Please tell me there are some readers out there who are just as excited for the 2012 Summer Olympics as I am? Normally, I am not one to watch sports on TV. Something about the TV just makes it impossible for me to get into it. If I’m there, in person, then I can get into some sports. But something about the Olympics brings out the fanatical sports fan in me. It’s not that I know enough to root for a person or team but to see the struggle and effort from every athlete I find absolutely inspiring. I got all wrapped up in Phelps’ gold medal collection the last time around and will admit, I do root for USA, as it seems almost unpatriotic not to.

Something about the Olympics just elevates every level of competition and it’s hard to not want to cheer for the men and women out there working so hard. I can remember growing up watching the Olympics every time they came on and dreaming of being an amazing athlete some day. That may have not happened, but I cook like a champ and still root for each and every one of them!


Peanut Butter Truffle Tart

from Pillsbury 


  • 1 16.5 oz Pillsbury® refrigerated peanut butter cookies
  • 6 peanut butter crunchy granola bar, crushed
  • 4 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup chopped peanuts


Heat oven to 350°F.

In the bowl of your stand mixer, combine the peanut butter cookie dough with the crushed granola bars. In 10-inch tart pan with removable bottom, use the flat bottom of a glass to press dough in bottom and up side. Bake 12 to 17 minutes or until light golden brown.

Carefully remove the tart from the oven and with the back of spoon, gently press down crust on bottom and sides. Return to oven and bake 3 to 5 minutes longer or until deep golden brown. Press down crust again with spoon. Cool 3 minutes.

Meanwhile, in large microwavable bowl, microwave chocolate chips and whipping cream 1 minute. Stir; microwave 1 to 2 minutes longer, stirring every 30 seconds to prevent chocolate from burning, until completely melted and smooth. Stir gently to prevent too many air bubble from forming.

In small microwavable bowl, microwave peanut butter on 1 minute or until melted and creamy; stir.

Spread warm peanut butter in bottom of crust. Pour chocolate mixture over peanut butter mixture. Sprinkle peanuts evenly over top. ( I poured more peanut butter on top and ran a toothpick through it). Refrigerate at least 2 hours or until serving time. For easier cutting, let tart stand at room temperature 15 minutes before serving. Store in refrigerator up to 3 days.


Now that you are all pumped for the Olympics, and on a sugar high from the tart, I have a bit of other awesome news. I recently started writing for a site called Pro Food Blogger. The goal of Pro Food Blogger is to help new bloggers and veteran bloggers elevate their skills and take their hobby to the next level. My first post included tips on having your photos accepted on food p*rn sites and my next one will be about Pinterest. Articles will include everything from useful applications for your website, technical help, photography, equipment and much more. If it sounds like it would be up your ally, check it out.




  1. I gotta admit – I LOVE watching the Olympics too!! This pie is gorgeous! I am always stunned by your works of art. This is medal winner.

  2. Oh man, that looks delicious. I cannot resist peanut butter! It is a sickness!

  3. i love watching the Olympics! I’m really looking forward to the swimming. 🙂 This tart is beautiful, simply gorgeous. ALMOST too good to eat… almost! pb + chocolate make the world a better place, no? 😉

  4. I do enjoy the Olympics but I’ve never been truly sucked into them. I also tend to like the winter Olympics. But I’ll watch just about anything to get my hands on this tart

  5. I get excited too!! I don`t even watch sports on tv (except for the occasionally basketball game)!

    But when the Olympics are on…? I watch and get so competitive. LOL

    And this tart looks amazing! I do love me some peanut butter!

  6. to be honest, i’m not a huge fan of summer olympics, i love the winter olympics much more, but doesn’t stop me from surfing over to the channels 🙂 this pb truffle tart looks so flipping good!!

  7. I loved the wacky opening ceremony, though it would have been greatly enhanced by a slice of this gorgeous tart!

  8. I always cry when somebody wins at the Olympics. It doesn’t matter who. The tears are there just brimming. I can only imagine how proud they must feel.

  9. That is the most fun crust recipe I’ve ever seen!

    My kids aren’t allowing me to watch too much of the Olympics. 🙁

  10. I love this, simply delicious looking. My family would love it!

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