With my first actual flower popping up out of my garden I feel like I have accomplished something. Sure, all I have done so far was plant some pre-established plants from the BFs moms garden and some sunflower seeds. But hey, I’ll take it. I have spent time looking at other plants I would like to put in the garden. I have made sure to pull some nasty very very thorny weeds from the garden and keep it tidy. I water it… you know…. once a week…. >.>

It’s a start.

What I didn’t know from the start is that you don’t have to plan a garden months in advance like they train all professional shoppers to do from a young age. Santa’s barely parked the sleigh and your trying to figure out if that itsy bitsy yellow polka dotted thing will really look good or not 7 months from now.  You buy the plants when they are all flowery and what not and you plant them at that point. Wow. Who would have guessed. Now I know there are people who prep and get things going all year long but I’m not there yet. I was ready to go in March and didn’t understand why I had to wait. What was I waiting for? Flip flops were abundant at stores – that means summers here right? Haha, they sure got me.

Dinner wasn’t too creative last week as the semester winds down for the BF and I was prepping for Free Comic Book Day. This week we have much yumminess planned and next week someone wants to play Grill Master as he has a free week from school.

I threw together quick roasted chicken sandwiches on ciabatta (yeah for the panini press!) one evening and made a chicken and broccoli casserole another with the left overs.

Chicken and Broccoli Casserole made by Me. 🙂

1 onion chopped

2 tbs minced garlic

2 tbs Olive Oil

2 cups cooked chicken chopped

1 10oz can Cream of Mushroom

1 10oz can Broccoli Cheddar Soup

1/2 cup Milk

1 teas Thyme

1/2 teas Cayenne pepper

1/2 teas pepper

1 box *because I feed a man who eats like a small army* cooked penne

1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

12 oz fresh steamed broccoli (or sauteed OR 1 bag frozen steamed broccoli)

1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

Preheat over to 350.

Heat skillet with olive oil and saute onion and garlic 5 minutes.

In a large bowl whisk together cream of mushroom, broccoli cheddar and milk. Add 1/3 cup parmesan cheese, thyme, Cayenne pepper and pepper. Stir in onions, chicken, broccoli and pasta.

Toss into a greased baking dish, cover with remaining mozzarella and parmesan cheese and bake 20 – 30 minutes.

Tonight its faijitas for seis de Mayo. It was crunch time last night for the BF so after I got home from work we enjoyed some not delivered DiGiorno.  Im sure my tummy wont mind the weight.


  1. hey! thanks for reading picky and leaving it some love! that was awful nice of you. i like your blog header, too. :] it’s spunky.

  2. and i meant to say that the chicken looks yummy.

  3. I’m a gardener and I love your anti-analogy. There really is something very rewarding – almost magical – about seeing a plant push through the earth at a place where you planted a seed. 🙂

  4. Lydia Mancini says:

    Looks very tasty I will follow this recipe. Thank you


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