Better than crack brownies! In other words, this brownie recipe is so rich, chocolaty and fudgy that you will do just about anything to get a bite of them.
If you are going to say something is better than crack, you have set the bar pretty high. My expectations are that I am not going to be able to walk away. I will be like a fiend for the thing, unable to stop myself, to the point of being fidgety and wired trying to get more. Until ultimately, I become fatigued and moody until I can have another hit.
Well, heck, that’s me without dark chocolate in the house any old day, but these better than crack brownies will do it to you, too. Just a small bite and you want more. But you shouldn’t. They are rich and satisfying. Crunchy, sweet, salty – and insanely dense. And yet, there you’ll be, wanting just one. more. bite.
Crack will cause you to lose weight and rot out your teeth. These brownies could potentially make your teeth fall out, if you didn’t brush them for a while, but they certainly won’t help with any weight loss. And yet, even as I type this up and the brownies are long gone, I’m drooling at the idea of another. Just one more, baby, and I swear I’ll stop.
So, New Year’s weight loss resolutions be damned.
Get in the kitchen and whip up a batch of better than crack brownies.
Admit it, you’ve been itching to use that box mix up any way.

- 1 box brownie mix and all the fixens to make them according to the package - or your favorite brownie recipe
- 1/2 cup salted peanuts
- 1 cup mini Reese’s peanut butter cup - dark chocolate if available
- 1 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 1 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
- 1/2 tablespoon butter
- 1 1/2 cups Rice Krispies Cereal
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a 9×13 inch pan with parchment paper and grease.
- Mix brownies according to the directions on the package, pour into prepared pan and bake for 20-25 minutes. You are going to bake these again, so underdone is ok. Besides, gooey is so good.
- Remove the brownies from the oven and and sprinkle the peanuts and peanut butter cups over top, and bake for 4-6 minutes more. You should be salivating hard core right about now. Don’t worry, no on will know if you munch on an extra peanut butter cup while this all comes together.
- Meanwhile, melt chocolate chips, butter, and peanut butter in a large bowl in 30 second intervals in the microwave. Stir in cereal to coat. Remove brownies from oven and evenly pat the cereal mixture evenly over the top.
- Now the hard part: Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving. Go on, sneak another Reese’s, you’re going to need it.
- Serve in small 1 to 2 inch squares. Trust me. Just like crack, too much at once can be deadly.
Nutritional informations provided as a courtesy and is only an approximatation. Values will changes based on ingredients used.
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Told you you’d be seeing more of that inner fat kid. 😉
I’m loving the inner fat kid and this post. This is my type of “drug” – chocolate!
Yay I love inner fat kids! And I have been contemplating these brownies myself. I have been hesitant to make them just because I was afraid they somehow wouldn’t live up to their name. Looks like I am the fool for doubting.
Oh my goodness, these look amazing! I totally need to try these! 🙂
I think we should all get together and just house a tray of these. Make our inner fat kids our outer fat kids. No? 😉
P.S. I love the pic at the top with the scraped-out jar of peanut butter…mm, the mark of a well-loved jar.
Holy s*** that looks WAY too good for my self control! Man – love the sweet and salty topping. Oh man, now I’m a slobbering fool at work!
Your inner fat kid is awesome. She just needs to move away from chocolate so my inner fat kid can play too.
I was just thinking this morning that I needed to get me a box of rice krispy treats just in case a recipe that I HAD to make called for some. I think I found it.
WOW!! Those look insane!
Umm I would have to agree with you, these look freakin’ amazing! Haha love the name!
OMG! Totally drooling! These look amazing, love the salty peanuts with the sweet brownies & peanut butter cups. These wouldn’t last 2 seconds around me. YUMM!!
OK, WOW. Gotta try your gig here.
These look amazing! I’d eat the entire batch, I’m afraid!
Holy shit Kita! Those look amazing!! I am droooooling!!!! YUMM
These look incredible, my husband can’t eat nuts so I guess the kids and I will have to eat them all by ourselves, such a shame : )
Excuse me while I lock myself in a room alone with a batch of these…
Wow! I can totally see why these are addictive. What a great topping! All I can say is Diet? Schmiet!
There’s no way I could have a whole batch of this in the house lol No freaking way. Crack for sure. 🙂
Oh kita! You bad bad girl!!! I think I’d give up sex for three months just to have a bite of these!! 🙂 He he!!
Oh, yeah….these are heavenly….
You can either be my neighbor or my roommate. Please?! I promise to spoil you if you share your brownies! No strings attached! You could be, like, my dealer or something. 🙂
Oh my goodness! Luckily, I have some rice krispies left over from making brown butter rice crispie treats… guess I know what to do with them now! New Year’s Resolutions… out the window.
Better than crack, indeed. They do look highly addictive!
You are making it very difficult to lose the 5 pounds I gained over the holidays. Food porn much? Thank you. For reals. 🙂
I just saw your category “fat kid friendly.” Awesome. Somebody shared my challah bread pudding with Kahlua cream sauce on a few months ago. It was a big day for me.
I have never had crack but these brownies do look addictive and the texture is making me want to grab a bite off my screen 😀
Good work!
Yes, yes, and yes!! I will have the whole pan in the corner with a spoon.
I don’t even have to taste these to know that they are amazing. I would probably eat the whole pan, I’m such a peanut butter addict. Better than a crack addict I guess? 🙂
Hehehe, what a name..Love it!!!!!!! Your photos making my mouth water! Look insanely delicious!! Nicely done!!!!!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Holy crap, Kita! These might be the best brownies I have ever seen!
For this dish, I’m willing to skip all the high calorie meals and desserts. I want to eat this brownies so bad! I have to say it’s one of the best, no, I think it’s the best brownies EVER! And you take great pictures…. can’t stop drooling Kita!!!
Oh, my inner fat kid is going crazy for these brownies! Get thee behind me Satan and all that. What the heck – I’ll have 3 please. Happy 2012.
These brownies look so so so so so good that I believe you when you say they’re better than crack (not that I’ve tried crack or anything…)