No bake chocolate peanut butter squares are the sweet treat for peanut butter lovers and chocolate lovers alike. Squares of sweetened, creamy peanut butter are covered in a blanket of chocolate. What’s not to love about this easy no bake dessert?

I have an uncle who considers peanut butter its own food group. I don’t remember a time that there hasn’t been the option of peanut butter and crackers at his house, which can really hit the spot sometimes. So the other day for my uncle’s birthday, I made him these no bake chocolate peanut butter squares that I had seen the recipe for a while ago.

Let me just say, these are everything I want in a dessert. Little bites of heaven. To top it off, they were really easy (coming together quickly, with only a few ingredients).


No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares

Tate’s Bake Shop Cookbook – As seen on Fake Ginger


  • 3/4 cup firmly packed dark or light brown sugar
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup salted butter, softened
  • 2 cups smooth peanut butter
  • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 tablespoon salted butter


In a large bowl, combine the brown sugar, powdered sugar, butter, and peanut butter, and beat them with an electric mixer until they are smooth and well blended. Pat into an ungreased 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1-inch pan. Roll the mixture flat on top with a rolling pin.

Melt the chocolate chips and butter on top of a double boiler or in the microwave. Spread the chocolate mixture over the peanut butter mixture and cut into squares while the chocolate is still warm and soft.

Chill the mixture for about 15 minutes and remove the squares from the pan.



No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares Recipe \\

So whose in the mood for free swag?It’s Pass the Sushi’s first giveaway!

This is my first time giving something away here on Pass the Sushi, but I hope to be able to offer this more often in the upcoming year.

Today’s giveaway is a Pretty in Plaid Apron from my shop on etsy, Frosting and Lace.

Pretty in Plaid Apron

Be a charm school knockout with this retro hostess apron!

The print is a violet plaid with dark violet trim and straps. The size is adjustable with 35” straps at the waist, 20 1/2″ straps at the neck and will fit most from small to average. From top to bottom the length is 27″ and the width at the waist is 26″ not including the straps.

Frosting and Lace hostess aprons are 100% cotton.


How to Win?

  • Enter by leaving a comment here at Pass the Sushi telling me what your favorite quick dessert is. Please make sure to leave your email address.
  • Earn extra entries by following Pass the Sushi on Twitter and Facebook or subscribe to my RSS feed. (please state in your comment that you are following or subscribing)

Entries are accepted until 9PM EST Sunday January 9th.







  1. Anything with the word peanut butter draws me in too! I love it. Although I’m not a fan of chocolate, there are many in my family who are and would love these bars. Thanks for sharing!

  2. kimberlee knight says:

    My favorite quick dessert would have to chocolate cream cheese cupcakes. I can whip them up in minutes and they’re so yummy!

  3. RavieNomNoms says:

    Oh wow, these look so yummy. You really can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate. When I was younger my grandmother used to make graham cracker treats for us with chocolate frosting in the middle. She would put them in the fridge so they would stay together better. Those are my favorite quick dessert.

  4. Real fast dessert usually is something like rice krispie treats but otherwise I might make lemon squares or a quick bread to put ice cream on top of .

  5. My favorite dessert has got to be chocolate fondant, you know, those little chocolate cakes with a gooey chocolate centre. When you put your fork through it, the melting chocolate just oozes slowly out…oh, it’s just heaven!

  6. my go to quick dessert is chocolate fondue since it’s just some melted chocolate spiked with some liquor. add fruit and some pound cake and you’re all set.

  7. Oh yum! My favorite dessert (for the moment – it changes quite often!) is chocolate chip cookie brownies – brownies with cookie dough baked through it.

  8. Lucky Uncle! Happy Birthday to him!

    My fave quick dessert is an old one … Watergate Salad! I love it! 🙂

  9. Sarah Brooks says:

    My favorite quick dessert is my vegan s’mores pie. It’s a no-bake pie with only 4 ingredients and it’s VERY rich. I am now following you on twitter and “like” your facebook page.

  10. those peanut butter bars look amazingly good my husband thinks peanut butter is a food group too. Cute apron and I already follow you on fb.

  11. AND they’re gluten free, which I still don’t really get what that means, but I recognize it because there’s no flour in there. These peanut butter squares look amazing! They remind me of the peanut butter dream bars from Mrs Fields, which is my favorite thing to get there. Happy birthday to your uncle!

  12. The Housewife Diary says:

    My favorite dessert is cupcakes. Not super quick, unless cheating and using the box cake mix.

    I’m following you on twitter too!

  13. Congratulations on your first givewaway! And these peanut butter squares look absolutely amazing!!

    My favorite quick dessert is pulling into Cold Stone Creamery and ordering a sundae the size of my head. Just kidding. My favorite quick dessert these days is a warm chocolate chip cookie – so satisfying!

  14. that is the cutest apron. it’s so girly. my favorite quick dessert is the oreo truffle ball. it’s so easy and requires no baking or cooking. it’s fabulous.

  15. I have so many family members like your uncle. If it has peanut butter in it they will eat it. I know that my family will enjoy these.

  16. My favorite quick dessert is sliced peaches with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Delicious! Cute apron – can’t wait to wear it. 😉

  17. Yumm! Peanut butter squares sound awesome. I may have to go make some of these right now, they sound so easy and good.

  18. These look perfect- I feel like your uncle does about peanut butter! My favorite quick dessert is a peanut butter cookie bar.

  19. Smart uncle. =) Having peanut butter right now, but wish I had this! That apron is adorable!

  20. These peanut butter bars are my all-time favorite quick dessert, with the no-bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies a close second! Num!

  21. Peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven. My favorite quick dessert would have to be an ice cream sandwich.

  22. I liked you on Facebook and added you to my favorites on my page.

  23. Your uncle is a wise man 😀 peanut butter is really irreplaceable thing 🙂

  24. All of a sudden I’m really glad I didn’t make any crazy New Year resolution to eat less dessert….bring on the PB and chocolate! My favorite easy dessert are good old fashioned chocolate chip cookies…they never get old!

  25. My favorite quick dessert would have to be a crisp or a cobbler with some store bought premium vanilla ice cream!!

  26. I also follow you on facebook…
    And I just clicked follow on twitter…

    (love the apron!)

  27. None of my favorite desserts is quick to bake or make, so for quick I’d have to say ice cream! But if I have the time, it would be pecan pie!

  28. Lora @cakeduchess says:

    Those bars look wonderful !! My favorite quick dessert is a
    Nutella peanut butter fudge. Wonderful giveaway! Apron is so cute!

  29. I love baking brownies. Less than an hour start to finish.

  30. These bars look lovely 😀 My favourite quick dessert; well, there’s so many to choose from! But right now I’d have to say are chocolate brownies that are gooey and moist 😀

  31. Blog is the New Black says:

    Cookies are always my go-to “quick” dessert!

  32. Those look fantastic! And I love the apron!

    My fave dessert is probably flan or creme caramel 🙂

  33. I would have to say that my favorite is fruit crisp, with any flavor of fruit. The crisp comes together so easliy and come out of the oven piping hot, with juicy fruit, a sweet and crunchy crust, and then you add a scoop of ice cream on it and watch it start to melt its way in to the hot fruit. Mmmm

  34. These are pretty good…had to brush my teeth after a few bites though.

  35. My favorite quick dessert is a little ricotta, sugar, and a little instant espresso powder blended together, it’s perfect. These peanut butter squares are amazing looking, and the apron is too cute. I’m following you on facebook, twitter, and RSS feed.

  36. Amy Gregor says:

    Wow. These look yummy! I too consider PB to be a worthy food category all on its own.
    My favourite (and quick!) dessert recipe is lemon mousse. Just whip up a batch of double cream and fold in some good quality store bought lemon curd. Delicious!

  37. Any dessert no matter how long it takes is my favorite. But when I’m desperate…a 1/4 c. ricotta with a little vanilla, sugar and cinnamon.

  38. We used to have these in elementary school. In fact my alma mater has a FB page dedicated to them. Your recipe looks a wee bit more refined though than our lunchroom version.

    As for my favorite quick dessert, I’d have to go with cupcakes. I can make them in a flash and they’re always a crowd pleaser. Either that or snickerdoodles.

  39. Move over Reese’s! Fav quick dessert? Hmm …. Vanilla icecream with a (big) dash of Bailey’s. Hic.

  40. Impossible question! I am going to go with my current fave which is chocolate cake. Making it from scratch takes about 3 minutes longer than a mix but it’s divine!

  41. I have to agree with your uncle and these look delicious. Chocolate and peanut butter were meant to be together, that’s all there is to it! My favorite quick dessert is no bake cookies…once again peanut butter and chocolate. 🙂

    That apron is beautiful! I’m afraid to go check out your etsy site for fear I will ruin my financial diet…

    I’ve got you on my Facebook but I must have missed the fact that you are on Twitter. See you there!

  42. It might not seem quick but it actually can be made fairly quickly. My favorite quick dessert? Rice pudding. Oh yeah. I could eat it for days. No kidding.

  43. I love these peanut butter squares. So simple and so delicious. I too have an unnatural love for peanut butter. 😉

  44. Sarah Brooks says:

    I’m not sure if we’re allowed to enter twice or not, but I just wanted to share one more quick dessert that I make. Maple pull-aparts. They are totally unhealthy but they only take about 15 minutes and they are a quick vegan fix to a cinnabon craving. If anyone wants the recipe, they can email me. =^)

  45. Baking Serendipity says:

    I might be one of those people who thinks peanut butter is its own food group too 🙂 These bars look delicious! I love making rice krispies and adding pb (of course) and chocolate frosting as a quick dessert. They’re always a hit!

  46. imwaytoobusy says:

    Oh, I missed your first giveaway! What a good one, great work 😉

  47. yum these look great!! my fave quick dessert is picking a brownie from my freezer and microwaving it 😉 but as far as making it, it would probably be 30 second microwave chocolate cake if i HAVE to have instant gratification!!

  48. Paleo vegan snickerdoodles from Urban Poser! Thanks!

  49. Peanut butter and chocolate, yum!

    1. My favorite quick dessert is peanut butter blossoms.

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