Weekends are for this…

And because I’m awesome, some of this…

This weekend in particular should be filled with savory Mexican dishes


And of course, Free Comics!

Please click here to find out more about Free Comic Book Day events in your area. Comics are a great way to get kids to read and most stores try to make it a family friendly event. We go hog wild, so if you are in the area, or even if it’s a bit of a drive, I would love to see you at our Free Comic Book Day celebration. There will be pinatas! Darth Vader! And Spider-Man!


Quick Sopaipillas with Chocolate Sauce

Adapted from FoodNetwork.com


  • Vegetable oil, for frying
  • 4 8-to-10-inch flour tortillas, cut into wedges or strips
  • 1 tbs sugar
  • 1 teas cinnamon
  • Chocolate syrup


Heat 1/2 inch vegetable oil in a large deep skillet until a deep-fry thermometer registers 350 degrees F. Working in batches, fry the tortillas, turning once, until bubbly and golden on both sides, 1 to 2 minutes per batch.  Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to cool and drain excess oil.

Toss the cinnamon and sugar into a paper bag. Shake to mix, add a few of the fried tortillas at a time and shake to coat. Drizzle with chocolate syrup and serve.



  1. Your weekend sounds perfect. Sopapillas are lovely little treats and this sauce makes them even lovelier!

  2. When I was in college, there was this Mexican restaurant on campus where I always got a bowl of albondigas soup and a bag of sopaipillas – so delicious! I love the chocolate sauce drizzeled on top. I’m so happy for the reminder about sopaipillas, it’s been years since I have had them and they’re such a perfect treat for Saturday (or any day)!

  3. This is so easy and I already love it. My kids probably prefer eating this with chocolate sauce than with salsa! 😉 Thanks for sharing this recipe – I would have never thought of eating this way!

  4. Nice twist on easy to make sopaipillas! My wife has been telling me of their awesomeness for years, but i never had an opportunity to try them.

  5. Sadly, this weekend is for the dentist, lame… But Maybe afterwards I’ll go outside and eat some tortilla chips and salsa!

  6. YUMMMM! I lock sopaipillas. There used to be this place my parents would take me when we lived in Kansas to get them. It was this tiny little food cart and they were SO amazing every time.

    Thanks for taking me back!

  7. Um should I send a medic? Geez Louise girl. On a lighter note I want these sopaipillas. I have no idea how to pronounce it but hand them over stat!

  8. Skinned knees, sopaipillas and superheroes. You’re right. That’s what weekends are for 🙂

  9. I love me some delicious sopaipillas! Yours is a prime example 😀
    And love the sauce topping 🙂
    Thanks for the round up as well!

    Choc Chip Uru

  10. I was just telling a friend this weekend that I need to learn how to make homemade sopapillas. Definitely bookmarking this. Yours sound and look delicious!!

  11. I was waiting for a reference to ketchup after seeing your ankles, poor thing! Great weekend indeed, especially doused in all that chocolate sauce. Sopaipillas is the way to go!

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