As I type this the hype of Sandy has almost peeked in my area and people are tucking themselves in to their homes to see what this beast has in store for us. At this point I have been warned about high winds, possible snow, and severe power outages. I hope you are reading this in a warm cozy house with power and that Sandy has left you unharmed.

Our strategy included digging out the Pop-Tarts from last years hurricane Irene and pulling the umbrella and chairs off of the porch. I probably should have stocked up on toilet paper and ice just in case but as of right now, Pop-tarts and pretzels are our entire hurricane survival plan.

I also may have packed our crock-pot full of deliciousness in an attempt to use up food in the freezer (in case of a serious outage). This soup is the perfect kind of bad weather meal.

Wishing everyone luck!


Slow Cooker Beef and Noodle Soup

from Slow Cooker Revolution


  • 2 onions, minced
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tbs tomato paste
  • 1 tbs vegetable oil
  • 2 teas minced fresh thyme
  • 6 cups beef broth
  • 1 lb cremini mushrooms, cleaned, trimmed, and sliced
  • 3 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 2 celery ribs, chopped
  • 2 tbs soy sauce
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 1/2 lbs beef blade steak or chuck, trimmed
  • salt and pepper
  • 3 oz wide egg noodles
  • 3 tbs fresh parsley


Combine the onion, garlic, tomato paste and oil in a microwave safe bowl and microwave until onion is soft and bowl flaming hot, about 5 minutes. Transfer to slow cooker.

Pour broth, carrot, celery, mushrooms, soy sauce, and bay leaves in slow cooker and stir.

Sprinkle the beef with salt and pepper and lay in slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 9-11 hours.

Remove beef from slow cooker and place in a bowl. Let rest for 5 minutes then shred into pieces.

Cook egg noodles in a large pot of salted water according to directions on package (or just under since they will be sitting in hot broth anyway). Drain and rinse.

Stir shredded beef and noodles into soup and serve with parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste.



Megan’s Killer Artichoke Bread

from Izzy, Crumb Blog who shared it for SRC from Megan


  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 14oz can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • 1 cup shredded mozarella cheese
  • 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 small loaf ciabatta bread


Line a baking sheet with aluminium foil and preheat the broiler.

Slice the ciabatta roll in half and lightly toast the rolls under the broiler just to firm them up a bit.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high. Swirl the butter and cook until foaming. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds. Remove from heat and stir in the chopped artichokes, cheeses, and sour cream until melted and combined.

Scoop the artichoke mixture onto the toasted bread and place back on the baking sheet. Broil until the cheese is melted and slightly bubbly. Let cool for a few minutes before serving.




  1. That is a deep and hearty broth!! We have power, but can’t say for sure those up north!

  2. I knew as soon as I spotted this post in my reader that you were making Killer Artichoke Bread. 🙂 I love that stuff! I bet it’s just fantastic with a big bowl of that gorgeous beefy soup. Definitely the perfect pair for a rainy day.
    Sending lots of dry thoughts your way! We’re bracing for the edge of Sandy to pass over either today or tomorrow, but it sounds like it won’t be nearly as bad as they’d first thought… just lots of rain and wind. 😛

  3. Be safe out there! And it’s so awesome that you stocked up on this! I’ll have to make this for Jason – he’ll be thrilled!

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