It’s amazing how our small corners of the internet begin to become our own little space. That in passing, people that have never met, will spot something and will recognize it as a particular bloggers without even needing to see it on their site. I have spotted pins – and I’m not even talking food – and known who pinned it without checking. There are even times I spot tiny thumbnails on food sites and know who the evil mastermind is. Yeah, we’re just one big happy family.


It should really come as no shock to me that my little part of the interwebs have a reputation that boarders on the savory side. Yeah, I love my a big juicy burger, any excuse to smoke things, and even stuffed my own sausage (more on the way – promise!). Can’t imagine why this months cover of Bon Appetit, filled with flame kissed promises, made Sam think of me, or Katrina’s recent grill purchase perked my ears up states away.

Not wanting to let anyone down – here’s another delicious burger recipe for everyone. And I have a lot more up my sleeve this summer waiting just to get your taste buds tingling.


Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Burgers


  • 1 lbs ground chicken
  • 1-2 tbs sun dried tomatoes, finely minced
  • 1 tbs fresh basil chiffonade **
  • 1/2 teas fresh garlic, minced
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 4 thick slices mozzarella
  • 1/2 cup marinara sauce
  • 4 whole wheat buns
  • red leaf lettuce

** Alternatively, I found a great sun dried tomato pesto mix that I have used as well instead of the fresh ingredients and it was fantastic.


Preheat a grill over medium heat. Clean and oil grill grate.

In a medium bowl, combine ground chicken, tomato, basil, garlic, salt, and pepper to taste. Form into 8 1/4″ thick patties. Place sliced mozzarella in the center of 4 patties. Top each with remaining patties being sure to pinch the edges tight.

Grill chicken patties 5-7 minutes before flipping and grilling for an additional 5- 7 minutes. Toast buns.

Place lettuce on bottom of buns, top with patties and spoon on marinara sauce. Finish off with the top of the bun and enjoy.





  1. Oh, Kita, these sound amazing! I need to kick our burgers up a notch…you are an inspiraton!

  2. Amen sister. Let’s get our grill on. I stand at savory right next to you and the grill is my go to form of summer cooking. In fact, these days I haven’t even bothered buying charcoal, but am just going through the piles of oak we have lying around. Talk about flavor.

    Anyhow, these burgers look amazing. The marinara dripping down the sides makes me want to lick my screen. I like the idea of the tomato pesto with the dish as well. Stunning.

  3. Love these flavors. This is a perfect chicken burger!

  4. Oh man, cheese stuffed in a burger? Where are the bibs and where do I sign up?

  5. I repinned these today before I even came here to look. I am so freaking jealous!!! I just emailed my husband this link lol 🙂 So funny that you mentioned our grill purchase! Life is better already I tell ya 🙂

  6. Omg…this sounds freakin AMAZING!! I do love myself a good darn burger and this looks like it can be one!

  7. I made these last night for dinner for hubby and I – they were delicious. Loved the melty cheese inside and these chicken burgers tasted great both with and without the marinara on top. Will be making these again and again – thanks so much for sharing the recipe!

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed these. 😀

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