Using leftovers from your fridge before they go bad is easy and delicious with this recipe for mac and cheese steak tacos!

If you didn’t like my ‘Manwich‘, hated those Bacon Caramel Brownies, and aren’t really down with tossing around your leftovers on a late night to fill your belly, I suggest you just go ahead and skip this post. For the four of  you left reading, get ready to party hard with your inner fat kid, because we’re using up leftovers in a delicious way.

Some nights, I work late and by the time I get home, I’m starving. Eating late isn’t good for you, and we should be more cautious of what we choose, but that theory flies out the window at half past nine, after a long day of work.

By then, I’m far beyond reason. I’m past my point of healthy decision making and I am in full fat kid mode, willing to live with the whining that tomorrow brings when I look pack at the carnage and I complain about what I ate the night before. By the time I get home some nights, I’m the kind of hungry that should be followed by running a marathon, because I want to scoop up the cheesiest, heaviest stick to your ribs pasta I can find. And most nights when I work that late, I do just that.

Some day, my metabolism will change and I will be forced to deal with the consequences, but for now, I’m using leftovers to make a feast fit for a fat kid.

Using leftovers from your fridge before they go bad is easy and delicious with this recipe for mac and cheese steak tacos. Get the comfort food recipe from


Quick Dinner Fixins: Mac and Cheese Steak Tacos

Inspired by a want to not go to the market, what I had in the pantry, and a suggestion from my boss


  • 4 steak-um like patties
  • 1/2 teas cumin
  • 1 tbs Baja Chipotle sauce or other Tex-Mex like marinade
  • 1 tbs Olive oil
  • 1/2 red pepper sliced
  • 1/2 onion sliced
  • 3 cups leftovers mac and cheese
  • 1 cup spinach
  • Taco Sauce
  • Taco Shells
Using leftovers from your fridge before they go bad is easy and delicious with this recipe for mac and cheese steak tacos. Get the comfort food recipe from


Prepare steak-patties per directions on box, adding cumin and baja chipotle sauce.

Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Saute pepper and onion about 5 minutes or until caramelized.

Reheat your delicious leftover mac and cheese (I always take this opportunity to add a little extra cheese and milk to add some creaminess to the leftovers as they reheat).

Heat the taco shells according to the package.

Drain off any excess liquid from the steak (no one wants a soggy taco) and prepare tacos, layering meat, taco sauce, onions, peppers, spinach, and mac and cheese.



 Using leftovers from your fridge before they go bad is easy and delicious with this recipe for mac and cheese steak tacos. Get the comfort food recipe from

Now that’s a winning taco, made the easy way, using leftovers.



  1. Wow, now were talking serious eats! I think my girls would go crazy if I served up these delicious wonders! Just watch your fingers when you serve these!

  2. These are brillant! I know my kiddos would love them. We’ll have to try them.

  3. These actually sound really good! I am going to have to try this.

  4. What a cool idea. I could go for that, I just never thought of it. Experimentation is the beginning of things new!

  5. Oh my! These look like a child’s (or my husband’s) dream come true!

  6. There would be some very happy people in my house if I served this. Myself included! This looks so good. Sometimes you just have to give in to your inner fat kid. Great post!

  7. Amazing what motivation will create when we don’t want ANOTHER trip to the grocery store. Great job!

  8. We have a mac&cheese lover in this house, he is rejoicing over this recipe. Bookmarked. You do have a delicious creative streak..thanks for sharing this one.

  9. There is spinach in this recipe so it really isn’t all that bad:-) I know that ravenous feeling and I sure would love this for the next time that happens!

  10. Oh man oh man, this is combining two of my favorite foods. Genius!

  11. RavieNomNoms says:

    Haha this is awesome Kita! You have paired two of my favorites…tacos and mac and cheese. I totally wish I could eat this and get away with it! My metabolism has already caught up with me at 26! So enjoy it while you can deary!

  12. I love finding ways to use up leftovers! These look strangely awesome. I would’ve never guess it was created from leftovers.

  13. I wish I had never seen this post…because now I’ll have to make it and kick myself later! This looks amazing, I would never have thought to combine all of this.

  14. The tummy of my inner fat kid is growling for this! Yum, what a great idea. I love these recipes, Kita, keep ’em coming friend!!

  15. Okay…these are cool! They’re a taco, they’re mac & cheese, they’re a philly cheesesteak! What’s not to love?

  16. didn’t I came up with this idea?:/ I have to try it, I think my kids will go nuts over this!!! THANK YOU for the wonderful recipe!!!

  17. Wow, this is one of the best uses for leftovers I’ve ever seen! It really is almost ridiculous in a way that makes me crave on immediately. Topping tacos with mac and cheese is genious 🙂

  18. I have to say, this is a bit bonkers 🙂 I might have to keep my mac’n’cheese separate from my tacos. A mac’n’cheese sandwich however, yum.

  19. This is a wonderful way to use leftovers. It’s a completely new meal and one that no one in my house would say no to.

  20. This is so innovative 🙂 I would have never thought of adding pasta in taco. Lovely photos too!

  21. taco pasta the ultimate fusion.

    this is something i would make after i got home from a hard night of drinking 🙂
    taco pasta oh how you’ve treated many a hangover!

  22. I would have NEVER thought of this…but since you have done this marvelous thing of combining some of the best things, who am I not to indulge! Thanks for your inner fat kid, and thanks for your brilliance! Cant wait to surprise my friends with this one!

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