Salted peanut butter Nutella cookies will capture your heart with their chewy, chocolate-hazelnut goodness, accented with salted peanut butter.

Let’s talk Pinterest. I know I am late to the game with this post, but I am running on empty and Pinterest is an easy topic. Before I was addicted to it, pinning delicious meals and treats that peeked my eye, but recently I discovered all the other wonderful uses of Pinterest.

Like getting dressed. Pinterest makes this handicapable girl get dressed in moments by showing me color organized outfits. Now I don’t have to walk into my comic shop filled with guys and ask if I look like a tool. Clearly if someone planned it, wore it and pinned it first, I’m safe. Right? Otherwise, I would have never known plaid went with that green cardigan and my spiffy boots. And all the shoes on Pinterest… oh, the shoes. Which is also good, because it is a guilt free virtual retail therapy outlet. 😉

And decorating inspiration. Oh I am loving that. I have been determined to make our bedroom more than just a bed and where we store our clothes. It started there, and not I’ll be damned if I don’t have tid bits of inspiration for the entire house. But first, I will conquer that bed room. (Etsy has been pretty handy for that as well).

The best thing though, is the inspiration from other bloggers. Organization for the house, tips on storing things, the blogs I discover when I click around. I am addicted to Pinterest. Why didn’t someone think of this sooner? Google, you’re slacking.

What’s not slacking, however, are salted peanut butter Nutella cookies. There isn’t a thing missing from them that I don’t want in a cookie.

Salted peanut butter Nutella cookies will capture your heart with their chewy, chocolate-hazelnut goodness, accented with salted peanut butter. \\


Salted Peanut Butter Cookies with Nutella

Salted peanut butter Nutella cookies will capture your heart with their chewy, chocolate-hazelnut goodness, accented with salted peanut butter. \\ PassTheSushi.comDiscovered on Fresh and Foodie, modified from Delightful Bitefuls


  • 1 3/4 cups AP flour
  • 3/4 teas baking soda
  • 1/4 teas salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup peanut butter, smooth or chunky
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teas vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup Nutella
  • 1 teas sea salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt; Set aside.

In the bowl of a stand mixer, mix the butter, peanut butter and sugars until combined and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Scarp down the sides to insure everything is mixed well. Add the egg and vanilla and combine. Slowly add in the flour mixture until just combined. It will be a slightly crumble dry ball of dough. Fold in your Nutella without mixing in too much (we’re going for swirls here).

On a clean work surface, turn the dough and and for into a ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.

Scoop tablespoon sized balls out onto the baking sheet and press with a fork. Sprinkle each with a dash of the sea salt.

Bake for 10 minutes, or until edges are well browned. Cool on a wire rack before serving.


Salted peanut butter Nutella cookies will capture your heart with their chewy, chocolate-hazelnut goodness, accented with salted peanut butter. \\



  1. I’m trying not to get addicted to pinning but it is tough!

    These cookies look amazing, I wish I had one (or four) to have with breakfast today!

  2. I joined Pinterest a few months ago and started pinning things but then lost interest [also I don’t have much free time]. Yesterday I was added to a Chocolate Lovers board and spent HOURS browsing and pinning chocolate desserts. Oh my. I think I’ve fallen for it again 🙂

  3. Pinterest is something I’ve been actively avoiding for awhile now…I’m not sure I need one more place on the internet to waste time! Also I tend to wear a lot of black and jeans, which seems to match everything (otherwise I too am somewhat style-handicapped O.o).

    The cookies, as usual, look way tasty! I’ve had a PB itch recently (mended slightly with some PB rice krispy treats!), and these looks like they’d totally fit the bill…I’ll have to give them a go! 😀

  4. I was thinking the other day about how I bookmarked things before Pinterest and I couldn’t for the life of me remember. Pinterest has seriously changed my blogging life.

    The cookies look great! I’ve never tried Nutella but I might need to pick up a jar for these!

  5. Pinterest is where my evenings go to die, I’m convinced.

    I have had Nutella on the brain all week, so these cookies are pretty much meant to be. LOVE it. 🙂

  6. How delightfully sinful are these?! Yum. I avoided Pinterest like the plague for as long as I could…now I’m a pinster (did I just coin a new phrase?)

  7. Confession: I’ve become a pin-aholic :(. I just can’t help it … and I don’t even really feel bad about it lol.
    Can we talk about your cookies …. OH MY WORD, for the love of cookies these are scrumptious!! I’m sitting here drooling over this recipe.

  8. Haha…pinster, totally great new phrase! I love, love, love Pinterest…did I say that I love it? It has actually inspired me to tackle my kitchen make-over (I have 3 shades of sample paint on the wall….getting ready). I actually mentioned in my post today also!

    BTW, I’m totally pinning this…Nutella, oh yes!

  9. Pinterest solves many of life’s mysteries. And these cookies look like they would solve everything else.

  10. Oh, my. You may just have created my doom. Like. Wow.
    These look amazing! I haven’t had salted peanut butter, but since I love salted caramel I bet this is fabulous. And Nutella… oh, Nutella 🙂

  11. Those look great and I love anything with Nutella!

    You know I have heard a ton about Pinterest but I haven’t ever looked really. Someone at work actually told me about it. I think I may have to check it out!

  12. Pinterest = amazing. Salted Peanut Butter Cookies with Nutella = Double and Triple Amazing. In fact I am going to pin this now. Does that make it Quadruple AMAZING!

  13. I seriously have quite the love affair with Nutella and these cookies look amazing! Invite me over please? 🙂

  14. I love pinterest, too. There are so many ideas, so many foods, so many wonderful things.

    Those cookies are mighty wonderful, too. I love salty sweets.

  15. Wow these cookies look amazing but evil all at the same time. Must make them asap!

  16. Thanks for this inspirational post! I am making these things!

  17. Amazing cookies – and you’re right…Pinterest is incredible! I love looking at beautiful foods, decorations and crafts!

  18. Nutella…nutella…who created so wonderful walnut cream? It’s one of my favorites and if something have Nutella I will eat it.

  19. I have just joined Pinterest. Honestly I’ve been a bit afraid to involve myself with one more activity that will consume hours of my time, but I gave in! Just like I’m going to give in and bake these delicious cookies! LOVE Nutella and peanut butter.

  20. I love Pinterest too! Such a great place for inspiration!

    Now, these cookies have me drooling all over myself!!!

  21. Everything about these cookies sounds scrumptious! Peanut butter and nutella together in a cookie would be amazing! Love that they are salted as well…that always gets me going back for more ;)!

  22. Delicious! Chocolate, peanut butter, and salt. I’m not sure there’s a better combination for a dessert.

  23. Mmmmmm….yummy cookies! And now I’m pinning your blog to my favorite blogs board 🙂

  24. Oh my gosh, I love peanut butter and I love Nutella, but combining them sounds heavenly! They look so delicious, too. I’ll definitely be trying these out!!

  25. I made these today. Nutella is a symbol of international peace and harmony….just the like the Olympics that I had on while baking them.

    Thanks for sharing!

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