Not quite ready to give in and shove the flip flops back in the closet until next spring? Me neither! But that doesn’t mean I am not itching to pull out the plaid and rock me some autumn wares. So here’s to a little fall themed shopping I may or may not have done yesterday, hopes to cleaning out the closet, and the inevitable must of going back to my parents house and gathering the remainder of my shoes I left behind in the last move (followed by a serious inventory and probably a trip to Good Will).


Sweater Socks

Biker Style Jackets



Cable Knit Everything 


Right now I am content with hoodies and flip flops but give it a few more weeks and I wont be able to hold back!

Now on to some serious noms! (Seriously, these things are dangerous. Make them, eat one, then get them out of your house as quickly as possible before you give yourself diabetes.)


Copycat Twix Bars



  • 1-1/2  cups butter, softened
  • 1/2  cup sugar
  • 1-1/2  teas vanilla
  • 3  cups flour

For the topping: 

  • 1  13.4-oz can dulce de leche
  • 3/4  cup whipping cream
  • 6  tbs butter
  • 3  tbs light-colored corn syrup
  • 12  oz semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 3/4 teas vanilla extract


Beat the butter in the bowl of your electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment for 30 seconds. Add sugar and 1-1/2 teas vanilla and mix until combined. Scrap down the sides of the bowl and mix for another 30 seconds. In three batches, mix in the flour until fully incorporated. Cover and chill for 60 minutes until dough is easy to handle.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a 13×9 baking pan with enough foil to hang over the edges.

Press dough evenly into the prepared pan using your finger tips or the bottom of a flat glass cup. Bake 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool completely on a wire rack.

Using an offset spatula, spoon the dulce de leche over the top of the cooled crust.

In a medium saucepan, heat whipping cream, 6 tbs butter, and the corn syrup to just boiling over medium heat stirring often. Remove from heat and add the chocolate and vanilla to the pan without mixing. Let stand for 5 minutes. Gently stir until smooth. Let stand 10 minutes to cool slightly. Slowly poor the chocolate over the dulce de leche layer and spread evenly with the back of a spoon or offset spatula. Cover and chill until set, 2 hours.


Now, go have a moment. And enjoy it.



  1. These look seriously dangerous! I could do some damage on these! I bought my first pumpkin decor of the year, and I am ready to say goodbye to the muggy weather and mosquitos! Hello fall: crisp mornings, jeans, walks up the road and pumpkin lattes!

  2. Yum, I have been meaning to make homemade twix for someone for awhile. And I am definitely ready for the apparel of fall. I’ve had too long of a summer and my boots are feeling mistreated

  3. I’ve always wanted to make homemade Twix! These look amazing. And I’m with you on the diabetes comment. That’s the only thing that holds me back from eating entire batches of warm and gooey brownies and cookies. “You’re gonna give yourself diabetes!” I tell myself. So sad. Wish I could just handle myself around them. 🙂

  4. ooooh, so delicious! I tried homemade Twix last Halloween and failed miserably – I’ll try this recipe this year!

  5. Homemade twix? You are my hero! I am going to make this and hand them over to Jason – he is going to be over the moon for these! And I’ll probably eat way too many of these and gain weight so I thank you in advance for that 🙂

  6. I need these stat! Twix are my favorite candy bar! Can’t wait for Halloween so I can take all of my 3-year old’s Twix bars. 🙂

  7. I dont want to put away my summer shoes either. But I did just buy these amazing boots. So, I’m torn!

    This is an excellent take on a fix, simple and delicious!

  8. You know what Kita, every time I see desserts such as this I regret not making them as often as I wished when my kid was growing up. It is a sensation to the eyes!

  9. it is COLD today, and I am wearing my first sweater of the season!! … with flip flops 😉

    I just made a twix bar for someone’s birthday, their favorite candy bar! yours sound and look FANTASTIC!

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