So, I went a little crazy at the fabric store the other day and bought a whole bunch of fabrics I didn’t need. This cherry print was one of them, but A) I’m a sucker for cherries, and B) isn’t it kinda awesome?

My goal is to lay out all of the fabrics I have and line up the next few projects before I even set foot into another fabric store. I don’t even care if the thread isn’t right – no more fabric until we get done some of these projects!!!

On a side note though, the fabrics I do have picked out I think will be wicked cool once I sit down and work with them. 🙂


  1. Jenny @ Life After Yes says:

    Oh that is just adorable! You are very talented. Love it 🙂

  2. I love fabric, the worst is when I go up to get it cut and they say “so what are you making”? “Ummm, I just need it!” I think I am part hoarder! Beautiful apron!

    1. I hate when they ask! I always feel like my answer is silly… Yeah, Im making an apron… ‘oh, those are trendy right now’ is the response I get and I feel like Im collecting beenie babies or something.
      Can you image that there is a dress form in BF’s living room with aprons on it all the time. Poor guy.

  3. This is so cute! The flared skirt gives it a little “sass”. I’d love for you to link up your fabric projects with Fabric Fun Thursday.

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