Chicken Parmesan is a classic Italian dinner. Good comforting food to help you deal with life’s little problems… like awful, evil neighbors.

Dear Evil Neighbors,
Normally my love for old people runs deep, but you, you’re evil.

You’re old, you’ve earned some respect, you’ve seen and done things I never will. But that doesn’t mean your consistently sour demeanor and general nastiness is acceptable.

Having your contractors start work at 7 am on Sunday because you “don’t care” about your neighbors is rude. Walking your dog at 6 am and letting him run up to other dog’s yards so they bark territorially is not cool.

Your the second house in on the block with a double wide driveway. The “No Turns!!!” sign makes me want to do doughnuts. Yelling at me because you’re driving on the wrong side of the road? Um, no.

You’re old, you’re grumpy… got it. Won’t be asking you for a cup of sugar any time soon.

Yes, I know. I really did just write about my neighbors in bad form. It definently doesn’t make me the bigger person, but they really are mean. 🙁

Mean enough that I need homemade chicken Parmesan to comfort me.

Chicken Parmesan

recipe from MyRecipes


  • 1  cup  Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs
  • 2  tablespoons  all-purpose flour
  • 1/2  teaspoon  ground red pepper
  • 2  skinned and boned chicken breasts
  • 2  egg whites, lightly beaten
  • 1  tablespoon  olive oil
  • Tomato Sauce
  • 1  cup  shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4  cup  freshly grated Parmesan cheese


Combine breadcrumbs, flour, and ground red pepper in a small bowl, and set aside.

Place chicken between two sheets of heavy-duty plastic wrap, and flatten to 1/4-inch thickness, using a meat mallet or rolling pin.

Dip 1 chicken breast in egg whites, and coat with breadcrumb mixture. Dip again in egg mixture, and coat again in breadcrumb mixture.

Repeat procedure with remaining chicken breast.

Cook chicken in hot oil over medium heat 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until done.

Place chicken breasts in a single layer in a lightly greased 8-inch square baking dish. Top evenly with Tomato Sauce and cheeses.

Bake at 350° for 20 minutes or until cheeses melt.

I added extra Italian seasonings to the flour bread crumb mixture and served this chicken Parmesan over thin spaghetti.

My stove top is also not level, so the oil slides to one side of the pan making for uneven crispiness on the exterior of the chicken, sad. I am a sauce lover, so I added way more sauce to my plate then to my BFs and it still wasn’t enough. Overall super easy quick meal that I will be back to refine later.



  1. Hahahaha I laughed so hard at your post! Your neighbours sound like total douches! Do they seriously have a “No Turns” sign?? You should do doughnuts. And at 5am on a Sunday morning…go on, you know you want to! 😛

  2. RavieNomNoms says:

    I am sorry to hear about your nasty neighbors! Sheesh. This however, is one of my favorite meals, thank you so much for sharing it…it looks fantastic!

  3. Christina says:

    I’m sorry your neighbors are so mean! According to my neighbors the people we bought our house from were the mean old people on our street…Now that we’re here our neighborhood is one big party all summer long! Hopefully, for your sake, their family will find a nice nursing home for them soon and you can get some cool, hip, late sleeping on the weekend foodie neighbors with a fabulous wine collection… <3

  4. fooddreamer says:

    Aw, sorry for the grumpuses next door! This looks delicious, though and a good way to put grumpy old neighbours out of your mind!

  5. This just calls me home. Yours looks so welcoming and it is the quintessential “home and hearth” dish. Ahhh … neighbors. That’s why some people get ten acres.

  6. I hate mean neighbors! I had to deal with really bad ones up until last year… they finally left… hallelujah! So I can definitely understand your frustration.

    On a happier note, chicken parmesan is one of my faves! Thanks for reminding me of a delicious comforting meal!

  7. I do understand about neighbors and some just think they own the world and no one else matters! You need to find ways to just screw with them a bit just for fun!!

    Now your chicken parm looks perfect, to me its the best comfort food with a huge serving of pasta and lots of cheese on my parm…..sigh….life is good!

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