!!

    You are so dead on about the drivers!!! It is now against the law to text or to have a phone up to your ear while driving in the state of Delaware. I do wish I were a cop that needs to make a ticket quota. I would get to write tickets to all of those special people who think the laws apply to everyone but them!! Just like the people that are so special they get to go through the light that just turned red.

  11. Salted caramel buttercream? Yes please!
    BTW, bad drivers get my blood boiling too, and I don’t even drive! I can’t count how many times I’ve nearly been run over by some jerk who’s in a rush to make a right-hand turn and can’t wait the 10 seconds it takes for me to walk past.
    A car is made of (mostly) metal… I, on the other hand, am not. Grrrrrrrrr.
    (OK, now that I’m sufficiently pissy, where’s my cupcake?)

  12. Cracking up at your list above and they are all so true! I will say I am the annoying person that gets on their phone occassionally at a stop light but I try to look up and down quickly to dodge the honk I will get once the light is green. Your cupcakes look so rich and delicious!!

  13. You go, girl. I’m right behind you on the rant! 🙂 These cupcakes look fabulous. I can almost taste one!

  14. Oh yea! When I saw the title I hoped beyond hope that you were talking about the candy bar because I LOVE those. The cupcakes look fantastic.

    I moved from Chicago to North Carolina. From where driving is an art and people are very aware of each other to where folks just mosey along like there’s no one else on the road. Yeah, I feel your pain.

  15. Cupcakes look absolutely delicious! Be careful out there on the road….

  16. Oh 100 grands are my favorite! These cupcakes look so yummy. You are right, I am guilty of occasionally texting while driving as well. I need to make a better effort to stop doing it!

  17. I am one of those drivers that occasionally cruises at 5 mph under the speed limit…But I would like to say that you know what is more annoying than me? The drivers that flash their dang lights at me furiously at a desperate attempt to get me to speed up when I’m going 55 mph in a 55 mph zone. I don’t get why they don’t pass me. No need to get pissed at me for going the speed limit! 😛

  18. LOVE the rant.. I hope the right people read it! The cupcakes look absolutely fabulous! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  19. Woh! I’m completely stressed just reading about your driving experiences. I think I need several of these cupcakes to calm down.

    It’s a bit like that here too, but fewer lanes.

  20. Girl, you think driving is rough where you are!? You outta try Cayman. I didn’t have a car for my first 3 years here, I was so scared to drive. You get used to it though 🙂

    Ferocious cupcakes. Buzzed!

  21. I couldn’t agree more with you..cell phones and driving just do not match together..but on the other hand you cupcakes look like a million bucks..I love your pictures and recipe is fantastic!!!!

  22. I’ve never understood the whole text and drive thing…what in the world compels someone to text at that time? Crezzy.

    Gorgeous cupcakes as always! 🙂 Oh that salted caramel frosting on top of beautiful chocolate cake stuffed with candy….yum.

  23. these look really good and VERY chocolatey. I only like chocolate cake if it’s the sort that whacks you right between the eyes and delivers a real chocolate hit.

    I agree with the driving and texting. Ludicrously silly and a serious risk of killing someone. Some people just dont think….

  24. I don’t know which like the most your driving comments or the cupcakes. The cupcake might just have an edge they look good

  25. lmfao! I could have written this road rage post word for word! Lol… Luckily I sold my car and will be road rage free while living in DC! I especially love the last piece of advice… eat one of these cupcakes! YUM!

  26. My BP went up just reading your rant 😉 But those sinfully delicious looking cupcakes took the edge off! I keep scrolling back up to gaze at them again – love the drizzle of salted caramel, YUM!

  27. Oh my gosh! I agree with Priscilla! That rant got my blood pressure going! But eeks! It’s crazy how many morons there are out there, right? Yeesh. Your cupcakes, however… well, there’s nothing moronic about them 🙂 If I do have some chocolate (usually at Halloween time), 100 Grands are one of my favorite to grab!

  28. I have a co-worker that loves 100 Grand Candy Bars. She goes on and on. I have never heard of them till meeting her. I can see why she is in love though after this recipe. Looks and sounds amazing!

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