This week is my birthday week and, as usual I am preparing for my b-day party. This year I cut the invites by half and don’t have the budget that I would normally have, so its burgers and hot dogs. Nothing too exciting, but hopefully things work out. Some friends are bringing food too to help defer the cost.

So why does Pass the Sushi always go neglected? Pass the Sushi is the first domain I owned – my little beta testing space. This means that it also often is the last for updates. I have been cooking though! I promise! Nothing all too fancy, just some down-home food, lots of mac and cheese. I just don’t take any photos. 🙁
Waffles finally got scratched off the list the other week. Last weekend we played with another recipe and are definitely on to something. Waffle House Waffle recipe FTW. I haven’t scratched anything else off of my list, as currently where I do most of the cooking, there is a lack of an oven. There is however, a microwave. I haven’t had one of those suckers in so long that I forgot that they can be handy. Not my favorite, but handy.

The other blogs I work on have been picking up though, so if you are internet stalking me, you can check my other sites out for more up to date things.

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