It’s crazy to believe today is just the first day of spring. I guess Spring just wasn’t messing around this year, shoving old Jack Frost out of the way and showed us what it’s all about! There are people outside (I hope that doesn’t fade), we have already been hitting the mountain bike trails (wow, do I have a way to go), and I have this insane urge to grill everything.

The cats and dog seem really pleased about our early spring as the wild life in the yard has them stalking from window to window making those amusing clicking sounds that cats make. I caught the dog in the pond today taking a drink and getting himself covered in water as he dodged the angry black birds that were trying to claim it as their own.

As for me, I am enjoying cooking and cleaning with the windows wide open and the breeze warming the house. I have changed the heavy winter sheets out for the light cottons I usually save for May. And my garden has decided it too would rise from the dead this season as even the annual plants have popped back up for another round.

What does any of this have to do with muffins? Not a darned thing, but I needed to lead in with something and I was seeing tons of muffins the other day as I caught up on some blog loving. The idea was there, the craving undeniable and with a list of ingredients this short – why not bake some muffins? 😉



White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Muffins

from Southern Living Ultimate Quick and Easy


  • 2 1/2 cups whole wheat all-purpose baking mix
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup white chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup coarsely chopped macadamia nuts
  • 3/4 cup half-and-half
  • 3 tbs vegetable oil
  • 2 teas vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease a muffin tin.

Combine baking mix, sugar, chocolate and nuts in a large bowl and mix to combine.

In another bowl, combine half-and-half, vegetable oil, vanilla, and egg. Create a well in the sugar mixture and pour half-and-half mixture in. Stirring until dry ingredients are just moistened.

Divide batter evenly in prepared muffin tin, filling each two thirds full. Bake for 11-12 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Turn muffins out from pan immediately and cool on a wire rack.



  1. I’m not so sure winter actually happened this year…. Can these count as breakfast??

  2. These muffins are full of surprise 🙂

  3. It’s the first day of Autumn down here…the Summer just finished for us, but it’s the perfect time to try warm muffins for breakfast or for tea time. Yours look delicious, maybe I can make with another nut as macadamia is not common here.

  4. Oh, these muffins look loaded with chocolate and macadamia nuts! Yum.

  5. White chocolate and macadamia nut cookies are my absolute favorite kind of cookies. But imagining them in muffin form is sending me to the moon righ now. What a wonderful way to celebrate the first days of spring. It’s going to be epic when I make these! 😀

  6. I see you have turned one of my favorite cookies into a muffin – sweet!

  7. I always like a muffin with cookie ingredients in it. I already had plenty of coffee this morning but your post made me want to brew another pot and locate the nearest white chocolate and macadamia nut muffin 😉

  8. We were definitely in that grilling mood too, that is before the forty days and forty nights of rain hit. (I am exaggerating; we have had only two days of constant rain!) I am adding this to my muffin repertoire.

  9. I love your muffins. When I look at that last photo it reminds me of the first time I “met” you on your brioche post. I have been hooked ever since! It’s been cold here, in fact it has snowed. It has only stuck one day but winter should be done by now. I open the windows anyway because I miss the fresh air. Poor Taylor. She gets cold easily and she follows behind me. I open the windows one at a time and she follows behind me closing them one at a time…

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