Chocolate jimmy sandwiches for Mother’s Day.

Chocolate Jimmy Sandwiches - a special treat in honor of my mom, on Mother's Day

I wasn’t sure how to cover this topic here on Pass the Sushi. My mother and I had an interesting dynamic, and I always considered Mother’s Day one of the holidays I could skip over without much concern. However, as a food blogger, I knew the Internet would be buzzing with Mother’s Day pies, tarts, brunches, lunches and the sort. So I figured I’d be missing out by not throwing my $0.02 in, and that’s where my chocolate jimmy sandwiches come in.

I didn’t have a typical mother figure in my life, but I’ve been blessed with many strong, caring women, all who have played huge roles in the person I am today. I’m grateful to them for their patience and caring, and for their understanding when I was at my most trying. When I needed a shoulder to lean on, and when I just needed someone to help me understand that the world may not spin the way I want it to, but at the end of the day it all comes out in the wash.

A mug full of chocolate chips

Chocolate dipped TwizzlersAs for my own mother, she may not have been typical, but in the end, who really is? I’m sure you are wondering what the heck I am thinking with the images that I have posted. Well, these are the treats I was raised with. My mom believed that chocolate chips were best kept in the crisper drawer at the bottom of the fridge. These cold chocolates are awesome at the bottom of a scoop of ice cream or by the handful after a stressful day.

I always remember a pack of Twizzlers under the front seat of the car. They were always there, and I’m convinced it was for bait to use on my brother and I to make us behave on road trips. In hindsight, it’s rather brilliant. I don’t recall them ever melting in the heat, but they would get really hard and chewy in the colder months. That just meant that they lasted that much longer underneath the front seat.

Yeah, Kita, that would be stale. Like a Peep, they are better that way.

So, to class up our Twizzlers for Mother’s Day, I’ve dipped them into milk chocolate. I’m pulling out all the stops, I know.

And then there is this last treat – chocolate jimmy sandwiches.

It’s the one that I’m sure is luring you in with temptation. That one was busted out just for special occasions like this.

Chocolate Jimmy Sandwiches - a special treat in honor of my mom, on Mother's DayThe Chocolate Jimmy Sandwiches

My Mom


  • bread, the softest white bread you can get your hands on
  • butter, room temperature
  • chocolate sprinkles, otherwise known as jimmies (this recipe does not work with rainbow sprinkles)


Slather room temperature butter all over a slice of white bread. Sprinkle heavily with jimmies. Take a bit and love it or hate it.



If you’re wondering if I actually ate chocolate jimmy sandwiches, I did (Handsome, couldn’t believe it). And I enjoyed every bite with a small smile on my face, remembering the good times.

Maybe I never had a traditional mom, but to the women who have come and gone in my life, Happy Mother’s Day.


  1. Haha, I love the jimmy sandwich!!! It reminds me of in college when my friends and I would fill ice cream cones with chocolate jimmies (no ice cream) and tip the jimmies into our mouths, spilling them everywhere, as we left the dining hall! We never thought of a jimmie sandwich though….great post!

  2. It’s good to honor all the women in our lives, not just moms. I have heard about Jimmy sandwiches and it always makes me shake my head but I can’t knock it until I try it.

  3. These chocolate sprinkle toasts remind me of when Belgium and Holland! I loved that I could douse my bread with chocolate in the mornings. Sigh… I really miss that place. Hopefully someday I’ll get to go back.

    PS Pls note me new blog address! 🙂

  4. Wow…that’s hardcore just-plain-bad-for-you. I love it! 😀 It’s been so long since I’ve had jimmies…I’d forgotten that they even actually tasted like chocolate.

  5. Believe it or not, this kind of teat is often served on the breakfast table in Holland.

  6. Wonderful treats. I totally would have enjoyed the sandwich….seriously sprinkles are involved…who would pass that up? 😉

  7. That’s cute 🙂 Never thought of sprinkles on a sandwich… This would be so popular with kids… and many adults too! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Oh, yum! The recipes is very different with rainbow sprinkles, but it does work – it’s known as “fairy bread” (such a lovely name) and is very common at children’s parties (or just occasional treats for the young at heart, too!) in Australia. It’s worth a try (if you’re short on sugar intake…)

  9. RavieNomNoms says:

    Haha too cute! This would totally make me feel like a little kid again. Thank you so much for sharing this Kita

  10. I was trying to make out what that was…I would have never guessed that it was a sandwich! It’s so pretty! All your photos are just gorgeous!!

  11. We are trying this. I’ll post the proof when we do. Thank you for sharing your memories with us! I think “typical” is one of those false realities kind of like airbrushing, push up bras, silicone and (some) family Christmas photos. Nothing is the marketed idea of perfect. Real perfection is achieved when that feeling of safety and contentment are at their highest, in my humble opinion. Now please add me to the list of women on your side because you are amazing!

  12. Cute post. I can definitely understand the lure of a pack of Twizzlers hidden in the car, and I can absolutely understand the awesomeness of this sandwich! I used to eat white bread with butter and brown sugar, so yeah — totally on board with the jimmy idea.

  13. I saw the jimmies on the bread on Dionne’s Facebook, and there is NO way I’m showing this to my daughter!! OMG! She would never stop eating them!!! LOVE this idea!!! Maybe, just maybe, if she cleans her room I’ll make her one!!! Nicely done!

  14. Roxana GreenGirl says:

    My mom wasn’t a mother figure also. She didn’t gave us chocolate or other sweets, actually she almost never was around. By the time I was 12 I was raised by my Grandgrandmother, she’d only visit over the weekend.
    I love her because is my mom at that’s all. Can’t wait to celebrate father’s day. I’d go back to Romania in a heart beat if something happens to him.

    Hubby loves chocolate sprinkles, I’m going to surprise him one morning with these sandwiches. Thanks Kita

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