Bacon Peanut Butter Cups. Yes, you read that correctly. Awesome, wonderful, crispy, salty bacon is indeed hiding inside each and every one of these peanut butter cups.

Bacon Peanut Butter Cups recipe \\

They’re waiting to be devoured.

Judge me, but you know you want one.

I saw these little babies last week on Blog the New Black and ran to my refrigerator to make sure I was stocked in bacon. I had to make them as soon as possible (Yes, I’m American and I will add bacon to anything and I do solidly believe it makes it better). Normally, if I like a recipe it gets put in a file for me to try soon, or at some point. I tend to try to keep thing in some sort of order not letting any recipe bump any other off the schedule. Not this time. All plans went out the window and bacon peanut butter cups were recreated in my kitchen.


Bacon Peanut Butter Cups

Discovered on Blog is the New Black, from Bzesty

Bacon Peanut Butter Cups recipe \\ PassTheSushi.comIngredients:

  • 1-1 1/2 cups chocolate chips of choice
  • 8 Tbsp butter (divided)
  • Vegetable shortening (optional)
  • 1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2/3 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 6 strips of bacon-extra crispy bacon
  • 24-30, 1 1/2″ candy cups


Melt about 1 cup of your chocolate chips with 1 Tbsp of butter.  Add about a half of a Tbsp of shortening if using.  Stir until smooth. Once your chocolate is melted, use about one spoon full in each cup. Use the back of the spoon to fully coat the entire edge of the cup. Once you have filled your cups, place them in the refrigerator to set up.

Meanwhile, over low heat, melt your 1/2 cup and 2 Tbsp of peanut butter with 6 Tbsp of butter. Mix well.  Remove the mixture from heat. Crumble your bacon.  Mix in 1 cup of powdered sugar and then 2/3 cup of graham crackers. Finally, add well-crumbled bacon. Fill each cup just shy of the top with your peanut butter bacon filling.


Top cups with remaining chocolate.  Sprinkle with sea salt and place in refrigerator to set.

[/print_this]Bacon Peanut Butter Cups recipe \\

Make sure your bacon is crispy. It’s going to be mixed in with other soft ingredients so don’t let it get lost.

If you think you have too much bacon, you probably don’t. People expect bacon immediately when they bite into something called “bacon peanut butter cups” so don’t go soft on them. And personally, the darker the chocolate the better. Now, run to your fridge (if you even got this far) bake and destroy!

Bacon Peanut Butter Cups recipe \\


  1. Haha! “People expect bacon” is such a true statement! Delicious, right?! Sounds so wrong… tastes so right!

  2. I saw these on Blog is the New Black, and they still make my mouth water when I see them. You take the most attractive pictures, Kita! ^_^

  3. Oh holy heaven! I want that! We recently made ice cream with bacon and beer and it was pretty awesome. Bacon really does make everything better!

  4. RavieNomNoms says:

    I saw these at Blog is the new Black too! They looked so interesting, I am happy to see someone else tried them out and loved them too…delicious!

  5. Incredible job on these….they look perfect. Bacon……I must try this combination.

  6. You are waiving my favorite kind of decadence around here. Sweet, salt, chocolate and peanut butter, nice. Maybe I should have these instead of dinner. Hope you are having a great week.

  7. Love this and do not find it unusual at all! That is some gorgeous salt you have – love the dark chocolate too! Great job!

  8. Wait, what?! Chocolate ok. Peanut butter? Sure. BACON?! I am in shock, but truly in awe. That is very brave. They look really good, and I wish I had been there to take a taste. You have sparked my curiousity.

  9. I love these recipes with bacon in them. I made a bacon maple cupcake that people went crazy for. So much fun!


  10. Oh I can only imagine how good these are. I’ve never had the 3 together but I totally take your word for it that these are GOOD. I would love to have some of these right this minute. Notice I didn’t say one I said some hahaha. I better get to it!

  11. Kita

    that combination sounds amazing…..I would be your friend forever for a plateful of those tasty treats! I love peanut butter cups and I have had chocolate covered bacon…wow…
    adding peanut butter to the mix just takes it to a whole new level!!
    Thanks for making me hungry!

  12. fooddreamer says:

    I love bacon and PB together, so it was just a matter of time before someone thought of putting them in chocolate, too! Yum!

  13. Stephanie says:

    Bacon + PB + chocolate sounds heavenly! I made chocolate bacon cupcakes and ice cream last year but I never thought to add peanut butter. This is definitely getting bookmarked!

  14. That looks just amazing. I’m definitely bookmarking this recipe! Yum!

  15. Wow…what a delicious sounding combination! I can only imagine how wonderful the creamy pb and salty bacon are in these! Love the sea salt on top as well :)!

  16. Laura Dembowski says:

    Omg! These are awesome! Gotta love peanut butter and bacon in dessert.

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